Línea 267... |
Línea 267... |
267 |
$string['userwouldliketocontactyou'] = '{$a} would like to contact you';
267 |
$string['userwouldliketocontactyou'] = '{$a} would like to contact you';
268 |
$string['viewfullnotification'] = 'View full notification';
268 |
$string['viewfullnotification'] = 'View full notification';
269 |
$string['viewmessageswith'] = 'View messages with {$a}';
269 |
$string['viewmessageswith'] = 'View messages with {$a}';
270 |
$string['viewnotificationresource'] = 'Go to: {$a}';
270 |
$string['viewnotificationresource'] = 'Go to: {$a}';
271 |
$string['viewunreadmessageswith'] = 'View unread messages with {$a}';
271 |
$string['viewunreadmessageswith'] = 'View unread messages with {$a}';
- |
272 |
$string['waitingforcontactaccept'] = 'Waiting to be added as contact';
272 |
$string['writeamessage'] = 'Write a message...';
273 |
$string['writeamessage'] = 'Write a message...';
273 |
$string['wouldliketocontactyou'] = 'Would like to contact you';
274 |
$string['wouldliketocontactyou'] = 'Would like to contact you';
274 |
$string['you'] = 'You:';
275 |
$string['you'] = 'You:';
275 |
$string['youhaveblockeduser'] = 'You have blocked this user.';
276 |
$string['youhaveblockeduser'] = 'You have blocked this user.';
276 |
$string['yourcontactrequestpending'] = 'Your contact request is pending with {$a}';
277 |
$string['yourcontactrequestpending'] = 'Your contact request is pending with {$a}';