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namespace core_adminpresets\local\setting;
* Tests for the adminpresets_admin_setting_bloglevel class.
* @package core_adminpresets
* @category test
* @copyright 2021 Sara Arjona (
* @license GNU GPL v3 or later
* @coversDefaultClass \core_adminpresets\local\setting\adminpresets_admin_setting_bloglevel
class adminpresets_admin_setting_bloglevel_test extends \advanced_testcase {
* Test the behaviour of save_value() method.
* @covers ::save_value
* @dataProvider save_value_provider
* @param int $settingvalue Setting value to be saved.
* @param bool $expectedsaved Whether the setting will be saved or not.
public function test_save_value(int $settingvalue, bool $expectedsaved): void {
global $DB;
// Login as admin, to access all the settings.
// Set the config values (to confirm they change after applying the preset).
set_config('bloglevel', BLOG_SITE_LEVEL); // All site users can see all blog entries.
// Get the setting and save the value.
$generator = $this->getDataGenerator()->get_plugin_generator('core_adminpresets');
$setting = $generator->get_admin_preset_setting('blog', 'bloglevel');
$result = $setting->save_value(false, $settingvalue);
// Check the result is the expected (saved when it has a different value and ignored when the value is the same).
if ($expectedsaved) {
$this->assertCount(1, $DB->get_records('config_log', ['id' => $result]));
// Specific from the save_value in adminpresets_admin_setting_bloglevel.
if ($settingvalue != 0) {
$this->assertTrue((bool) $DB->get_field('block', 'visible', ['name' => 'blog_menu']));
} else {
$this->assertFalse((bool) $DB->get_field('block', 'visible', ['name' => 'blog_menu']));
} else {
$this->assertEquals($settingvalue, get_config('core', 'bloglevel'));
* Data provider for test_save_value().
* @return array
public function save_value_provider(): array {
return [
'Save the bloglevel and set blog_menu block visibility to true' => [
'setttingvalue' => BLOG_USER_LEVEL,
'expectedsaved' => true,
'Same value to bloglevel, so it will not be saved' => [
'setttingvalue' => BLOG_SITE_LEVEL,
'expectedsaved' => false,
'Save the bloglevel and set blog_menu block visibility to false' => [
'setttingvalue' => 0,
'expectedsaved' => true,