Línea 73... |
Línea 73... |
73 |
$string['alternativefullnameformat'] = 'Alternative full name format';
73 |
$string['alternativefullnameformat'] = 'Alternative full name format';
74 |
$string['alternativefullnameformat_desc'] = 'This defines how names are shown to users with the viewfullnames capability (by default users with the role of manager, teacher or non-editing teacher). Placeholders that can be used are as for the "Full name format" setting.';
74 |
$string['alternativefullnameformat_desc'] = 'This defines how names are shown to users with the viewfullnames capability (by default users with the role of manager, teacher or non-editing teacher). Placeholders that can be used are as for the "Full name format" setting.';
75 |
$string['always'] = 'Always';
75 |
$string['always'] = 'Always';
76 |
$string['appearance'] = 'Appearance';
76 |
$string['appearance'] = 'Appearance';
77 |
$string['aspellpath'] = 'Path to aspell';
77 |
$string['aspellpath'] = 'Path to aspell';
78 |
$string['asyncbackupdisabled'] = 'Your site is currently configured to use synchronous backups. Asynchronous backups provide a better user experience.
78 |
$string['asyncbackupdisabled'] = 'Your site is currently configured to use synchronous backups. Asynchronous backups provide a better user experience, allowing users to do other operations while a backup or restore is in progress. Asynchronous backups are enabled for all sites from Moodle 4.5 LTS. Synchronous backups will be removed from Moodle LMS the version after 4.5 LTS.';
79 |
Asynchronous backups will be enabled for all sites from Moodle LMS 4.5 LTS.
- |
80 |
Synchronous backups will be removed from Moodle LMS the version after 4.5 LTS';
- |
81 |
$string['authentication'] = 'Authentication';
79 |
$string['authentication'] = 'Authentication';
82 |
$string['authpreventaccountcreation'] = 'Prevent account creation when authenticating';
80 |
$string['authpreventaccountcreation'] = 'Prevent account creation when authenticating';
83 |
$string['authpreventaccountcreation_help'] = 'When a user authenticates, an account on the site is automatically created if it doesn\'t yet exist. If an external database, such as LDAP, is used for authentication, but you wish to restrict access to the site to users with an existing account only, then this option should be enabled. New accounts will need to be created manually or via the upload users feature. Note that this setting doesn\'t apply to MNet authentication.';
81 |
$string['authpreventaccountcreation_help'] = 'When a user authenticates, an account on the site is automatically created if it doesn\'t yet exist. If an external database, such as LDAP, is used for authentication, but you wish to restrict access to the site to users with an existing account only, then this option should be enabled. New accounts will need to be created manually or via the upload users feature. Note that this setting doesn\'t apply to MNet authentication.';
84 |
$string['authsettings'] = 'Manage authentication';
82 |
$string['authsettings'] = 'Manage authentication';
85 |
$string['autolang'] = 'Language autodetect';
83 |
$string['autolang'] = 'Language autodetect';
Línea 445... |
Línea 443... |
445 |
$string['courselistshortnames'] = 'Display extended course names';
443 |
$string['courselistshortnames'] = 'Display extended course names';
446 |
$string['courselistshortnames_desc'] = 'If enabled, course short names will be displayed in addition to full names in course lists. If required, extended course names may be customised by editing the \'courseextendednamedisplay\' language string using the language customisation feature.';
444 |
$string['courselistshortnames_desc'] = 'If enabled, course short names will be displayed in addition to full names in course lists. If required, extended course names may be customised by editing the \'courseextendednamedisplay\' language string using the language customisation feature.';
447 |
$string['coursemgmt'] = 'Manage courses and categories';
445 |
$string['coursemgmt'] = 'Manage courses and categories';
448 |
$string['courseoverview'] = 'Course overview';
446 |
$string['courseoverview'] = 'Course overview';
449 |
$string['courserequestnotify'] = 'Course request notification';
447 |
$string['courserequestnotify'] = 'Course request notification';
450 |
$string['courserequestnotifyemail'] = '{$a->user} requested a new course <a href="{$a->link}">{$a->link}</a>';
448 |
$string['courserequestnotifyemail'] = 'User {$a->user} requested a new course at <a href="{$a->link}">{$a->link}</a>.';
451 |
$string['courserequests'] = 'Course requests';
449 |
$string['courserequests'] = 'Course requests';
452 |
$string['courserequestspending'] = 'Pending course requests';
450 |
$string['courserequestspending'] = 'Pending course requests';
453 |
$string['courses'] = 'Courses';
451 |
$string['courses'] = 'Courses';
454 |
$string['coursesperpage'] = 'Courses per page';
452 |
$string['coursesperpage'] = 'Courses per page';
455 |
$string['courseswithsummarieslimit'] = 'Courses with summaries limit';
453 |
$string['courseswithsummarieslimit'] = 'Courses with summaries limit';