Línea 45... |
Línea 45... |
45 |
$string['csvextracolumns'] = 'Column(s) <b>{$a}</b> will be ignored.';
45 |
$string['csvextracolumns'] = 'Column(s) <b>{$a}</b> will be ignored.';
46 |
$string['currentusers'] = 'Current users';
46 |
$string['currentusers'] = 'Current users';
47 |
$string['currentusersmatching'] = 'Current users matching';
47 |
$string['currentusersmatching'] = 'Current users matching';
48 |
$string['defaultcontext'] = 'Default context';
48 |
$string['defaultcontext'] = 'Default context';
49 |
$string['delcohort'] = 'Delete cohort';
49 |
$string['delcohort'] = 'Delete cohort';
50 |
$string['delconfirm'] = 'Do you really want to delete cohort \'{$a}\'?';
50 |
$string['delconfirm'] = 'This will delete cohort \'{$a}\' and all associated data.';
51 |
$string['description'] = 'Description';
51 |
$string['description'] = 'Description';
52 |
$string['displayedrows'] = '{$a->displayed} rows displayed out of {$a->total}.';
52 |
$string['displayedrows'] = '{$a->displayed} rows displayed out of {$a->total}.';
53 |
$string['duplicateidnumber'] = 'Cohort with the same ID number already exists';
53 |
$string['duplicateidnumber'] = 'Cohort with the same ID number already exists';
54 |
$string['editcohort'] = 'Edit cohort';
54 |
$string['editcohort'] = 'Edit cohort';
55 |
$string['editcohortidnumber'] = 'Edit cohort ID';
55 |
$string['editcohortidnumber'] = 'Edit cohort ID';