1 |
efrain |
1 |
// Bootstrap functions
2 |
3 |
// Utility mixins and functions for evaluating source code across our variables, maps, and mixins.
4 |
5 |
// Ascending
6 |
// Used to evaluate Sass maps like our grid breakpoints.
7 |
@mixin _assert-ascending($map, $map-name) {
8 |
$prev-key: null;
9 |
$prev-num: null;
10 |
@each $key, $num in $map {
11 |
@if $prev-num == null or unit($num) == "%" or unit($prev-num) == "%" {
12 |
// Do nothing
13 |
} @else if not comparable($prev-num, $num) {
14 |
@warn "Potentially invalid value for #{$map-name}: This map must be in ascending order, but key '#{$key}' has value #{$num} whose unit makes it incomparable to #{$prev-num}, the value of the previous key '#{$prev-key}' !";
15 |
} @else if $prev-num >= $num {
16 |
@warn "Invalid value for #{$map-name}: This map must be in ascending order, but key '#{$key}' has value #{$num} which isn't greater than #{$prev-num}, the value of the previous key '#{$prev-key}' !";
17 |
18 |
$prev-key: $key;
19 |
$prev-num: $num;
20 |
21 |
22 |
23 |
// Starts at zero
24 |
// Used to ensure the min-width of the lowest breakpoint starts at 0.
25 |
@mixin _assert-starts-at-zero($map, $map-name: "$grid-breakpoints") {
26 |
@if length($map) > 0 {
27 |
$values: map-values($map);
28 |
$first-value: nth($values, 1);
29 |
@if $first-value != 0 {
30 |
@warn "First breakpoint in #{$map-name} must start at 0, but starts at #{$first-value}.";
31 |
32 |
33 |
34 |
35 |
// Replace `$search` with `$replace` in `$string`
36 |
// Used on our SVG icon backgrounds for custom forms.
37 |
38 |
// @author Hugo Giraudel
39 |
// @param {String} $string - Initial string
40 |
// @param {String} $search - Substring to replace
41 |
// @param {String} $replace ('') - New value
42 |
// @return {String} - Updated string
43 |
@function str-replace($string, $search, $replace: "") {
44 |
$index: str-index($string, $search);
45 |
46 |
@if $index {
47 |
@return str-slice($string, 1, $index - 1) + $replace + str-replace(str-slice($string, $index + str-length($search)), $search, $replace);
48 |
49 |
50 |
@return $string;
51 |
52 |
53 |
// See https://codepen.io/kevinweber/pen/dXWoRw
54 |
55 |
// Requires the use of quotes around data URIs.
56 |
57 |
@function escape-svg($string) {
58 |
@if str-index($string, "data:image/svg+xml") {
59 |
@each $char, $encoded in $escaped-characters {
60 |
// Do not escape the url brackets
61 |
@if str-index($string, "url(") == 1 {
62 |
$string: url("#{str-replace(str-slice($string, 6, -3), $char, $encoded)}");
63 |
} @else {
64 |
$string: str-replace($string, $char, $encoded);
65 |
66 |
67 |
68 |
69 |
@return $string;
70 |
71 |
72 |
// Color contrast
73 |
@function color-yiq($color, $dark: $yiq-text-dark, $light: $yiq-text-light) {
74 |
$r: red($color);
75 |
$g: green($color);
76 |
$b: blue($color);
77 |
78 |
$yiq: (($r * 299) + ($g * 587) + ($b * 114)) * 0.001;
79 |
80 |
@if ($yiq >= $yiq-contrasted-threshold) {
81 |
@return $dark;
82 |
} @else {
83 |
@return $light;
84 |
85 |
86 |
87 |
// Retrieve color Sass maps
88 |
@function color($key: "blue") {
89 |
@return map-get($colors, $key);
90 |
91 |
92 |
@function theme-color($key: "primary") {
93 |
@return map-get($theme-colors, $key);
94 |
95 |
96 |
@function gray($key: "100") {
97 |
@return map-get($grays, $key);
98 |
99 |
100 |
// Request a theme color level
101 |
@function theme-color-level($color-name: "primary", $level: 0) {
102 |
$color: theme-color($color-name);
103 |
$color-base: if($level > 0, $black, $white);
104 |
$level: abs($level);
105 |
106 |
@return mix($color-base, $color, $level * $theme-color-interval);
107 |
108 |
109 |
// Return valid calc
110 |
@function add($value1, $value2, $return-calc: true) {
111 |
@if $value1 == null {
112 |
@return $value2;
113 |
114 |
115 |
@if $value2 == null {
116 |
@return $value1;
117 |
118 |
119 |
@if type-of($value1) == number and type-of($value2) == number and comparable($value1, $value2) {
120 |
@return $value1 + $value2;
121 |
122 |
123 |
@return if($return-calc == true, calc(#{$value1} + #{$value2}), $value1 + unquote(" + ") + $value2);
124 |
125 |
126 |
@function subtract($value1, $value2, $return-calc: true) {
127 |
@if $value1 == null and $value2 == null {
128 |
@return null;
129 |
130 |
131 |
@if $value1 == null {
132 |
@return -$value2;
133 |
134 |
135 |
@if $value2 == null {
136 |
@return $value1;
137 |
138 |
139 |
@if type-of($value1) == number and type-of($value2) == number and comparable($value1, $value2) {
140 |
@return $value1 - $value2;
141 |
142 |
143 |
@return if($return-calc == true, calc(#{$value1} - #{$value2}), $value1 + unquote(" - ") + $value2);
144 |