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// This file is part of Moodle -
// Moodle is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// Moodle is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with Moodle. If not, see <>.
namespace core_adminpresets;
* Admin presets helper class.
* @package core_adminpresets
* @copyright 2021 Sara Arjona (
* @license GNU GPL v3 or later
class helper {
* Create an empty preset.
* @param array $data Preset data. Supported values:
* - name. To define the preset name.
* - comments. To change the comments field.
* - author. To update the author field.
* - iscore. Whether the preset is a core preset or not. Valid values on \core_adminpresets\manager class.
* @return int The identifier of the preset created.
public static function create_preset(array $data): int {
global $CFG, $USER, $DB;
$name = array_key_exists('name', $data) ? $data['name'] : '';
$comments = array_key_exists('comments', $data) ? $data['comments'] : '';
$author = array_key_exists('author', $data) ? $data['author'] : fullname($USER);
$iscore = array_key_exists('iscore', $data) ? $data['iscore'] : manager::NONCORE_PRESET;
// Validate iscore value.
$allowed = [manager::NONCORE_PRESET, manager::STARTER_PRESET, manager::FULL_PRESET];
if (!in_array($iscore, $allowed)) {
$iscore = manager::NONCORE_PRESET;
$preset = [
'userid' => $USER->id,
'name' => $name,
'comments' => $comments,
'site' => $CFG->wwwroot,
'author' => $author,
'moodleversion' => $CFG->version,
'moodlerelease' => $CFG->release,
'iscore' => $iscore,
'timecreated' => time(),
'timeimported' => 0,
$presetid = $DB->insert_record('adminpresets', $preset);
return $presetid;
* Helper method to add a setting item to a preset.
* @param int $presetid Preset identifier where the item will belong.
* @param string $name Item name.
* @param string $value Item value.
* @param string|null $plugin Item plugin.
* @param string|null $advname If the item is an advanced setting, the name of the advanced setting should be specified here.
* @param string|null $advvalue If the item is an advanced setting, the value of the advanced setting should be specified here.
* @return int The item identificator.
public static function add_item(int $presetid, string $name, string $value, ?string $plugin = 'none',
?string $advname = null, ?string $advvalue = null): int {
global $DB;
$presetitem = [
'adminpresetid' => $presetid,
'plugin' => $plugin,
'name' => $name,
'value' => $value,
$itemid = $DB->insert_record('adminpresets_it', $presetitem);
if (!empty($advname)) {
$presetadv = [
'itemid' => $itemid,
'name' => $advname,
'value' => $advvalue,
$DB->insert_record('adminpresets_it_a', $presetadv);
return $itemid;
* Helper method to add a plugin to a preset.
* @param int $presetid Preset identifier where the item will belong.
* @param string $plugin Plugin type.
* @param string $name Plugin name.
* @param int $enabled Whether the plugin will be enabled or not.
* @return int The plugin identificator.
public static function add_plugin(int $presetid, string $plugin, string $name, int $enabled): int {
global $DB;
$pluginentry = [
'adminpresetid' => $presetid,
'plugin' => $plugin,
'name' => $name,
'enabled' => $enabled,
$pluginid = $DB->insert_record('adminpresets_plug', $pluginentry);
return $pluginid;
* Apply the given preset. If it's a filename, the preset will be imported and then applied.
* @param string $presetnameorfile The preset name to be applied or a valid preset file to be imported and applied.
* @return int|null The preset identifier that has been applied or null if the given value was not valid.
public static function change_default_preset(string $presetnameorfile): ?int {
global $DB;
$presetid = null;
// Check if the given variable points to a valid preset file to be imported and applied.
if (is_readable($presetnameorfile)) {
$xmlcontent = file_get_contents($presetnameorfile);
$manager = new manager();
list($xmlnotused, $preset) = $manager->import_preset($xmlcontent);
if (!is_null($preset)) {
list($applied) = $manager->apply_preset($preset->id);
if (!empty($applied)) {
$presetid = $preset->id;
} else {
// Check if the given preset exists; if that's the case, it will be applied.
$stringmanager = get_string_manager();
if ($stringmanager->string_exists($presetnameorfile . 'preset', 'core_adminpresets')) {
$params = ['name' => get_string($presetnameorfile . 'preset', 'core_adminpresets')];
} else {
$params = ['name' => $presetnameorfile];
if ($preset = $DB->get_record('adminpresets', $params)) {
$manager = new manager();
list($applied) = $manager->apply_preset($preset->id);
if (!empty($applied)) {
$presetid = $preset->id;
return $presetid;
* Helper method to create default site admin presets and initialize them.
public static function create_default_presets(): void {
// Create the "Starter" site admin preset.
$data = [
'name' => get_string('starterpreset', 'core_adminpresets'),
'comments' => get_string('starterpresetdescription', 'core_adminpresets'),
'iscore' => manager::STARTER_PRESET,
$presetid = static::create_preset($data);
// Add settings to the "Starter" site admin preset.
static::add_item($presetid, 'usecomments', '0');
static::add_item($presetid, 'usetags', '0');
static::add_item($presetid, 'enablenotes', '0');
static::add_item($presetid, 'enableblogs', '0');
static::add_item($presetid, 'enablebadges', '0');
static::add_item($presetid, 'enableanalytics', '0');
static::add_item($presetid, 'enabled', '0', 'core_competency');
static::add_item($presetid, 'pushcourseratingstouserplans', '0', 'core_competency');
static::add_item($presetid, 'showdataretentionsummary', '0', 'tool_dataprivacy');
static::add_item($presetid, 'forum_maxattachments', '3');
static::add_item($presetid, 'guestloginbutton', '0');
// Set Activity chooser tabs to "Starred, Recommended, All".
static::add_item($presetid, 'activitychoosertabmode', '4');
// Modules: Hide chat, database, external tool (lti), IMS content package (imscp), lesson, SCORM, survey, wiki, workshop.
static::add_plugin($presetid, 'mod', 'chat', false);
static::add_plugin($presetid, 'mod', 'data', false);
static::add_plugin($presetid, 'mod', 'lti', false);
static::add_plugin($presetid, 'mod', 'imscp', false);
static::add_plugin($presetid, 'mod', 'lesson', false);
static::add_plugin($presetid, 'mod', 'scorm', false);
static::add_plugin($presetid, 'mod', 'survey', false);
static::add_plugin($presetid, 'mod', 'wiki', false);
static::add_plugin($presetid, 'mod', 'workshop', false);
// Availability restrictions: Hide Grouping, User profile.
static::add_plugin($presetid, 'availability', 'grouping', false);
static::add_plugin($presetid, 'availability', 'profile', false);
// Blocks: Hide Activities, Blog menu, Blog tags, Comments, Course completion status, Courses, Flickr,
// Global search, Latest badges, Learning plans, Logged in user, Login, Main menu, Mentees, Network servers, Online users,
// Private files, Recent blog entries, Recently accessed courses, Search forums, Section links, Social activities,
// Starred courses, Tags, YouTube.
// Hidden by default: Course/site summary, RSS feeds, Self completion, Feedback.
static::add_plugin($presetid, 'block', 'activity_modules', false);
static::add_plugin($presetid, 'block', 'blog_menu', false);
static::add_plugin($presetid, 'block', 'blog_tags', false);
static::add_plugin($presetid, 'block', 'comments', false);
static::add_plugin($presetid, 'block', 'completionstatus', false);
static::add_plugin($presetid, 'block', 'course_summary', false);
static::add_plugin($presetid, 'block', 'course_list', false);
static::add_plugin($presetid, 'block', 'tag_flickr', false);
static::add_plugin($presetid, 'block', 'globalsearch', false);
static::add_plugin($presetid, 'block', 'badges', false);
static::add_plugin($presetid, 'block', 'lp', false);
static::add_plugin($presetid, 'block', 'myprofile', false);
static::add_plugin($presetid, 'block', 'login', false);
static::add_plugin($presetid, 'block', 'site_main_menu', false);
static::add_plugin($presetid, 'block', 'mentees', false);
static::add_plugin($presetid, 'block', 'mnet_hosts', false);
static::add_plugin($presetid, 'block', 'private_files', false);
static::add_plugin($presetid, 'block', 'blog_recent', false);
static::add_plugin($presetid, 'block', 'rss_client', false);
static::add_plugin($presetid, 'block', 'search_forums', false);
static::add_plugin($presetid, 'block', 'section_links', false);
static::add_plugin($presetid, 'block', 'selfcompletion', false);
static::add_plugin($presetid, 'block', 'social_activities', false);
static::add_plugin($presetid, 'block', 'tags', false);
static::add_plugin($presetid, 'block', 'tag_youtube', false);
static::add_plugin($presetid, 'block', 'feedback', false);
static::add_plugin($presetid, 'block', 'online_users', false);
static::add_plugin($presetid, 'block', 'recentlyaccessedcourses', false);
static::add_plugin($presetid, 'block', 'starredcourses', false);
// Course formats: Disable Social format.
static::add_plugin($presetid, 'format', 'social', false);
// Data formats: Disable Javascript Object Notation (.json).
static::add_plugin($presetid, 'dataformat', 'json', false);
// Enrolments: Disable Cohort sync, Guest access.
static::add_plugin($presetid, 'enrol', 'cohort', false);
static::add_plugin($presetid, 'enrol', 'guest', false);
// Filter: Disable MathJax, Activity names auto-linking.
static::add_plugin($presetid, 'filter', 'mathjaxloader', TEXTFILTER_DISABLED);
static::add_plugin($presetid, 'filter', 'activitynames', TEXTFILTER_DISABLED);
// Question behaviours: Disable Adaptive mode (no penalties), Deferred feedback with CBM, Immediate feedback with CBM.
static::add_plugin($presetid, 'qbehaviour', 'adaptivenopenalty', false);
static::add_plugin($presetid, 'qbehaviour', 'deferredcbm', false);
static::add_plugin($presetid, 'qbehaviour', 'immediatecbm', false);
// Question types: Disable Calculated, Calculated multichoice, Calculated simple, Drag and drop markers,
// Drag and drop onto image, Embedded answers (Cloze), Numerical, Random short-answer matching.
static::add_plugin($presetid, 'qtype', 'calculated', false);
static::add_plugin($presetid, 'qtype', 'calculatedmulti', false);
static::add_plugin($presetid, 'qtype', 'calculatedsimple', false);
static::add_plugin($presetid, 'qtype', 'ddmarker', false);
static::add_plugin($presetid, 'qtype', 'ddimageortext', false);
static::add_plugin($presetid, 'qtype', 'multianswer', false);
static::add_plugin($presetid, 'qtype', 'numerical', false);
static::add_plugin($presetid, 'qtype', 'randomsamatch', false);
// Repositories: Disable Server files, URL downloader, Wikimedia.
static::add_plugin($presetid, 'repository', 'local', false);
static::add_plugin($presetid, 'repository', 'url', false);
static::add_plugin($presetid, 'repository', 'wikimedia', false);
// Create the "Full" site admin preset.
$data = [
'name' => get_string('fullpreset', 'core_adminpresets'),
'comments' => get_string('fullpresetdescription', 'core_adminpresets'),
'iscore' => manager::FULL_PRESET,
$presetid = static::create_preset($data);
// Add settings to the "Full" site admin preset.
static::add_item($presetid, 'usecomments', '1');
static::add_item($presetid, 'usetags', '1');
static::add_item($presetid, 'enablenotes', '1');
static::add_item($presetid, 'enableblogs', '1');
static::add_item($presetid, 'enablebadges', '1');
static::add_item($presetid, 'enableanalytics', '1');
static::add_item($presetid, 'enabled', '1', 'core_competency');
static::add_item($presetid, 'pushcourseratingstouserplans', '1', 'core_competency');
static::add_item($presetid, 'showdataretentionsummary', '1', 'tool_dataprivacy');
static::add_item($presetid, 'forum_maxattachments', '9');
static::add_item($presetid, 'guestloginbutton', '1');
// Set Activity chooser tabs to the default value ("Starred, Recommended, All, Activities, Resources").
static::add_item($presetid, 'activitychoosertabmode', '3');
// Modules: Enable database, external tool (lti), IMS content package (imscp), lesson, SCORM, wiki, workshop.
static::add_plugin($presetid, 'mod', 'data', true);
static::add_plugin($presetid, 'mod', 'lti', true);
static::add_plugin($presetid, 'mod', 'imscp', true);
static::add_plugin($presetid, 'mod', 'lesson', true);
static::add_plugin($presetid, 'mod', 'scorm', true);
static::add_plugin($presetid, 'mod', 'wiki', true);
static::add_plugin($presetid, 'mod', 'workshop', true);
// Availability restrictions: Enable Grouping, User profile.
static::add_plugin($presetid, 'availability', 'grouping', true);
static::add_plugin($presetid, 'availability', 'profile', true);
// Blocks: Enable Activities, Blog menu, Blog tags, Comments, Course completion status, Courses, Flickr,
// Global search, Latest badges, Learning plans, Logged in user, Login, Main menu, Mentees, Network servers, Online users,
// Private files, Recent blog entries, Recently accessed courses, Search forums, Section links, Social activities,
// Starred courses, Tags, YouTube.
// Hidden by default: Course/site summary, RSS feeds, Self completion, Feedback.
static::add_plugin($presetid, 'block', 'activity_modules', true);
static::add_plugin($presetid, 'block', 'blog_menu', true);
static::add_plugin($presetid, 'block', 'blog_tags', true);
static::add_plugin($presetid, 'block', 'comments', true);
static::add_plugin($presetid, 'block', 'completionstatus', true);
static::add_plugin($presetid, 'block', 'course_list', true);
static::add_plugin($presetid, 'block', 'tag_flickr', true);
static::add_plugin($presetid, 'block', 'globalsearch', true);
static::add_plugin($presetid, 'block', 'badges', true);
static::add_plugin($presetid, 'block', 'lp', true);
static::add_plugin($presetid, 'block', 'myprofile', true);
static::add_plugin($presetid, 'block', 'login', true);
static::add_plugin($presetid, 'block', 'site_main_menu', true);
static::add_plugin($presetid, 'block', 'mentees', true);
static::add_plugin($presetid, 'block', 'mnet_hosts', true);
static::add_plugin($presetid, 'block', 'private_files', true);
static::add_plugin($presetid, 'block', 'blog_recent', true);
static::add_plugin($presetid, 'block', 'search_forums', true);
static::add_plugin($presetid, 'block', 'section_links', true);
static::add_plugin($presetid, 'block', 'social_activities', true);
static::add_plugin($presetid, 'block', 'tags', true);
static::add_plugin($presetid, 'block', 'online_users', true);
static::add_plugin($presetid, 'block', 'recentlyaccessedcourses', true);
static::add_plugin($presetid, 'block', 'starredcourses', true);
// Course formats: Enable Social format.
static::add_plugin($presetid, 'format', 'social', true);
// Data formats: Enable Javascript Object Notation (.json).
static::add_plugin($presetid, 'dataformat', 'json', true);
// Enrolments: Enable Cohort sync, Guest access.
static::add_plugin($presetid, 'enrol', 'cohort', true);
static::add_plugin($presetid, 'enrol', 'guest', true);
// Filter: Enable MathJax, Activity names auto-linking.
static::add_plugin($presetid, 'filter', 'mathjaxloader', TEXTFILTER_ON);
static::add_plugin($presetid, 'filter', 'activitynames', TEXTFILTER_ON);
// Question behaviours: Enable Adaptive mode (no penalties), Deferred feedback with CBM, Immediate feedback with CBM.
static::add_plugin($presetid, 'qbehaviour', 'adaptivenopenalty', true);
static::add_plugin($presetid, 'qbehaviour', 'deferredcbm', true);
static::add_plugin($presetid, 'qbehaviour', 'immediatecbm', true);
// Question types: Enable Calculated, Calculated multichoice, Calculated simple, Drag and drop markers,
// Drag and drop onto image, Embedded answers (Cloze), Numerical, Random short-answer matching.
static::add_plugin($presetid, 'qtype', 'calculated', true);
static::add_plugin($presetid, 'qtype', 'calculatedmulti', true);
static::add_plugin($presetid, 'qtype', 'calculatedsimple', true);
static::add_plugin($presetid, 'qtype', 'ddmarker', true);
static::add_plugin($presetid, 'qtype', 'ddimageortext', true);
static::add_plugin($presetid, 'qtype', 'multianswer', true);
static::add_plugin($presetid, 'qtype', 'numerical', true);
static::add_plugin($presetid, 'qtype', 'randomsamatch', true);
// Repositories: Enable Server files, URL downloader, Wikimedia.
static::add_plugin($presetid, 'repository', 'local', true);
static::add_plugin($presetid, 'repository', 'url', true);
static::add_plugin($presetid, 'repository', 'wikimedia', true);