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| question | page | requireprevious |
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| question | page | requireprevious |
51 |
| Test used question to be deleted | 1 | 0 |
51 |
| Test used question to be deleted | 1 | 0 |
52 |
When I am on the "Course 1" "core_question > course question bank" page
52 |
When I am on the "Course 1" "core_question > course question bank" page
53 |
And I choose "Delete" action for "Test used question to be deleted" in the question bank
53 |
And I choose "Delete" action for "Test used question to be deleted" in the question bank
54 |
And I should see "This will delete the following question and all its versions:"
54 |
And I should see "This will delete the following question and all its versions:"
55 |
And I should see "* Denotes questions which can't be deleted because they are in use. Instead, they will be hidden in the question bank unless you select 'Show old questions'."
55 |
And I should see "* Denotes questions which can't be deleted because they are in use. Instead, they will be hidden in the question bank unless you set 'Show hidden questions' to 'Yes'."
56 |
And I press "Delete"
56 |
And I press "Delete"
57 |
Then I should not see "Test used question to be deleted"
57 |
Then I should not see "Test used question to be deleted"
58 |
And I apply question bank filter "Show hidden questions" with value "Yes"
58 |
And I apply question bank filter "Show hidden questions" with value "Yes"
59 |
And I should see "Test used question to be deleted"
59 |
And I should see "Test used question to be deleted"
60 |
And I am on the "Test quiz" "quiz activity" page
60 |
And I am on the "Test quiz" "quiz activity" page
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When the following "core_question > updated questions" exist:
78 |
When the following "core_question > updated questions" exist:
79 |
| questioncategory | question | questiontext |
79 |
| questioncategory | question | questiontext |
80 |
| Test questions | Test question to be deleted | Test question to be deleted version 2 |
80 |
| Test questions | Test question to be deleted | Test question to be deleted version 2 |
81 |
And I choose "Delete" action for "Test question to be deleted" in the question bank
81 |
And I choose "Delete" action for "Test question to be deleted" in the question bank
82 |
And I should see "This will delete the following question and all its versions:"
82 |
And I should see "This will delete the following question and all its versions:"
83 |
And I should not see "* Denotes questions which can't be deleted because they are in use. Instead, they will be hidden in the question bank unless you select 'Show old questions'."
83 |
And I should not see "* Denotes questions which can't be deleted because they are in use. Instead, they will be hidden in the question bank unless you set 'Show hidden questions' to 'Yes'."
84 |
And I press "Delete"
84 |
And I press "Delete"
85 |
Then I should not see "Test question to be deleted"
85 |
Then I should not see "Test question to be deleted"
86 |
And I should not see "Test question to be deleted version2"
86 |
And I should not see "Test question to be deleted version2"