6056 |
efrain |
1 |
/*! JsRender v1.0.7: http://jsviews.com/#jsrender */
2 |
/*! **VERSION FOR WEB** (For NODE.JS see http://jsviews.com/download/jsrender-node.js) */
3 |
4 |
* Best-of-breed templating in browser or on Node.js.
5 |
* Does not require jQuery, or HTML DOM
6 |
* Integrates with JsViews (http://jsviews.com/#jsviews)
7 |
8 |
* Copyright 2020, Boris Moore
9 |
* Released under the MIT License.
10 |
11 |
12 |
//jshint -W018, -W041, -W120
13 |
14 |
(function(factory, global) {
15 |
// global var is the this object, which is window when running in the usual browser environment
16 |
var $ = global.jQuery;
17 |
18 |
if (typeof exports === "object") { // CommonJS e.g. Browserify
19 |
module.exports = $
20 |
? factory(global, $)
21 |
: function($) { // If no global jQuery, take optional jQuery passed as parameter: require('jsrender')(jQuery)
22 |
if ($ && !$.fn) {
23 |
throw "Provide jQuery or null";
24 |
25 |
return factory(global, $);
26 |
27 |
} else if (typeof define === "function" && define.amd) { // AMD script loader, e.g. RequireJS
28 |
define(function() {
29 |
return factory(global);
30 |
31 |
} else { // Browser using plain <script> tag
32 |
factory(global, false);
33 |
34 |
} (
35 |
36 |
// factory (for jsrender.js)
37 |
function(global, $) {
38 |
"use strict";
39 |
40 |
//========================== Top-level vars ==========================
41 |
42 |
// global var is the this object, which is window when running in the usual browser environment
43 |
var setGlobals = $ === false; // Only set globals if script block in browser (not AMD and not CommonJS)
44 |
45 |
$ = $ && $.fn ? $ : global.jQuery; // $ is jQuery passed in by CommonJS loader (Browserify), or global jQuery.
46 |
47 |
var versionNumber = "v1.0.7",
48 |
jsvStoreName, rTag, rTmplString, topView, $views, $expando,
49 |
_ocp = "_ocp", // Observable contextual parameter
50 |
51 |
$isFunction, $isArray, $templates, $converters, $helpers, $tags, $sub, $subSettings, $subSettingsAdvanced, $viewsSettings,
52 |
delimOpenChar0, delimOpenChar1, delimCloseChar0, delimCloseChar1, linkChar, setting, baseOnError,
53 |
54 |
55 |
rNewLine = /[ \t]*(\r\n|\n|\r)/g,
56 |
rUnescapeQuotes = /\\(['"\\])/g, // Unescape quotes and trim
57 |
rEscapeQuotes = /['"\\]/g, // Escape quotes and \ character
58 |
rBuildHash = /(?:\x08|^)(onerror:)?(?:(~?)(([\w$.]+):)?([^\x08]+))\x08(,)?([^\x08]+)/gi,
59 |
rTestElseIf = /^if\s/,
60 |
rFirstElem = /<(\w+)[>\s]/,
61 |
rAttrEncode = /[\x00`><"'&=]/g, // Includes > encoding since rConvertMarkers in JsViews does not skip > characters in attribute strings
62 |
rIsHtml = /[\x00`><\"'&=]/,
63 |
rHasHandlers = /^on[A-Z]|^convert(Back)?$/,
64 |
rWrappedInViewMarker = /^\#\d+_`[\s\S]*\/\d+_`$/,
65 |
rHtmlEncode = rAttrEncode,
66 |
rDataEncode = /[&<>]/g,
67 |
rDataUnencode = /&(amp|gt|lt);/g,
68 |
rBracketQuote = /\[['"]?|['"]?\]/g,
69 |
viewId = 0,
70 |
charEntities = {
71 |
"&": "&",
72 |
"<": "<",
73 |
">": ">",
74 |
"\x00": "�",
75 |
"'": "'",
76 |
'"': """,
77 |
"`": "`",
78 |
"=": "="
79 |
80 |
charsFromEntities = {
81 |
amp: "&",
82 |
gt: ">",
83 |
lt: "<"
84 |
85 |
HTML = "html",
86 |
OBJECT = "object",
87 |
tmplAttr = "data-jsv-tmpl",
88 |
jsvTmpl = "jsvTmpl",
89 |
indexStr = "For #index in nested block use #getIndex().",
90 |
cpFnStore = {}, // Compiled furnctions for computed values in template expressions (properties, methods, helpers)
91 |
$render = {},
92 |
93 |
jsr = global.jsrender,
94 |
jsrToJq = jsr && $ && !$.render, // JsRender already loaded, without jQuery. but we will re-load it now to attach to jQuery
95 |
96 |
jsvStores = {
97 |
template: {
98 |
compile: compileTmpl
99 |
100 |
tag: {
101 |
compile: compileTag
102 |
103 |
viewModel: {
104 |
compile: compileViewModel
105 |
106 |
helper: {},
107 |
converter: {}
108 |
109 |
110 |
// views object ($.views if jQuery is loaded, jsrender.views if no jQuery, e.g. in Node.js)
111 |
$views = {
112 |
jsviews: versionNumber,
113 |
sub: {
114 |
// subscription, e.g. JsViews integration
115 |
rPath: /^(!*?)(?:null|true|false|\d[\d.]*|([\w$]+|\.|~([\w$]+)|#(view|([\w$]+))?)([\w$.^]*?)(?:[.[^]([\w$]+)\]?)?)$/g,
116 |
// not object helper view viewProperty pathTokens leafToken
117 |
118 |
rPrm: /(\()(?=\s*\()|(?:([([])\s*)?(?:(\^?)(~?[\w$.^]+)?\s*((\+\+|--)|\+|-|~(?![\w$])|&&|\|\||===|!==|==|!=|<=|>=|[<>%*:?\/]|(=))\s*|(!*?(@)?[#~]?[\w$.^]+)([([])?)|(,\s*)|(?:(\()\s*)?\\?(?:(')|("))|(?:\s*(([)\]])(?=[.^]|\s*$|[^([])|[)\]])([([]?))|(\s+)/g,
119 |
// lftPrn0 lftPrn bound path operator err eq path2 late prn comma lftPrn2 apos quot rtPrn rtPrnDot prn2 space
120 |
121 |
View: View,
122 |
Err: JsViewsError,
123 |
tmplFn: tmplFn,
124 |
parse: parseParams,
125 |
extend: $extend,
126 |
extendCtx: extendCtx,
127 |
syntaxErr: syntaxError,
128 |
onStore: {
129 |
template: function(name, item) {
130 |
if (item === null) {
131 |
delete $render[name];
132 |
} else if (name) {
133 |
$render[name] = item;
134 |
135 |
136 |
137 |
addSetting: addSetting,
138 |
settings: {
139 |
allowCode: false
140 |
141 |
advSet: noop, // Update advanced settings
142 |
_thp: tagHandlersFromProps,
143 |
_gm: getMethod,
144 |
_tg: function() {}, // Constructor for tagDef
145 |
_cnvt: convertVal,
146 |
_tag: renderTag,
147 |
_er: error,
148 |
_err: onRenderError,
149 |
_cp: retVal, // Get observable contextual parameters (or properties) ~foo=expr. In JsRender, simply returns val.
150 |
_sq: function(token) {
151 |
if (token === "constructor") {
152 |
153 |
154 |
return token;
155 |
156 |
157 |
settings: {
158 |
delimiters: $viewsDelimiters,
159 |
advanced: function(value) {
160 |
return value
161 |
? (
162 |
$extend($subSettingsAdvanced, value),
163 |
164 |
165 |
166 |
: $subSettingsAdvanced;
167 |
168 |
169 |
map: dataMap // If jsObservable loaded first, use that definition of dataMap
170 |
171 |
172 |
function getDerivedMethod(baseMethod, method) {
173 |
return function() {
174 |
var ret,
175 |
tag = this,
176 |
prevBase = tag.base;
177 |
178 |
tag.base = baseMethod; // Within method call, calling this.base will call the base method
179 |
ret = method.apply(tag, arguments); // Call the method
180 |
tag.base = prevBase; // Replace this.base to be the base method of the previous call, for chained calls
181 |
return ret;
182 |
183 |
184 |
185 |
function getMethod(baseMethod, method) {
186 |
// For derived methods (or handlers declared declaratively as in {{:foo onChange=~fooChanged}} replace by a derived method, to allow using this.base(...)
187 |
// or this.baseApply(arguments) to call the base implementation. (Equivalent to this._super(...) and this._superApply(arguments) in jQuery UI)
188 |
if ($isFunction(method)) {
189 |
method = getDerivedMethod(
190 |
191 |
? noop // no base method implementation, so use noop as base method
192 |
: baseMethod._d
193 |
? baseMethod // baseMethod is a derived method, so use it
194 |
: getDerivedMethod(noop, baseMethod), // baseMethod is not derived so make its base method be the noop method
195 |
196 |
197 |
method._d = (baseMethod && baseMethod._d || 0) + 1; // Add flag for derived method (incremented for derived of derived...)
198 |
199 |
return method;
200 |
201 |
202 |
function tagHandlersFromProps(tag, tagCtx) {
203 |
var prop,
204 |
props = tagCtx.props;
205 |
for (prop in props) {
206 |
if (rHasHandlers.test(prop) && !(tag[prop] && tag[prop].fix)) { // Don't override handlers with fix expando (used in datepicker and spinner)
207 |
tag[prop] = prop !== "convert" ? getMethod(tag.constructor.prototype[prop], props[prop]) : props[prop];
208 |
// Copy over the onFoo props, convert and convertBack from tagCtx.props to tag (overrides values in tagDef).
209 |
// Note: unsupported scenario: if handlers are dynamically added ^onFoo=expression this will work, but dynamically removing will not work.
210 |
211 |
212 |
213 |
214 |
function retVal(val) {
215 |
return val;
216 |
217 |
218 |
function noop() {
219 |
return "";
220 |
221 |
222 |
function dbgBreak(val) {
223 |
// Usage examples: {{dbg:...}}, {{:~dbg(...)}}, {{dbg .../}}, {^{for ... onAfterLink=~dbg}} etc.
224 |
try {
225 |
console.log("JsRender dbg breakpoint: " + val);
226 |
throw "dbg breakpoint"; // To break here, stop on caught exceptions.
227 |
228 |
catch (e) {}
229 |
return this.base ? this.baseApply(arguments) : val;
230 |
231 |
232 |
function JsViewsError(message) {
233 |
// Error exception type for JsViews/JsRender
234 |
// Override of $.views.sub.Error is possible
235 |
this.name = ($.link ? "JsViews" : "JsRender") + " Error";
236 |
this.message = message || this.name;
237 |
238 |
239 |
function $extend(target, source) {
240 |
if (target) {
241 |
for (var name in source) {
242 |
target[name] = source[name];
243 |
244 |
return target;
245 |
246 |
247 |
248 |
(JsViewsError.prototype = new Error()).constructor = JsViewsError;
249 |
250 |
//========================== Top-level functions ==========================
251 |
252 |
253 |
// views.delimiters
254 |
255 |
256 |
257 |
* Set the tag opening and closing delimiters and 'link' character. Default is "{{", "}}" and "^"
258 |
* openChars, closeChars: opening and closing strings, each with two characters
259 |
* $.views.settings.delimiters(...)
260 |
261 |
* @param {string} openChars
262 |
* @param {string} [closeChars]
263 |
* @param {string} [link]
264 |
* @returns {Settings}
265 |
266 |
* Get delimiters
267 |
* delimsArray = $.views.settings.delimiters()
268 |
269 |
* @returns {string[]}
270 |
271 |
function $viewsDelimiters(openChars, closeChars, link) {
272 |
if (!openChars) {
273 |
return $subSettings.delimiters;
274 |
275 |
if ($isArray(openChars)) {
276 |
return $viewsDelimiters.apply($views, openChars);
277 |
278 |
linkChar = link ? link[0] : linkChar;
279 |
if (!/^(\W|_){5}$/.test(openChars + closeChars + linkChar)) {
280 |
error("Invalid delimiters"); // Must be non-word characters, and openChars and closeChars must each be length 2
281 |
282 |
delimOpenChar0 = openChars[0];
283 |
delimOpenChar1 = openChars[1];
284 |
delimCloseChar0 = closeChars[0];
285 |
delimCloseChar1 = closeChars[1];
286 |
287 |
$subSettings.delimiters = [delimOpenChar0 + delimOpenChar1, delimCloseChar0 + delimCloseChar1, linkChar];
288 |
289 |
// Escape the characters - since they could be regex special characters
290 |
openChars = "\\" + delimOpenChar0 + "(\\" + linkChar + ")?\\" + delimOpenChar1; // Default is "{^{"
291 |
closeChars = "\\" + delimCloseChar0 + "\\" + delimCloseChar1; // Default is "}}"
292 |
// Build regex with new delimiters
293 |
// [tag (followed by / space or }) or cvtr+colon or html or code] followed by space+params then convertBack?
294 |
rTag = "(?:(\\w+(?=[\\/\\s\\" + delimCloseChar0 + "]))|(\\w+)?(:)|(>)|(\\*))\\s*((?:[^\\"
295 |
+ delimCloseChar0 + "]|\\" + delimCloseChar0 + "(?!\\" + delimCloseChar1 + "))*?)";
296 |
297 |
// Make rTag available to JsViews (or other components) for parsing binding expressions
298 |
$sub.rTag = "(?:" + rTag + ")";
299 |
// { ^? { tag+params slash? or closingTag or comment
300 |
rTag = new RegExp("(?:" + openChars + rTag + "(\\/)?|\\" + delimOpenChar0 + "(\\" + linkChar + ")?\\" + delimOpenChar1 + "(?:(?:\\/(\\w+))\\s*|!--[\\s\\S]*?--))" + closeChars, "g");
301 |
302 |
// Default: bind tagName cvt cln html code params slash bind2 closeBlk comment
303 |
// /(?:{(\^)?{(?:(\w+(?=[\/\s}]))|(\w+)?(:)|(>)|(\*))\s*((?:[^}]|}(?!}))*?)(\/)?|{(\^)?{(?:(?:\/(\w+))\s*|!--[\s\S]*?--))}}
304 |
305 |
$sub.rTmpl = new RegExp("^\\s|\\s$|<.*>|([^\\\\]|^)[{}]|" + openChars + ".*" + closeChars);
306 |
// $sub.rTmpl looks for initial or final white space, html tags or { or } char not preceded by \\, or JsRender tags {{xxx}}.
307 |
// Each of these strings are considered NOT to be jQuery selectors
308 |
return $viewsSettings;
309 |
310 |
311 |
312 |
// View.get
313 |
314 |
315 |
function getView(inner, type) { //view.get(inner, type)
316 |
if (!type && inner !== true) {
317 |
// view.get(type)
318 |
type = inner;
319 |
inner = undefined;
320 |
321 |
322 |
var views, i, l, found,
323 |
view = this,
324 |
root = type === "root";
325 |
// view.get("root") returns view.root, view.get() returns view.parent, view.get(true) returns view.views[0].
326 |
327 |
if (inner) {
328 |
// Go through views - this one, and all nested ones, depth-first - and return first one with given type.
329 |
// If type is undefined, i.e. view.get(true), return first child view.
330 |
found = type && view.type === type && view;
331 |
if (!found) {
332 |
views = view.views;
333 |
if (view._.useKey) {
334 |
for (i in views) {
335 |
if (found = type ? views[i].get(inner, type) : views[i]) {
336 |
337 |
338 |
339 |
} else {
340 |
for (i = 0, l = views.length; !found && i < l; i++) {
341 |
found = type ? views[i].get(inner, type) : views[i];
342 |
343 |
344 |
345 |
} else if (root) {
346 |
// Find root view. (view whose parent is top view)
347 |
found = view.root;
348 |
} else if (type) {
349 |
while (view && !found) {
350 |
// Go through views - this one, and all parent ones - and return first one with given type.
351 |
found = view.type === type ? view : undefined;
352 |
view = view.parent;
353 |
354 |
} else {
355 |
found = view.parent;
356 |
357 |
return found || undefined;
358 |
359 |
360 |
function getNestedIndex() {
361 |
var view = this.get("item");
362 |
return view ? view.index : undefined;
363 |
364 |
365 |
getNestedIndex.depends = function() {
366 |
return [this.get("item"), "index"];
367 |
368 |
369 |
function getIndex() {
370 |
return this.index;
371 |
372 |
373 |
getIndex.depends = "index";
374 |
375 |
376 |
// View.ctxPrm, etc.
377 |
378 |
379 |
/* Internal private: view._getOb() */
380 |
function getPathObject(ob, path, ltOb, fn) {
381 |
// Iterate through path to late paths: @a.b.c paths
382 |
// Return "" (or noop if leaf is a function @a.b.c(...) ) if intermediate object not yet available
383 |
var prevOb, tokens, l,
384 |
i = 0;
385 |
if (ltOb === 1) {
386 |
fn = 1;
387 |
ltOb = undefined;
388 |
389 |
// Paths like ^a^b^c or ~^a^b^c will not throw if an object in path is undefined.
390 |
if (path) {
391 |
tokens = path.split(".");
392 |
l = tokens.length;
393 |
394 |
for (; ob && i < l; i++) {
395 |
prevOb = ob;
396 |
ob = tokens[i] ? ob[tokens[i]] : ob;
397 |
398 |
399 |
if (ltOb) {
400 |
ltOb.lt = ltOb.lt || i<l; // If i < l there was an object in the path not yet available
401 |
402 |
return ob === undefined
403 |
? fn ? noop : ""
404 |
: fn ? function() {
405 |
return ob.apply(prevOb, arguments);
406 |
} : ob;
407 |
408 |
409 |
function contextParameter(key, value, get) {
410 |
// Helper method called as view.ctxPrm(key) for helpers or template parameters ~foo - from compiled template or from context callback
411 |
var wrapped, deps, res, obsCtxPrm, tagElse, callView, newRes,
412 |
storeView = this,
413 |
isUpdate = !isRenderCall && arguments.length > 1,
414 |
store = storeView.ctx;
415 |
if (key) {
416 |
if (!storeView._) { // tagCtx.ctxPrm() call
417 |
tagElse = storeView.index;
418 |
storeView = storeView.tag;
419 |
420 |
callView = storeView;
421 |
if (store && store.hasOwnProperty(key) || (store = $helpers).hasOwnProperty(key)) {
422 |
res = store[key];
423 |
if (key === "tag" || key === "tagCtx" || key === "root" || key === "parentTags") {
424 |
return res;
425 |
426 |
} else {
427 |
store = undefined;
428 |
429 |
if (!isRenderCall && storeView.tagCtx || storeView.linked) { // Data-linked view, or tag instance
430 |
if (!res || !res._cxp) {
431 |
// Not a contextual parameter
432 |
// Set storeView to tag (if this is a tag.ctxPrm() call) or to root view ("data" view of linked template)
433 |
storeView = storeView.tagCtx || $isFunction(res)
434 |
? storeView // Is a tag, not a view, or is a computed contextual parameter, so scope to the callView, no the 'scope view'
435 |
: (storeView = storeView.scope || storeView,
436 |
!storeView.isTop && storeView.ctx.tag // If this view is in a tag, set storeView to the tag
437 |
|| storeView);
438 |
if (res !== undefined && storeView.tagCtx) {
439 |
// If storeView is a tag, but the contextual parameter has been set at at higher level (e.g. helpers)...
440 |
storeView = storeView.tagCtx.view.scope; // then move storeView to the outer level (scope of tag container view)
441 |
442 |
store = storeView._ocps;
443 |
res = store && store.hasOwnProperty(key) && store[key] || res;
444 |
if (!(res && res._cxp) && (get || isUpdate)) {
445 |
// Create observable contextual parameter
446 |
(store || (storeView._ocps = storeView._ocps || {}))[key]
447 |
= res
448 |
= [{
449 |
_ocp: res, // The observable contextual parameter value
450 |
_vw: callView,
451 |
_key: key
452 |
453 |
res._cxp = {
454 |
path: _ocp,
455 |
ind: 0,
456 |
updateValue: function(val, path) {
457 |
$.observable(res[0]).setProperty(_ocp, val); // Set the value (res[0]._ocp)
458 |
return this;
459 |
460 |
461 |
462 |
463 |
if (obsCtxPrm = res && res._cxp) {
464 |
// If this helper resource is an observable contextual parameter
465 |
if (arguments.length > 2) {
466 |
deps = res[1] ? $sub._ceo(res[1].deps) : [_ocp]; // fn deps (with any exprObs cloned using $sub._ceo)
467 |
deps.unshift(res[0]); // view
468 |
deps._cxp = obsCtxPrm;
469 |
// In a context callback for a contextual param, we set get = true, to get ctxPrm [view, dependencies...] array - needed for observe call
470 |
return deps;
471 |
472 |
tagElse = obsCtxPrm.tagElse;
473 |
newRes = res[1] // linkFn for compiled expression
474 |
? obsCtxPrm.tag && obsCtxPrm.tag.cvtArgs
475 |
? obsCtxPrm.tag.cvtArgs(tagElse, 1)[obsCtxPrm.ind] // = tag.bndArgs() - for tag contextual parameter
476 |
: res[1](res[0].data, res[0], $sub) // = fn(data, view, $sub) for compiled binding expression
477 |
: res[0]._ocp; // Observable contextual parameter (uninitialized, or initialized as static expression, so no path dependencies)
478 |
if (isUpdate) {
479 |
$sub._ucp(key, value, storeView, obsCtxPrm); // Update observable contextual parameter
480 |
return storeView;
481 |
482 |
res = newRes;
483 |
484 |
485 |
if (res && $isFunction(res)) {
486 |
// If a helper is of type function we will wrap it, so if called with no this pointer it will be called with the
487 |
// view as 'this' context. If the helper ~foo() was in a data-link expression, the view will have a 'temporary' linkCtx property too.
488 |
// Note that helper functions on deeper paths will have specific this pointers, from the preceding path.
489 |
// For example, ~util.foo() will have the ~util object as 'this' pointer
490 |
wrapped = function() {
491 |
return res.apply((!this || this === global) ? callView : this, arguments);
492 |
493 |
$extend(wrapped, res); // Attach same expandos (if any) to the wrapped function
494 |
495 |
return wrapped || res;
496 |
497 |
498 |
499 |
/* Internal private: view._getTmpl() */
500 |
function getTemplate(tmpl) {
501 |
return tmpl && (tmpl.fn
502 |
? tmpl
503 |
: this.getRsc("templates", tmpl) || $templates(tmpl)); // not yet compiled
504 |
505 |
506 |
507 |
// views._cnvt
508 |
509 |
510 |
function convertVal(converter, view, tagCtx, onError) {
511 |
// Called from compiled template code for {{:}}
512 |
// self is template object or linkCtx object
513 |
var tag, linkCtx, value, argsLen, bindTo,
514 |
// If tagCtx is an integer, then it is the key for the compiled function to return the boundTag tagCtx
515 |
boundTag = typeof tagCtx === "number" && view.tmpl.bnds[tagCtx-1];
516 |
517 |
if (onError === undefined && boundTag && boundTag._lr) { // lateRender
518 |
onError = "";
519 |
520 |
if (onError !== undefined) {
521 |
tagCtx = onError = {props: {}, args: [onError]};
522 |
} else if (boundTag) {
523 |
tagCtx = boundTag(view.data, view, $sub);
524 |
525 |
boundTag = boundTag._bd && boundTag;
526 |
if (converter || boundTag) {
527 |
linkCtx = view._lc; // For data-link="{cvt:...}"... See onDataLinkedTagChange
528 |
tag = linkCtx && linkCtx.tag;
529 |
tagCtx.view = view;
530 |
if (!tag) {
531 |
tag = $extend(new $sub._tg(), {
532 |
_: {
533 |
bnd: boundTag,
534 |
unlinked: true,
535 |
lt: tagCtx.lt // If a late path @some.path has not returned @some object, mark tag as late
536 |
537 |
inline: !linkCtx,
538 |
tagName: ":",
539 |
convert: converter,
540 |
onArrayChange: true,
541 |
flow: true,
542 |
tagCtx: tagCtx,
543 |
tagCtxs: [tagCtx],
544 |
_is: "tag"
545 |
546 |
argsLen = tagCtx.args.length;
547 |
if (argsLen>1) {
548 |
bindTo = tag.bindTo = [];
549 |
while (argsLen--) {
550 |
bindTo.unshift(argsLen); // Bind to all the arguments - generate bindTo array: [0,1,2...]
551 |
552 |
553 |
if (linkCtx) {
554 |
linkCtx.tag = tag;
555 |
tag.linkCtx = linkCtx;
556 |
557 |
tagCtx.ctx = extendCtx(tagCtx.ctx, (linkCtx ? linkCtx.view : view).ctx);
558 |
tagHandlersFromProps(tag, tagCtx);
559 |
560 |
tag._er = onError && value;
561 |
tag.ctx = tagCtx.ctx || tag.ctx || {};
562 |
tagCtx.ctx = undefined;
563 |
value = tag.cvtArgs()[0]; // If there is a convertBack but no convert, converter will be "true"
564 |
tag._er = onError && value;
565 |
} else {
566 |
value = tagCtx.args[0];
567 |
568 |
569 |
// Call onRender (used by JsViews if present, to add binding annotations around rendered content)
570 |
value = boundTag && view._.onRender
571 |
? view._.onRender(value, view, tag)
572 |
: value;
573 |
return value != undefined ? value : "";
574 |
575 |
576 |
function convertArgs(tagElse, bound) { // tag.cvtArgs() or tag.cvtArgs(tagElse?, true?)
577 |
var l, key, boundArgs, args, bindFrom, tag, converter,
578 |
tagCtx = this;
579 |
580 |
if (tagCtx.tagName) {
581 |
tag = tagCtx;
582 |
tagCtx = (tag.tagCtxs || [tagCtx])[tagElse||0];
583 |
if (!tagCtx) {
584 |
585 |
586 |
} else {
587 |
tag = tagCtx.tag;
588 |
589 |
590 |
bindFrom = tag.bindFrom;
591 |
args = tagCtx.args;
592 |
593 |
if ((converter = tag.convert) && "" + converter === converter) {
594 |
converter = converter === "true"
595 |
? undefined
596 |
: (tagCtx.view.getRsc("converters", converter) || error("Unknown converter: '" + converter + "'"));
597 |
598 |
599 |
if (converter && !bound) { // If there is a converter, use a copy of the tagCtx.args array for rendering, and replace the args[0] in
600 |
args = args.slice(); // the copied array with the converted value. But we do not modify the value of tag.tagCtx.args[0] (the original args array)
601 |
602 |
if (bindFrom) { // Get the values of the boundArgs
603 |
boundArgs = [];
604 |
l = bindFrom.length;
605 |
while (l--) {
606 |
key = bindFrom[l];
607 |
boundArgs.unshift(argOrProp(tagCtx, key));
608 |
609 |
if (bound) {
610 |
args = boundArgs; // Call to bndArgs() - returns the boundArgs
611 |
612 |
613 |
if (converter) {
614 |
converter = converter.apply(tag, boundArgs || args);
615 |
if (converter === undefined) {
616 |
return args; // Returning undefined from a converter is equivalent to not having a converter.
617 |
618 |
bindFrom = bindFrom || [0];
619 |
l = bindFrom.length;
620 |
if (!$isArray(converter) || converter.length !== l) {
621 |
converter = [converter];
622 |
bindFrom = [0];
623 |
l = 1;
624 |
625 |
if (bound) { // Call to bndArgs() - so apply converter to all boundArgs
626 |
args = converter; // The array of values returned from the converter
627 |
} else { // Call to cvtArgs()
628 |
while (l--) {
629 |
key = bindFrom[l];
630 |
if (+key === key) {
631 |
args[key] = converter[l];
632 |
633 |
634 |
635 |
636 |
return args;
637 |
638 |
639 |
function argOrProp(context, key) {
640 |
context = context[+key === key ? "args" : "props"];
641 |
return context && context[key];
642 |
643 |
644 |
function convertBoundArgs(tagElse) { // tag.bndArgs()
645 |
return this.cvtArgs(tagElse, 1);
646 |
647 |
648 |
649 |
// views.tag
650 |
651 |
652 |
/* view.getRsc() */
653 |
function getResource(resourceType, itemName) {
654 |
var res, store,
655 |
view = this;
656 |
if ("" + itemName === itemName) {
657 |
while ((res === undefined) && view) {
658 |
store = view.tmpl && view.tmpl[resourceType];
659 |
res = store && store[itemName];
660 |
view = view.parent;
661 |
662 |
return res || $views[resourceType][itemName];
663 |
664 |
665 |
666 |
function renderTag(tagName, parentView, tmpl, tagCtxs, isUpdate, onError) {
667 |
function bindToOrBindFrom(type) {
668 |
var bindArray = tag[type];
669 |
670 |
if (bindArray !== undefined) {
671 |
bindArray = $isArray(bindArray) ? bindArray : [bindArray];
672 |
m = bindArray.length;
673 |
while (m--) {
674 |
key = bindArray[m];
675 |
if (!isNaN(parseInt(key))) {
676 |
bindArray[m] = parseInt(key); // Convert "0" to 0, etc.
677 |
678 |
679 |
680 |
681 |
return bindArray || [0];
682 |
683 |
684 |
parentView = parentView || topView;
685 |
var tag, tagDef, template, tags, attr, parentTag, l, m, n, itemRet, tagCtx, tagCtxCtx, ctxPrm, bindTo, bindFrom, initVal,
686 |
content, callInit, mapDef, thisMap, args, bdArgs, props, tagDataMap, contentCtx, key, bindFromLength, bindToLength, linkedElement, defaultCtx,
687 |
i = 0,
688 |
ret = "",
689 |
linkCtx = parentView._lc || false, // For data-link="{myTag...}"... See onDataLinkedTagChange
690 |
ctx = parentView.ctx,
691 |
parentTmpl = tmpl || parentView.tmpl,
692 |
// If tagCtxs is an integer, then it is the key for the compiled function to return the boundTag tagCtxs
693 |
boundTag = typeof tagCtxs === "number" && parentView.tmpl.bnds[tagCtxs-1];
694 |
695 |
if (tagName._is === "tag") {
696 |
tag = tagName;
697 |
tagName = tag.tagName;
698 |
tagCtxs = tag.tagCtxs;
699 |
template = tag.template;
700 |
} else {
701 |
tagDef = parentView.getRsc("tags", tagName) || error("Unknown tag: {{" + tagName + "}} ");
702 |
template = tagDef.template;
703 |
704 |
if (onError === undefined && boundTag && (boundTag._lr = (tagDef.lateRender && boundTag._lr!== false || boundTag._lr))) {
705 |
onError = ""; // If lateRender, set temporary onError, to skip initial rendering (and render just "")
706 |
707 |
if (onError !== undefined) {
708 |
ret += onError;
709 |
tagCtxs = onError = [{props: {}, args: [], params: {props:{}}}];
710 |
} else if (boundTag) {
711 |
tagCtxs = boundTag(parentView.data, parentView, $sub);
712 |
713 |
714 |
l = tagCtxs.length;
715 |
for (; i < l; i++) {
716 |
tagCtx = tagCtxs[i];
717 |
content = tagCtx.tmpl;
718 |
if (!linkCtx || !linkCtx.tag || i && !linkCtx.tag.inline || tag._er || content && +content===content) {
719 |
// Initialize tagCtx
720 |
// For block tags, tagCtx.tmpl is an integer > 0
721 |
if (content && parentTmpl.tmpls) {
722 |
tagCtx.tmpl = tagCtx.content = parentTmpl.tmpls[content - 1]; // Set the tmpl property to the content of the block tag
723 |
724 |
tagCtx.index = i;
725 |
tagCtx.ctxPrm = contextParameter;
726 |
tagCtx.render = renderContent;
727 |
tagCtx.cvtArgs = convertArgs;
728 |
tagCtx.bndArgs = convertBoundArgs;
729 |
tagCtx.view = parentView;
730 |
tagCtx.ctx = extendCtx(extendCtx(tagCtx.ctx, tagDef && tagDef.ctx), ctx); // Clone and extend parentView.ctx
731 |
732 |
if (tmpl = tagCtx.props.tmpl) {
733 |
// If the tmpl property is overridden, set the value (when initializing, or, in case of binding: ^tmpl=..., when updating)
734 |
tagCtx.tmpl = parentView._getTmpl(tmpl);
735 |
tagCtx.content = tagCtx.content || tagCtx.tmpl;
736 |
737 |
738 |
if (!tag) {
739 |
// This will only be hit for initial tagCtx (not for {{else}}) - if the tag instance does not exist yet
740 |
// If the tag has not already been instantiated, we will create a new instance.
741 |
// ~tag will access the tag, even within the rendering of the template content of this tag.
742 |
// From child/descendant tags, can access using ~tag.parent, or ~parentTags.tagName
743 |
tag = new tagDef._ctr();
744 |
callInit = !!tag.init;
745 |
746 |
tag.parent = parentTag = ctx && ctx.tag;
747 |
tag.tagCtxs = tagCtxs;
748 |
749 |
if (linkCtx) {
750 |
tag.inline = false;
751 |
linkCtx.tag = tag;
752 |
753 |
tag.linkCtx = linkCtx;
754 |
if (tag._.bnd = boundTag || linkCtx.fn) {
755 |
// Bound if {^{tag...}} or data-link="{tag...}"
756 |
tag._.ths = tagCtx.params.props.this; // Tag has a this=expr binding, to get javascript reference to tag instance
757 |
tag._.lt = tagCtxs.lt; // If a late path @some.path has not returned @some object, mark tag as late
758 |
tag._.arrVws = {};
759 |
} else if (tag.dataBoundOnly) {
760 |
error(tagName + " must be data-bound:\n{^{" + tagName + "}}");
761 |
762 |
//TODO better perf for childTags() - keep child tag.tags array, (and remove child, when disposed)
763 |
// tag.tags = [];
764 |
} else if (linkCtx && linkCtx.fn._lr) {
765 |
callInit = !!tag.init;
766 |
767 |
tagDataMap = tag.dataMap;
768 |
769 |
tagCtx.tag = tag;
770 |
if (tagDataMap && tagCtxs) {
771 |
tagCtx.map = tagCtxs[i].map; // Copy over the compiled map instance from the previous tagCtxs to the refreshed ones
772 |
773 |
if (!tag.flow) {
774 |
tagCtxCtx = tagCtx.ctx = tagCtx.ctx || {};
775 |
776 |
// tags hash: tag.ctx.tags, merged with parentView.ctx.tags,
777 |
tags = tag.parents = tagCtxCtx.parentTags = ctx && extendCtx(tagCtxCtx.parentTags, ctx.parentTags) || {};
778 |
if (parentTag) {
779 |
tags[parentTag.tagName] = parentTag;
780 |
//TODO better perf for childTags: parentTag.tags.push(tag);
781 |
782 |
tags[tag.tagName] = tagCtxCtx.tag = tag;
783 |
tagCtxCtx.tagCtx = tagCtx;
784 |
785 |
786 |
if (!(tag._er = onError)) {
787 |
tagHandlersFromProps(tag, tagCtxs[0]);
788 |
tag.rendering = {rndr: tag.rendering}; // Provide object for state during render calls to tag and elses. (Used by {{if}} and {{for}}...)
789 |
for (i = 0; i < l; i++) { // Iterate tagCtx for each {{else}} block
790 |
tagCtx = tag.tagCtx = tagCtxs[i];
791 |
props = tagCtx.props;
792 |
tag.ctx = tagCtx.ctx;
793 |
794 |
if (!i) {
795 |
if (callInit) {
796 |
tag.init(tagCtx, linkCtx, tag.ctx);
797 |
callInit = undefined;
798 |
799 |
if (!tagCtx.args.length && tagCtx.argDefault !== false && tag.argDefault !== false) {
800 |
tagCtx.args = args = [tagCtx.view.data]; // Missing first arg defaults to the current data context
801 |
tagCtx.params.args = ["#data"];
802 |
803 |
804 |
bindTo = bindToOrBindFrom("bindTo");
805 |
806 |
if (tag.bindTo !== undefined) {
807 |
tag.bindTo = bindTo;
808 |
809 |
810 |
if (tag.bindFrom !== undefined) {
811 |
tag.bindFrom = bindToOrBindFrom("bindFrom");
812 |
} else if (tag.bindTo) {
813 |
tag.bindFrom = tag.bindTo = bindTo;
814 |
815 |
bindFrom = tag.bindFrom || bindTo;
816 |
817 |
bindToLength = bindTo.length;
818 |
bindFromLength = bindFrom.length;
819 |
820 |
if (tag._.bnd && (linkedElement = tag.linkedElement)) {
821 |
tag.linkedElement = linkedElement = $isArray(linkedElement) ? linkedElement: [linkedElement];
822 |
823 |
if (bindToLength !== linkedElement.length) {
824 |
error("linkedElement not same length as bindTo");
825 |
826 |
827 |
if (linkedElement = tag.linkedCtxParam) {
828 |
tag.linkedCtxParam = linkedElement = $isArray(linkedElement) ? linkedElement: [linkedElement];
829 |
830 |
if (bindFromLength !== linkedElement.length) {
831 |
error("linkedCtxParam not same length as bindFrom/bindTo");
832 |
833 |
834 |
835 |
if (bindFrom) {
836 |
tag._.fromIndex = {}; // Hash of bindFrom index which has same path value as bindTo index. fromIndex = tag._.fromIndex[toIndex]
837 |
tag._.toIndex = {}; // Hash of bindFrom index which has same path value as bindTo index. fromIndex = tag._.fromIndex[toIndex]
838 |
n = bindFromLength;
839 |
while (n--) {
840 |
key = bindFrom[n];
841 |
m = bindToLength;
842 |
while (m--) {
843 |
if (key === bindTo[m]) {
844 |
tag._.fromIndex[m] = n;
845 |
tag._.toIndex[n] = m;
846 |
847 |
848 |
849 |
850 |
851 |
if (linkCtx) {
852 |
// Set attr on linkCtx to ensure outputting to the correct target attribute.
853 |
// Setting either linkCtx.attr or this.attr in the init() allows per-instance choice of target attrib.
854 |
linkCtx.attr = tag.attr = linkCtx.attr || tag.attr || linkCtx._dfAt;
855 |
856 |
attr = tag.attr;
857 |
tag._.noVws = attr && attr !== HTML;
858 |
859 |
args = tag.cvtArgs(i);
860 |
if (tag.linkedCtxParam) {
861 |
bdArgs = tag.cvtArgs(i, 1);
862 |
m = bindFromLength;
863 |
defaultCtx = tag.constructor.prototype.ctx;
864 |
while (m--) {
865 |
if (ctxPrm = tag.linkedCtxParam[m]) {
866 |
key = bindFrom[m];
867 |
initVal = bdArgs[m];
868 |
// Create tag contextual parameter
869 |
tagCtx.ctx[ctxPrm] = $sub._cp(
870 |
defaultCtx && initVal === undefined ? defaultCtx[ctxPrm]: initVal,
871 |
initVal !== undefined && argOrProp(tagCtx.params, key),
872 |
873 |
tag._.bnd && {tag: tag, cvt: tag.convert, ind: m, tagElse: i}
874 |
875 |
876 |
877 |
878 |
if ((mapDef = props.dataMap || tagDataMap) && (args.length || props.dataMap)) {
879 |
thisMap = tagCtx.map;
880 |
if (!thisMap || thisMap.src !== args[0] || isUpdate) {
881 |
if (thisMap && thisMap.src) {
882 |
thisMap.unmap(); // only called if observable map - not when only used in JsRender, e.g. by {{props}}
883 |
884 |
mapDef.map(args[0], tagCtx, thisMap, !tag._.bnd);
885 |
thisMap = tagCtx.map;
886 |
887 |
args = [thisMap.tgt];
888 |
889 |
890 |
itemRet = undefined;
891 |
if (tag.render) {
892 |
itemRet = tag.render.apply(tag, args);
893 |
if (parentView.linked && itemRet && !rWrappedInViewMarker.test(itemRet)) {
894 |
// When a tag renders content from the render method, with data linking then we need to wrap with view markers, if absent,
895 |
// to provide a contentView for the tag, which will correctly dispose bindings if deleted. The 'tmpl' for this view will
896 |
// be a dumbed-down template which will always return the itemRet string (no matter what the data is). The itemRet string
897 |
// is not compiled as template markup, so can include "{{" or "}}" without triggering syntax errors
898 |
tmpl = { // 'Dumbed-down' template which always renders 'static' itemRet string
899 |
links: []
900 |
901 |
tmpl.render = tmpl.fn = function() {
902 |
return itemRet;
903 |
904 |
itemRet = renderWithViews(tmpl, parentView.data, undefined, true, parentView, undefined, undefined, tag);
905 |
906 |
907 |
if (!args.length) {
908 |
args = [parentView]; // no arguments - (e.g. {{else}}) get data context from view.
909 |
910 |
if (itemRet === undefined) {
911 |
contentCtx = args[0]; // Default data context for wrapped block content is the first argument
912 |
if (tag.contentCtx) { // Set tag.contentCtx to true, to inherit parent context, or to a function to provide alternate context.
913 |
contentCtx = tag.contentCtx === true ? parentView : tag.contentCtx(contentCtx);
914 |
915 |
itemRet = tagCtx.render(contentCtx, true) || (isUpdate ? undefined : "");
916 |
917 |
ret = ret
918 |
? ret + (itemRet || "")
919 |
: itemRet !== undefined
920 |
? "" + itemRet
921 |
: undefined; // If no return value from render, and no template/content tagCtx.render(...), return undefined
922 |
923 |
tag.rendering = tag.rendering.rndr; // Remove tag.rendering object (if this is outermost render call. (In case of nested calls)
924 |
925 |
tag.tagCtx = tagCtxs[0];
926 |
tag.ctx = tag.tagCtx.ctx;
927 |
928 |
if (tag._.noVws && tag.inline) {
929 |
// inline tag with attr set to "text" will insert HTML-encoded content - as if it was element-based innerText
930 |
ret = attr === "text"
931 |
? $converters.html(ret)
932 |
: "";
933 |
934 |
return boundTag && parentView._.onRender
935 |
// Call onRender (used by JsViews if present, to add binding annotations around rendered content)
936 |
? parentView._.onRender(ret, parentView, tag)
937 |
: ret;
938 |
939 |
940 |
941 |
// View constructor
942 |
943 |
944 |
function View(context, type, parentView, data, template, key, onRender, contentTmpl) {
945 |
// Constructor for view object in view hierarchy. (Augmented by JsViews if JsViews is loaded)
946 |
var views, parentView_, tag, self_,
947 |
self = this,
948 |
isArray = type === "array";
949 |
// If the data is an array, this is an 'array view' with a views array for each child 'item view'
950 |
// If the data is not an array, this is an 'item view' with a views 'hash' object for any child nested views
951 |
952 |
self.content = contentTmpl;
953 |
self.views = isArray ? [] : {};
954 |
self.data = data;
955 |
self.tmpl = template;
956 |
self_ = self._ = {
957 |
key: 0,
958 |
// ._.useKey is non zero if is not an 'array view' (owning a data array). Use this as next key for adding to child views hash
959 |
useKey: isArray ? 0 : 1,
960 |
id: "" + viewId++,
961 |
onRender: onRender,
962 |
bnds: {}
963 |
964 |
self.linked = !!onRender;
965 |
self.type = type || "top";
966 |
if (type) {
967 |
self.cache = {_ct: $subSettings._cchCt}; // Used for caching results of computed properties and helpers (view.getCache)
968 |
969 |
970 |
if (!parentView || parentView.type === "top") {
971 |
(self.ctx = context || {}).root = self.data;
972 |
973 |
974 |
if (self.parent = parentView) {
975 |
self.root = parentView.root || self; // view whose parent is top view
976 |
views = parentView.views;
977 |
parentView_ = parentView._;
978 |
self.isTop = parentView_.scp; // Is top content view of a link("#container", ...) call
979 |
self.scope = (!context.tag || context.tag === parentView.ctx.tag) && !self.isTop && parentView.scope || self;
980 |
// Scope for contextParams - closest non flow tag ancestor or root view
981 |
if (parentView_.useKey) {
982 |
// Parent is not an 'array view'. Add this view to its views object
983 |
// self._key = is the key in the parent view hash
984 |
views[self_.key = "_" + parentView_.useKey++] = self;
985 |
self.index = indexStr;
986 |
self.getIndex = getNestedIndex;
987 |
} else if (views.length === (self_.key = self.index = key)) { // Parent is an 'array view'. Add this view to its views array
988 |
views.push(self); // Adding to end of views array. (Using push when possible - better perf than splice)
989 |
} else {
990 |
views.splice(key, 0, self); // Inserting in views array
991 |
992 |
// If no context was passed in, use parent context
993 |
// If context was passed in, it should have been merged already with parent context
994 |
self.ctx = context || parentView.ctx;
995 |
} else if (type) {
996 |
self.root = self; // view whose parent is top view
997 |
998 |
999 |
1000 |
View.prototype = {
1001 |
get: getView,
1002 |
getIndex: getIndex,
1003 |
ctxPrm: contextParameter,
1004 |
getRsc: getResource,
1005 |
_getTmpl: getTemplate,
1006 |
_getOb: getPathObject,
1007 |
getCache: function(key) { // Get cached value of computed value
1008 |
if ($subSettings._cchCt > this.cache._ct) {
1009 |
this.cache = {_ct: $subSettings._cchCt};
1010 |
1011 |
return this.cache[key] || (this.cache[key] = cpFnStore[key](this.data, this, $sub));
1012 |
1013 |
_is: "view"
1014 |
1015 |
1016 |
1017 |
// Registration
1018 |
1019 |
1020 |
function compileChildResources(parentTmpl) {
1021 |
var storeName, storeNames, resources;
1022 |
for (storeName in jsvStores) {
1023 |
storeNames = storeName + "s";
1024 |
if (parentTmpl[storeNames]) {
1025 |
resources = parentTmpl[storeNames]; // Resources not yet compiled
1026 |
parentTmpl[storeNames] = {}; // Remove uncompiled resources
1027 |
$views[storeNames](resources, parentTmpl); // Add back in the compiled resources
1028 |
1029 |
1030 |
1031 |
1032 |
1033 |
// compileTag
1034 |
1035 |
1036 |
function compileTag(name, tagDef, parentTmpl) {
1037 |
var tmpl, baseTag, prop,
1038 |
compiledDef = new $sub._tg();
1039 |
1040 |
function Tag() {
1041 |
var tag = this;
1042 |
tag._ = {
1043 |
unlinked: true
1044 |
1045 |
tag.inline = true;
1046 |
tag.tagName = name;
1047 |
1048 |
1049 |
if ($isFunction(tagDef)) {
1050 |
// Simple tag declared as function. No presenter instantation.
1051 |
tagDef = {
1052 |
depends: tagDef.depends,
1053 |
render: tagDef
1054 |
1055 |
} else if ("" + tagDef === tagDef) {
1056 |
tagDef = {template: tagDef};
1057 |
1058 |
1059 |
if (baseTag = tagDef.baseTag) {
1060 |
tagDef.flow = !!tagDef.flow; // Set flow property, so defaults to false even if baseTag has flow=true
1061 |
baseTag = "" + baseTag === baseTag
1062 |
? (parentTmpl && parentTmpl.tags[baseTag] || $tags[baseTag])
1063 |
: baseTag;
1064 |
if (!baseTag) {
1065 |
error('baseTag: "' + tagDef.baseTag + '" not found');
1066 |
1067 |
compiledDef = $extend(compiledDef, baseTag);
1068 |
1069 |
for (prop in tagDef) {
1070 |
compiledDef[prop] = getMethod(baseTag[prop], tagDef[prop]);
1071 |
1072 |
} else {
1073 |
compiledDef = $extend(compiledDef, tagDef);
1074 |
1075 |
1076 |
// Tag declared as object, used as the prototype for tag instantiation (control/presenter)
1077 |
if ((tmpl = compiledDef.template) !== undefined) {
1078 |
compiledDef.template = "" + tmpl === tmpl ? ($templates[tmpl] || $templates(tmpl)) : tmpl;
1079 |
1080 |
(Tag.prototype = compiledDef).constructor = compiledDef._ctr = Tag;
1081 |
1082 |
if (parentTmpl) {
1083 |
compiledDef._parentTmpl = parentTmpl;
1084 |
1085 |
return compiledDef;
1086 |
1087 |
1088 |
function baseApply(args) {
1089 |
// In derived method (or handler declared declaratively as in {{:foo onChange=~fooChanged}} can call base method,
1090 |
// using this.baseApply(arguments) (Equivalent to this._superApply(arguments) in jQuery UI)
1091 |
return this.base.apply(this, args);
1092 |
1093 |
1094 |
1095 |
// compileTmpl
1096 |
1097 |
1098 |
function compileTmpl(name, tmpl, parentTmpl, options) {
1099 |
// tmpl is either a template object, a selector for a template script block, or the name of a compiled template
1100 |
1101 |
//==== nested functions ====
1102 |
function lookupTemplate(value) {
1103 |
// If value is of type string - treat as selector, or name of compiled template
1104 |
// Return the template object, if already compiled, or the markup string
1105 |
var currentName, tmpl;
1106 |
if (("" + value === value) || value.nodeType > 0 && (elem = value)) {
1107 |
if (!elem) {
1108 |
if (/^\.?\/[^\\:*?"<>]*$/.test(value)) {
1109 |
// value="./some/file.html" (or "/some/file.html")
1110 |
// If the template is not named, use "./some/file.html" as name.
1111 |
if (tmpl = $templates[name = name || value]) {
1112 |
value = tmpl;
1113 |
} else {
1114 |
// BROWSER-SPECIFIC CODE (not on Node.js):
1115 |
// Look for server-generated script block with id "./some/file.html"
1116 |
elem = document.getElementById(value);
1117 |
1118 |
} else if ($.fn && !$sub.rTmpl.test(value)) {
1119 |
try {
1120 |
elem = $(value, document)[0]; // if jQuery is loaded, test for selector returning elements, and get first element
1121 |
} catch (e) {}
1122 |
1123 |
1124 |
if (elem) {
1125 |
if (elem.tagName !== "SCRIPT") {
1126 |
error(value + ": Use script block, not " + elem.tagName);
1127 |
1128 |
if (options) {
1129 |
// We will compile a new template using the markup in the script element
1130 |
value = elem.innerHTML;
1131 |
} else {
1132 |
// We will cache a single copy of the compiled template, and associate it with the name
1133 |
// (renaming from a previous name if there was one).
1134 |
currentName = elem.getAttribute(tmplAttr);
1135 |
if (currentName) {
1136 |
if (currentName !== jsvTmpl) {
1137 |
value = $templates[currentName];
1138 |
delete $templates[currentName];
1139 |
} else if ($.fn) {
1140 |
value = $.data(elem)[jsvTmpl]; // Get cached compiled template
1141 |
1142 |
1143 |
if (!currentName || !value) { // Not yet compiled, or cached version lost
1144 |
name = name || ($.fn ? jsvTmpl : value);
1145 |
value = compileTmpl(name, elem.innerHTML, parentTmpl, options);
1146 |
1147 |
value.tmplName = name = name || currentName;
1148 |
if (name !== jsvTmpl) {
1149 |
$templates[name] = value;
1150 |
1151 |
elem.setAttribute(tmplAttr, name);
1152 |
if ($.fn) {
1153 |
$.data(elem, jsvTmpl, value);
1154 |
1155 |
1156 |
1157 |
elem = undefined;
1158 |
} else if (!value.fn) {
1159 |
value = undefined;
1160 |
// If value is not a string. HTML element, or compiled template, return undefined
1161 |
1162 |
return value;
1163 |
1164 |
1165 |
var elem, compiledTmpl,
1166 |
tmplOrMarkup = tmpl = tmpl || "";
1167 |
$sub._html = $converters.html;
1168 |
1169 |
//==== Compile the template ====
1170 |
if (options === 0) {
1171 |
options = undefined;
1172 |
tmplOrMarkup = lookupTemplate(tmplOrMarkup); // Top-level compile so do a template lookup
1173 |
1174 |
1175 |
// If options, then this was already compiled from a (script) element template declaration.
1176 |
// If not, then if tmpl is a template object, use it for options
1177 |
options = options || (tmpl.markup
1178 |
? tmpl.bnds
1179 |
? $extend({}, tmpl)
1180 |
: tmpl
1181 |
: {}
1182 |
1183 |
1184 |
options.tmplName = options.tmplName || name || "unnamed";
1185 |
if (parentTmpl) {
1186 |
options._parentTmpl = parentTmpl;
1187 |
1188 |
// If tmpl is not a markup string or a selector string, then it must be a template object
1189 |
// In that case, get it from the markup property of the object
1190 |
if (!tmplOrMarkup && tmpl.markup && (tmplOrMarkup = lookupTemplate(tmpl.markup)) && tmplOrMarkup.fn) {
1191 |
// If the string references a compiled template object, need to recompile to merge any modified options
1192 |
tmplOrMarkup = tmplOrMarkup.markup;
1193 |
1194 |
if (tmplOrMarkup !== undefined) {
1195 |
if (tmplOrMarkup.render || tmpl.render) {
1196 |
// tmpl is already compiled, so use it
1197 |
if (tmplOrMarkup.tmpls) {
1198 |
compiledTmpl = tmplOrMarkup;
1199 |
1200 |
} else {
1201 |
// tmplOrMarkup is a markup string, not a compiled template
1202 |
// Create template object
1203 |
tmpl = tmplObject(tmplOrMarkup, options);
1204 |
// Compile to AST and then to compiled function
1205 |
tmplFn(tmplOrMarkup.replace(rEscapeQuotes, "\\$&"), tmpl);
1206 |
1207 |
if (!compiledTmpl) {
1208 |
compiledTmpl = $extend(function() {
1209 |
return compiledTmpl.render.apply(compiledTmpl, arguments);
1210 |
}, tmpl);
1211 |
1212 |
1213 |
1214 |
return compiledTmpl;
1215 |
1216 |
1217 |
1218 |
//==== /end of function compileTmpl ====
1219 |
1220 |
1221 |
// compileViewModel
1222 |
1223 |
1224 |
function getDefaultVal(defaultVal, data) {
1225 |
return $isFunction(defaultVal)
1226 |
? defaultVal.call(data)
1227 |
: defaultVal;
1228 |
1229 |
1230 |
function addParentRef(ob, ref, parent) {
1231 |
Object.defineProperty(ob, ref, {
1232 |
value: parent,
1233 |
configurable: true
1234 |
1235 |
1236 |
1237 |
function compileViewModel(name, type) {
1238 |
var i, constructor, parent,
1239 |
viewModels = this,
1240 |
getters = type.getters,
1241 |
extend = type.extend,
1242 |
id = type.id,
1243 |
proto = $.extend({
1244 |
_is: name || "unnamed",
1245 |
unmap: unmap,
1246 |
merge: merge
1247 |
}, extend),
1248 |
args = "",
1249 |
cnstr = "",
1250 |
getterCount = getters ? getters.length : 0,
1251 |
$observable = $.observable,
1252 |
getterNames = {};
1253 |
1254 |
function JsvVm(args) {
1255 |
constructor.apply(this, args);
1256 |
1257 |
1258 |
function vm() {
1259 |
return new JsvVm(arguments);
1260 |
1261 |
1262 |
function iterate(data, action) {
1263 |
var getterType, defaultVal, prop, ob, parentRef,
1264 |
j = 0;
1265 |
for (; j < getterCount; j++) {
1266 |
prop = getters[j];
1267 |
getterType = undefined;
1268 |
if (prop + "" !== prop) {
1269 |
getterType = prop;
1270 |
prop = getterType.getter;
1271 |
parentRef = getterType.parentRef;
1272 |
1273 |
if ((ob = data[prop]) === undefined && getterType && (defaultVal = getterType.defaultVal) !== undefined) {
1274 |
ob = getDefaultVal(defaultVal, data);
1275 |
1276 |
action(ob, getterType && viewModels[getterType.type], prop, parentRef);
1277 |
1278 |
1279 |
1280 |
function map(data) {
1281 |
data = data + "" === data
1282 |
? JSON.parse(data) // Accept JSON string
1283 |
: data; // or object/array
1284 |
var l, prop, childOb, parentRef,
1285 |
j = 0,
1286 |
ob = data,
1287 |
arr = [];
1288 |
1289 |
if ($isArray(data)) {
1290 |
data = data || [];
1291 |
l = data.length;
1292 |
for (; j<l; j++) {
1293 |
1294 |
1295 |
arr._is = name;
1296 |
arr.unmap = unmap;
1297 |
arr.merge = merge;
1298 |
return arr;
1299 |
1300 |
1301 |
if (data) {
1302 |
iterate(data, function(ob, viewModel) {
1303 |
if (viewModel) { // Iterate to build getters arg array (value, or mapped value)
1304 |
ob = viewModel.map(ob);
1305 |
1306 |
1307 |
1308 |
ob = this.apply(this, arr); // Instantiate this View Model, passing getters args array to constructor
1309 |
j = getterCount;
1310 |
while (j--) {
1311 |
childOb = arr[j];
1312 |
parentRef = getters[j].parentRef;
1313 |
if (parentRef && childOb && childOb.unmap) {
1314 |
if ($isArray(childOb)) {
1315 |
l = childOb.length;
1316 |
while (l--) {
1317 |
addParentRef(childOb[l], parentRef, ob);
1318 |
1319 |
} else {
1320 |
addParentRef(childOb, parentRef, ob);
1321 |
1322 |
1323 |
1324 |
for (prop in data) { // Copy over any other properties. that are not get/set properties
1325 |
if (prop !== $expando && !getterNames[prop]) {
1326 |
ob[prop] = data[prop];
1327 |
1328 |
1329 |
1330 |
return ob;
1331 |
1332 |
1333 |
function merge(data, parent, parentRef) {
1334 |
data = data + "" === data
1335 |
? JSON.parse(data) // Accept JSON string
1336 |
: data; // or object/array
1337 |
1338 |
var j, l, m, prop, mod, found, assigned, ob, newModArr, childOb,
1339 |
k = 0,
1340 |
model = this;
1341 |
1342 |
if ($isArray(model)) {
1343 |
assigned = {};
1344 |
newModArr = [];
1345 |
l = data.length;
1346 |
m = model.length;
1347 |
for (; k<l; k++) {
1348 |
ob = data[k];
1349 |
found = false;
1350 |
for (j=0; j<m && !found; j++) {
1351 |
if (assigned[j]) {
1352 |
1353 |
1354 |
mod = model[j];
1355 |
1356 |
if (id) {
1357 |
assigned[j] = found = id + "" === id
1358 |
? (ob[id] && (getterNames[id] ? mod[id]() : mod[id]) === ob[id])
1359 |
: id(mod, ob);
1360 |
1361 |
1362 |
if (found) {
1363 |
1364 |
1365 |
} else {
1366 |
newModArr.push(childOb = vm.map(ob));
1367 |
if (parentRef) {
1368 |
addParentRef(childOb, parentRef, parent);
1369 |
1370 |
1371 |
1372 |
if ($observable) {
1373 |
$observable(model).refresh(newModArr, true);
1374 |
} else {
1375 |
model.splice.apply(model, [0, model.length].concat(newModArr));
1376 |
1377 |
1378 |
1379 |
iterate(data, function(ob, viewModel, getter, parentRef) {
1380 |
if (viewModel) {
1381 |
model[getter]().merge(ob, model, parentRef); // Update typed property
1382 |
} else if (model[getter]() !== ob) {
1383 |
model[getter](ob); // Update non-typed property
1384 |
1385 |
1386 |
for (prop in data) {
1387 |
if (prop !== $expando && !getterNames[prop]) {
1388 |
model[prop] = data[prop];
1389 |
1390 |
1391 |
1392 |
1393 |
function unmap() {
1394 |
var ob, prop, getterType, arr, value,
1395 |
k = 0,
1396 |
model = this;
1397 |
1398 |
function unmapArray(modelArr) {
1399 |
var arr = [],
1400 |
i = 0,
1401 |
l = modelArr.length;
1402 |
for (; i<l; i++) {
1403 |
1404 |
1405 |
return arr;
1406 |
1407 |
1408 |
if ($isArray(model)) {
1409 |
return unmapArray(model);
1410 |
1411 |
ob = {};
1412 |
for (; k < getterCount; k++) {
1413 |
prop = getters[k];
1414 |
getterType = undefined;
1415 |
if (prop + "" !== prop) {
1416 |
getterType = prop;
1417 |
prop = getterType.getter;
1418 |
1419 |
value = model[prop]();
1420 |
ob[prop] = getterType && value && viewModels[getterType.type]
1421 |
? $isArray(value)
1422 |
? unmapArray(value)
1423 |
: value.unmap()
1424 |
: value;
1425 |
1426 |
for (prop in model) {
1427 |
if (model.hasOwnProperty(prop) && (prop.charAt(0) !== "_" || !getterNames[prop.slice(1)]) && prop !== $expando && !$isFunction(model[prop])) {
1428 |
ob[prop] = model[prop];
1429 |
1430 |
1431 |
return ob;
1432 |
1433 |
1434 |
JsvVm.prototype = proto;
1435 |
1436 |
for (i=0; i < getterCount; i++) {
1437 |
(function(getter) {
1438 |
getter = getter.getter || getter;
1439 |
getterNames[getter] = i+1;
1440 |
var privField = "_" + getter;
1441 |
1442 |
args += (args ? "," : "") + getter;
1443 |
cnstr += "this." + privField + " = " + getter + ";\n";
1444 |
proto[getter] = proto[getter] || function(val) {
1445 |
if (!arguments.length) {
1446 |
return this[privField]; // If there is no argument, use as a getter
1447 |
1448 |
if ($observable) {
1449 |
$observable(this).setProperty(getter, val);
1450 |
} else {
1451 |
this[privField] = val;
1452 |
1453 |
1454 |
1455 |
if ($observable) {
1456 |
proto[getter].set = proto[getter].set || function(val) {
1457 |
this[privField] = val; // Setter called by observable property change
1458 |
1459 |
1460 |
1461 |
1462 |
1463 |
// Constructor for new viewModel instance.
1464 |
cnstr = new Function(args, cnstr);
1465 |
1466 |
constructor = function() {
1467 |
cnstr.apply(this, arguments);
1468 |
// Pass additional parentRef str and parent obj to have a parentRef pointer on instance
1469 |
if (parent = arguments[getterCount + 1]) {
1470 |
addParentRef(this, arguments[getterCount], parent);
1471 |
1472 |
1473 |
1474 |
constructor.prototype = proto;
1475 |
proto.constructor = constructor;
1476 |
1477 |
vm.map = map;
1478 |
vm.getters = getters;
1479 |
vm.extend = extend;
1480 |
vm.id = id;
1481 |
return vm;
1482 |
1483 |
1484 |
function tmplObject(markup, options) {
1485 |
// Template object constructor
1486 |
var htmlTag,
1487 |
wrapMap = $subSettingsAdvanced._wm || {}, // Only used in JsViews. Otherwise empty: {}
1488 |
tmpl = {
1489 |
tmpls: [],
1490 |
links: {}, // Compiled functions for link expressions
1491 |
bnds: [],
1492 |
_is: "template",
1493 |
render: renderContent
1494 |
1495 |
1496 |
if (options) {
1497 |
tmpl = $extend(tmpl, options);
1498 |
1499 |
1500 |
tmpl.markup = markup;
1501 |
if (!tmpl.htmlTag) {
1502 |
// Set tmpl.tag to the top-level HTML tag used in the template, if any...
1503 |
htmlTag = rFirstElem.exec(markup);
1504 |
tmpl.htmlTag = htmlTag ? htmlTag[1].toLowerCase() : "";
1505 |
1506 |
htmlTag = wrapMap[tmpl.htmlTag];
1507 |
if (htmlTag && htmlTag !== wrapMap.div) {
1508 |
// When using JsViews, we trim templates which are inserted into HTML contexts where text nodes are not rendered (i.e. not 'Phrasing Content').
1509 |
// Currently not trimmed for <li> tag. (Not worth adding perf cost)
1510 |
tmpl.markup = $.trim(tmpl.markup);
1511 |
1512 |
1513 |
return tmpl;
1514 |
1515 |
1516 |
1517 |
// registerStore
1518 |
1519 |
1520 |
1521 |
* Internal. Register a store type (used for template, tags, helpers, converters)
1522 |
1523 |
function registerStore(storeName, storeSettings) {
1524 |
1525 |
1526 |
* Generic store() function to register item, named item, or hash of items
1527 |
* Also used as hash to store the registered items
1528 |
* Used as implementation of $.templates(), $.views.templates(), $.views.tags(), $.views.helpers() and $.views.converters()
1529 |
1530 |
* @param {string|hash} name name - or selector, in case of $.templates(). Or hash of items
1531 |
* @param {any} [item] (e.g. markup for named template)
1532 |
* @param {template} [parentTmpl] For item being registered as private resource of template
1533 |
* @returns {any|$.views} item, e.g. compiled template - or $.views in case of registering hash of items
1534 |
1535 |
function theStore(name, item, parentTmpl) {
1536 |
// The store is also the function used to add items to the store. e.g. $.templates, or $.views.tags
1537 |
1538 |
// For store of name 'thing', Call as:
1539 |
// $.views.things(items[, parentTmpl]),
1540 |
// or $.views.things(name[, item, parentTmpl])
1541 |
1542 |
var compile, itemName, thisStore, cnt,
1543 |
onStore = $sub.onStore[storeName];
1544 |
1545 |
if (name && typeof name === OBJECT && !name.nodeType && !name.markup && !name.getTgt && !(storeName === "viewModel" && name.getters || name.extend)) {
1546 |
// Call to $.views.things(items[, parentTmpl]),
1547 |
1548 |
// Adding items to the store
1549 |
// If name is a hash, then item is parentTmpl. Iterate over hash and call store for key.
1550 |
for (itemName in name) {
1551 |
theStore(itemName, name[itemName], item);
1552 |
1553 |
return item || $views;
1554 |
1555 |
// Adding a single unnamed item to the store
1556 |
if (name && "" + name !== name) { // name must be a string
1557 |
parentTmpl = item;
1558 |
item = name;
1559 |
name = undefined;
1560 |
1561 |
thisStore = parentTmpl
1562 |
? storeName === "viewModel"
1563 |
? parentTmpl
1564 |
: (parentTmpl[storeNames] = parentTmpl[storeNames] || {})
1565 |
: theStore;
1566 |
compile = storeSettings.compile;
1567 |
1568 |
if (item === undefined) {
1569 |
item = compile ? name : thisStore[name];
1570 |
name = undefined;
1571 |
1572 |
if (item === null) {
1573 |
// If item is null, delete this entry
1574 |
if (name) {
1575 |
delete thisStore[name];
1576 |
1577 |
} else {
1578 |
if (compile) {
1579 |
item = compile.call(thisStore, name, item, parentTmpl, 0) || {};
1580 |
item._is = storeName; // Only do this for compiled objects (tags, templates...)
1581 |
1582 |
if (name) {
1583 |
thisStore[name] = item;
1584 |
1585 |
1586 |
if (onStore) {
1587 |
// e.g. JsViews integration
1588 |
onStore(name, item, parentTmpl, compile);
1589 |
1590 |
return item;
1591 |
1592 |
1593 |
var storeNames = storeName + "s";
1594 |
$views[storeNames] = theStore;
1595 |
1596 |
1597 |
1598 |
* Add settings such as:
1599 |
* $.views.settings.allowCode(true)
1600 |
* @param {boolean} value
1601 |
* @returns {Settings}
1602 |
1603 |
* allowCode = $.views.settings.allowCode()
1604 |
* @returns {boolean}
1605 |
1606 |
function addSetting(st) {
1607 |
$viewsSettings[st] = $viewsSettings[st] || function(value) {
1608 |
return arguments.length
1609 |
? ($subSettings[st] = value, $viewsSettings)
1610 |
: $subSettings[st];
1611 |
1612 |
1613 |
1614 |
1615 |
// dataMap for render only
1616 |
1617 |
1618 |
function dataMap(mapDef) {
1619 |
function Map(source, options) {
1620 |
this.tgt = mapDef.getTgt(source, options);
1621 |
options.map = this;
1622 |
1623 |
1624 |
if ($isFunction(mapDef)) {
1625 |
// Simple map declared as function
1626 |
mapDef = {
1627 |
getTgt: mapDef
1628 |
1629 |
1630 |
1631 |
if (mapDef.baseMap) {
1632 |
mapDef = $extend($extend({}, mapDef.baseMap), mapDef);
1633 |
1634 |
1635 |
mapDef.map = function(source, options) {
1636 |
return new Map(source, options);
1637 |
1638 |
return mapDef;
1639 |
1640 |
1641 |
1642 |
// renderContent
1643 |
1644 |
1645 |
/** Render the template as a string, using the specified data and helpers/context
1646 |
* $("#tmpl").render(), tmpl.render(), tagCtx.render(), $.render.namedTmpl()
1647 |
1648 |
* @param {any} data
1649 |
* @param {hash} [context] helpers or context
1650 |
* @param {boolean} [noIteration]
1651 |
* @param {View} [parentView] internal
1652 |
* @param {string} [key] internal
1653 |
* @param {function} [onRender] internal
1654 |
* @returns {string} rendered template internal
1655 |
1656 |
function renderContent(data, context, noIteration, parentView, key, onRender) {
1657 |
var i, l, tag, tmpl, tagCtx, isTopRenderCall, prevData, prevIndex,
1658 |
view = parentView,
1659 |
result = "";
1660 |
1661 |
if (context === true) {
1662 |
noIteration = context; // passing boolean as second param - noIteration
1663 |
context = undefined;
1664 |
} else if (typeof context !== OBJECT) {
1665 |
context = undefined; // context must be a boolean (noIteration) or a plain object
1666 |
1667 |
1668 |
if (tag = this.tag) {
1669 |
// This is a call from renderTag or tagCtx.render(...)
1670 |
tagCtx = this;
1671 |
view = view || tagCtx.view;
1672 |
tmpl = view._getTmpl(tag.template || tagCtx.tmpl);
1673 |
if (!arguments.length) {
1674 |
data = tag.contentCtx && $isFunction(tag.contentCtx)
1675 |
? data = tag.contentCtx(data)
1676 |
: view; // Default data context for wrapped block content is the first argument
1677 |
1678 |
} else {
1679 |
// This is a template.render(...) call
1680 |
tmpl = this;
1681 |
1682 |
1683 |
if (tmpl) {
1684 |
if (!parentView && data && data._is === "view") {
1685 |
view = data; // When passing in a view to render or link (and not passing in a parent view) use the passed-in view as parentView
1686 |
1687 |
1688 |
if (view && data === view) {
1689 |
// Inherit the data from the parent view.
1690 |
data = view.data;
1691 |
1692 |
1693 |
isTopRenderCall = !view;
1694 |
isRenderCall = isRenderCall || isTopRenderCall;
1695 |
if (isTopRenderCall) {
1696 |
(context = context || {}).root = data; // Provide ~root as shortcut to top-level data.
1697 |
1698 |
if (!isRenderCall || $subSettingsAdvanced.useViews || tmpl.useViews || view && view !== topView) {
1699 |
result = renderWithViews(tmpl, data, context, noIteration, view, key, onRender, tag);
1700 |
} else {
1701 |
if (view) { // In a block
1702 |
prevData = view.data;
1703 |
prevIndex = view.index;
1704 |
view.index = indexStr;
1705 |
} else {
1706 |
view = topView;
1707 |
prevData = view.data;
1708 |
view.data = data;
1709 |
view.ctx = context;
1710 |
1711 |
if ($isArray(data) && !noIteration) {
1712 |
// Create a view for the array, whose child views correspond to each data item. (Note: if key and parentView are passed in
1713 |
// along with parent view, treat as insert -e.g. from view.addViews - so parentView is already the view item for array)
1714 |
for (i = 0, l = data.length; i < l; i++) {
1715 |
view.index = i;
1716 |
view.data = data[i];
1717 |
result += tmpl.fn(data[i], view, $sub);
1718 |
1719 |
} else {
1720 |
view.data = data;
1721 |
result += tmpl.fn(data, view, $sub);
1722 |
1723 |
view.data = prevData;
1724 |
view.index = prevIndex;
1725 |
1726 |
if (isTopRenderCall) {
1727 |
isRenderCall = undefined;
1728 |
1729 |
1730 |
return result;
1731 |
1732 |
1733 |
function renderWithViews(tmpl, data, context, noIteration, view, key, onRender, tag) {
1734 |
// Render template against data as a tree of subviews (nested rendered template instances), or as a string (top-level template).
1735 |
// If the data is the parent view, treat as noIteration, re-render with the same data context.
1736 |
// tmpl can be a string (e.g. rendered by a tag.render() method), or a compiled template.
1737 |
var i, l, newView, childView, itemResult, swapContent, contentTmpl, outerOnRender, tmplName, itemVar, newCtx, tagCtx, noLinking,
1738 |
result = "";
1739 |
1740 |
if (tag) {
1741 |
// This is a call from renderTag or tagCtx.render(...)
1742 |
tmplName = tag.tagName;
1743 |
tagCtx = tag.tagCtx;
1744 |
context = context ? extendCtx(context, tag.ctx) : tag.ctx;
1745 |
1746 |
if (tmpl === view.content) { // {{xxx tmpl=#content}}
1747 |
contentTmpl = tmpl !== view.ctx._wrp // We are rendering the #content
1748 |
? view.ctx._wrp // #content was the tagCtx.props.tmpl wrapper of the block content - so within this view, #content will now be the view.ctx._wrp block content
1749 |
: undefined; // #content was the view.ctx._wrp block content - so within this view, there is no longer any #content to wrap.
1750 |
} else if (tmpl !== tagCtx.content) {
1751 |
if (tmpl === tag.template) { // Rendering {{tag}} tag.template, replacing block content.
1752 |
contentTmpl = tagCtx.tmpl; // Set #content to block content (or wrapped block content if tagCtx.props.tmpl is set)
1753 |
context._wrp = tagCtx.content; // Pass wrapped block content to nested views
1754 |
} else { // Rendering tagCtx.props.tmpl wrapper
1755 |
contentTmpl = tagCtx.content || view.content; // Set #content to wrapped block content
1756 |
1757 |
} else {
1758 |
contentTmpl = view.content; // Nested views inherit same wrapped #content property
1759 |
1760 |
1761 |
if (tagCtx.props.link === false) {
1762 |
// link=false setting on block tag
1763 |
// We will override inherited value of link by the explicit setting link=false taken from props
1764 |
// The child views of an unlinked view are also unlinked. So setting child back to true will not have any effect.
1765 |
context = context || {};
1766 |
context.link = false;
1767 |
1768 |
1769 |
1770 |
if (view) {
1771 |
onRender = onRender || view._.onRender;
1772 |
noLinking = context && context.link === false;
1773 |
1774 |
if (noLinking && view._.nl) {
1775 |
onRender = undefined;
1776 |
1777 |
1778 |
context = extendCtx(context, view.ctx);
1779 |
tagCtx = !tag && view.tag
1780 |
? view.tag.tagCtxs[view.tagElse]
1781 |
: tagCtx;
1782 |
1783 |
1784 |
if (itemVar = tagCtx && tagCtx.props.itemVar) {
1785 |
if (itemVar[0] !== "~") {
1786 |
syntaxError("Use itemVar='~myItem'");
1787 |
1788 |
itemVar = itemVar.slice(1);
1789 |
1790 |
1791 |
if (key === true) {
1792 |
swapContent = true;
1793 |
key = 0;
1794 |
1795 |
1796 |
// If link===false, do not call onRender, so no data-linking marker nodes
1797 |
if (onRender && tag && tag._.noVws) {
1798 |
onRender = undefined;
1799 |
1800 |
outerOnRender = onRender;
1801 |
if (onRender === true) {
1802 |
// Used by view.refresh(). Don't create a new wrapper view.
1803 |
outerOnRender = undefined;
1804 |
onRender = view._.onRender;
1805 |
1806 |
// Set additional context on views created here, (as modified context inherited from the parent, and to be inherited by child views)
1807 |
context = tmpl.helpers
1808 |
? extendCtx(tmpl.helpers, context)
1809 |
: context;
1810 |
1811 |
newCtx = context;
1812 |
if ($isArray(data) && !noIteration) {
1813 |
// Create a view for the array, whose child views correspond to each data item. (Note: if key and view are passed in
1814 |
// along with parent view, treat as insert -e.g. from view.addViews - so view is already the view item for array)
1815 |
newView = swapContent
1816 |
? view
1817 |
: (key !== undefined && view)
1818 |
|| new View(context, "array", view, data, tmpl, key, onRender, contentTmpl);
1819 |
newView._.nl= noLinking;
1820 |
if (view && view._.useKey) {
1821 |
// Parent is not an 'array view'
1822 |
newView._.bnd = !tag || tag._.bnd && tag; // For array views that are data bound for collection change events, set the
1823 |
// view._.bnd property to true for top-level link() or data-link="{for}", or to the tag instance for a data-bound tag, e.g. {^{for ...}}
1824 |
newView.tag = tag;
1825 |
1826 |
for (i = 0, l = data.length; i < l; i++) {
1827 |
// Create a view for each data item.
1828 |
childView = new View(newCtx, "item", newView, data[i], tmpl, (key || 0) + i, onRender, newView.content);
1829 |
if (itemVar) {
1830 |
(childView.ctx = $extend({}, newCtx))[itemVar] = $sub._cp(data[i], "#data", childView);
1831 |
1832 |
itemResult = tmpl.fn(data[i], childView, $sub);
1833 |
result += newView._.onRender ? newView._.onRender(itemResult, childView) : itemResult;
1834 |
1835 |
} else {
1836 |
// Create a view for singleton data object. The type of the view will be the tag name, e.g. "if" or "mytag" except for
1837 |
// "item", "array" and "data" views. A "data" view is from programmatic render(object) against a 'singleton'.
1838 |
newView = swapContent ? view : new View(newCtx, tmplName || "data", view, data, tmpl, key, onRender, contentTmpl);
1839 |
1840 |
if (itemVar) {
1841 |
(newView.ctx = $extend({}, newCtx))[itemVar] = $sub._cp(data, "#data", newView);
1842 |
1843 |
1844 |
newView.tag = tag;
1845 |
newView._.nl = noLinking;
1846 |
result += tmpl.fn(data, newView, $sub);
1847 |
1848 |
if (tag) {
1849 |
newView.tagElse = tagCtx.index;
1850 |
tagCtx.contentView = newView;
1851 |
1852 |
return outerOnRender ? outerOnRender(result, newView) : result;
1853 |
1854 |
1855 |
1856 |
// Build and compile template
1857 |
1858 |
1859 |
// Generate a reusable function that will serve to render a template against data
1860 |
// (Compile AST then build template function)
1861 |
1862 |
function onRenderError(e, view, fallback) {
1863 |
var message = fallback !== undefined
1864 |
? $isFunction(fallback)
1865 |
? fallback.call(view.data, e, view)
1866 |
: fallback || ""
1867 |
: "{Error: " + (e.message||e) + "}";
1868 |
1869 |
if ($subSettings.onError && (fallback = $subSettings.onError.call(view.data, e, fallback && message, view)) !== undefined) {
1870 |
message = fallback; // There is a settings.debugMode(handler) onError override. Call it, and use return value (if any) to replace message
1871 |
1872 |
return view && !view._lc ? $converters.html(message) : message; // For data-link=\"{... onError=...}"... See onDataLinkedTagChange
1873 |
1874 |
1875 |
function error(message) {
1876 |
throw new $sub.Err(message);
1877 |
1878 |
1879 |
function syntaxError(message) {
1880 |
error("Syntax error\n" + message);
1881 |
1882 |
1883 |
function tmplFn(markup, tmpl, isLinkExpr, convertBack, hasElse) {
1884 |
// Compile markup to AST (abtract syntax tree) then build the template function code from the AST nodes
1885 |
// Used for compiling templates, and also by JsViews to build functions for data link expressions
1886 |
1887 |
//==== nested functions ====
1888 |
function pushprecedingContent(shift) {
1889 |
shift -= loc;
1890 |
if (shift) {
1891 |
content.push(markup.substr(loc, shift).replace(rNewLine, "\\n"));
1892 |
1893 |
1894 |
1895 |
function blockTagCheck(tagName, block) {
1896 |
if (tagName) {
1897 |
tagName += '}}';
1898 |
// '{{include}} block has {{/for}} with no open {{for}}'
1899 |
1900 |
1901 |
? '{{' + block + '}} block has {{/' + tagName + ' without {{' + tagName
1902 |
: 'Unmatched or missing {{/' + tagName) + ', in template:\n' + markup);
1903 |
1904 |
1905 |
1906 |
function parseTag(all, bind, tagName, converter, colon, html, codeTag, params, slash, bind2, closeBlock, index) {
1907 |
1908 |
1909 |
bind tagName cvt cln html code params slash bind2 closeBlk comment
1910 |
1911 |
1912 |
1913 |
{(\^)?{ bind
1914 |
1915 |
(\w+ tagName
1916 |
1917 |
1918 |
1919 |
(\w+)?(:) converter colon
1920 |
1921 |
(>) html
1922 |
1923 |
(\*) codeTag
1924 |
1925 |
1926 |
( params
1927 |
1928 |
1929 |
(\/)? slash
1930 |
1931 |
{(\^)?{ bind2
1932 |
1933 |
(?:\/(\w+))\s* closeBlock
1934 |
1935 |
!--[\s\S]*?-- comment
1936 |
1937 |
1938 |
1939 |
1940 |
1941 |
if (codeTag && bind || slash && !tagName || params && params.slice(-1) === ":" || bind2) {
1942 |
1943 |
1944 |
1945 |
// Build abstract syntax tree (AST): [tagName, converter, params, content, hash, bindings, contentMarkup]
1946 |
if (html) {
1947 |
colon = ":";
1948 |
converter = HTML;
1949 |
1950 |
slash = slash || isLinkExpr && !hasElse;
1951 |
1952 |
var late, openTagName, isLateOb,
1953 |
pathBindings = (bind || isLinkExpr) && [[]], // pathBindings is an array of arrays for arg bindings and a hash of arrays for prop bindings
1954 |
props = "",
1955 |
args = "",
1956 |
ctxProps = "",
1957 |
paramsArgs = "",
1958 |
paramsProps = "",
1959 |
paramsCtxProps = "",
1960 |
onError = "",
1961 |
useTrigger = "",
1962 |
// Block tag if not self-closing and not {{:}} or {{>}} (special case) and not a data-link expression
1963 |
block = !slash && !colon;
1964 |
1965 |
//==== nested helper function ====
1966 |
tagName = tagName || (params = params || "#data", colon); // {{:}} is equivalent to {{:#data}}
1967 |
1968 |
loc = index + all.length; // location marker - parsed up to here
1969 |
if (codeTag) {
1970 |
if (allowCode) {
1971 |
content.push(["*", "\n" + params.replace(/^:/, "ret+= ").replace(rUnescapeQuotes, "$1") + ";\n"]);
1972 |
1973 |
} else if (tagName) {
1974 |
if (tagName === "else") {
1975 |
if (rTestElseIf.test(params)) {
1976 |
syntaxError('For "{{else if expr}}" use "{{else expr}}"');
1977 |
1978 |
pathBindings = current[9] && [[]];
1979 |
current[10] = markup.substring(current[10], index); // contentMarkup for block tag
1980 |
openTagName = current[11] || current[0] || syntaxError("Mismatched: " + all);
1981 |
// current[0] is tagName, but for {{else}} nodes, current[11] is tagName of preceding open tag
1982 |
current = stack.pop();
1983 |
content = current[2];
1984 |
block = true;
1985 |
1986 |
if (params) {
1987 |
// remove newlines from the params string, to avoid compiled code errors for unterminated strings
1988 |
parseParams(params.replace(rNewLine, " "), pathBindings, tmpl, isLinkExpr)
1989 |
.replace(rBuildHash, function(all, onerror, isCtxPrm, key, keyToken, keyValue, arg, param) {
1990 |
if (key === "this:") {
1991 |
keyValue = "undefined"; // this=some.path is always a to parameter (one-way), so don't need to compile/evaluate some.path initialization
1992 |
1993 |
if (param) {
1994 |
isLateOb = isLateOb || param[0] === "@";
1995 |
1996 |
key = "'" + keyToken + "':";
1997 |
if (arg) {
1998 |
args += isCtxPrm + keyValue + ",";
1999 |
paramsArgs += "'" + param + "',";
2000 |
} else if (isCtxPrm) { // Contextual parameter, ~foo=expr
2001 |
ctxProps += key + 'j._cp(' + keyValue + ',"' + param + '",view),';
2002 |
// Compiled code for evaluating tagCtx on a tag will have: ctx:{'foo':j._cp(compiledExpr, "expr", view)}
2003 |
paramsCtxProps += key + "'" + param + "',";
2004 |
} else if (onerror) {
2005 |
onError += keyValue;
2006 |
} else {
2007 |
if (keyToken === "trigger") {
2008 |
useTrigger += keyValue;
2009 |
2010 |
if (keyToken === "lateRender") {
2011 |
late = param !== "false"; // Render after first pass
2012 |
2013 |
props += key + keyValue + ",";
2014 |
paramsProps += key + "'" + param + "',";
2015 |
hasHandlers = hasHandlers || rHasHandlers.test(keyToken);
2016 |
2017 |
return "";
2018 |
}).slice(0, -1);
2019 |
2020 |
2021 |
if (pathBindings && pathBindings[0]) {
2022 |
pathBindings.pop(); // Remove the binding that was prepared for next arg. (There is always an extra one ready).
2023 |
2024 |
2025 |
newNode = [
2026 |
2027 |
converter || !!convertBack || hasHandlers || "",
2028 |
block && [],
2029 |
parsedParam(paramsArgs || (tagName === ":" ? "'#data'," : ""), paramsProps, paramsCtxProps), // {{:}} equivalent to {{:#data}}
2030 |
parsedParam(args || (tagName === ":" ? "data," : ""), props, ctxProps),
2031 |
2032 |
2033 |
2034 |
2035 |
pathBindings || 0
2036 |
2037 |
2038 |
if (block) {
2039 |
2040 |
current = newNode;
2041 |
current[10] = loc; // Store current location of open tag, to be able to add contentMarkup when we reach closing tag
2042 |
current[11] = openTagName; // Used for checking syntax (matching close tag)
2043 |
2044 |
} else if (closeBlock) {
2045 |
blockTagCheck(closeBlock !== current[0] && closeBlock !== current[11] && closeBlock, current[0]); // Check matching close tag name
2046 |
current[10] = markup.substring(current[10], index); // contentMarkup for block tag
2047 |
current = stack.pop();
2048 |
2049 |
blockTagCheck(!current && closeBlock);
2050 |
content = current[2];
2051 |
2052 |
//==== /end of nested functions ====
2053 |
2054 |
var i, result, newNode, hasHandlers, bindings,
2055 |
allowCode = $subSettings.allowCode || tmpl && tmpl.allowCode
2056 |
|| $viewsSettings.allowCode === true, // include direct setting of settings.allowCode true for backward compat only
2057 |
astTop = [],
2058 |
loc = 0,
2059 |
stack = [],
2060 |
content = astTop,
2061 |
current = [,,astTop];
2062 |
2063 |
if (allowCode && tmpl._is) {
2064 |
tmpl.allowCode = allowCode;
2065 |
2066 |
2067 |
//TODO result = tmplFnsCache[markup]; // Only cache if template is not named and markup length < ...,
2068 |
//and there are no bindings or subtemplates?? Consider standard optimization for data-link="a.b.c"
2069 |
// if (result) {
2070 |
// tmpl.fn = result;
2071 |
// } else {
2072 |
2073 |
// result = markup;
2074 |
if (isLinkExpr) {
2075 |
if (convertBack !== undefined) {
2076 |
markup = markup.slice(0, -convertBack.length - 2) + delimCloseChar0;
2077 |
2078 |
markup = delimOpenChar0 + markup + delimCloseChar1;
2079 |
2080 |
2081 |
blockTagCheck(stack[0] && stack[0][2].pop()[0]);
2082 |
// Build the AST (abstract syntax tree) under astTop
2083 |
markup.replace(rTag, parseTag);
2084 |
2085 |
2086 |
2087 |
if (loc = astTop[astTop.length - 1]) {
2088 |
blockTagCheck("" + loc !== loc && (+loc[10] === loc[10]) && loc[0]);
2089 |
2090 |
// result = tmplFnsCache[markup] = buildCode(astTop, tmpl);
2091 |
// }
2092 |
2093 |
if (isLinkExpr) {
2094 |
result = buildCode(astTop, markup, isLinkExpr);
2095 |
bindings = [];
2096 |
i = astTop.length;
2097 |
while (i--) {
2098 |
bindings.unshift(astTop[i][9]); // With data-link expressions, pathBindings array for tagCtx[i] is astTop[i][9]
2099 |
2100 |
setPaths(result, bindings);
2101 |
} else {
2102 |
result = buildCode(astTop, tmpl);
2103 |
2104 |
return result;
2105 |
2106 |
2107 |
function setPaths(fn, pathsArr) {
2108 |
var key, paths,
2109 |
i = 0,
2110 |
l = pathsArr.length;
2111 |
fn.deps = [];
2112 |
fn.paths = []; // The array of path binding (array/dictionary)s for each tag/else block's args and props
2113 |
for (; i < l; i++) {
2114 |
fn.paths.push(paths = pathsArr[i]);
2115 |
for (key in paths) {
2116 |
if (key !== "_jsvto" && paths.hasOwnProperty(key) && paths[key].length && !paths[key].skp) {
2117 |
fn.deps = fn.deps.concat(paths[key]); // deps is the concatenation of the paths arrays for the different bindings
2118 |
2119 |
2120 |
2121 |
2122 |
2123 |
function parsedParam(args, props, ctx) {
2124 |
return [args.slice(0, -1), props.slice(0, -1), ctx.slice(0, -1)];
2125 |
2126 |
2127 |
function paramStructure(paramCode, paramVals) {
2128 |
return '\n\tparams:{args:[' + paramCode[0] + '],\n\tprops:{' + paramCode[1] + '}'
2129 |
+ (paramCode[2] ? ',\n\tctx:{' + paramCode[2] + '}' : "")
2130 |
+ '},\n\targs:[' + paramVals[0] + '],\n\tprops:{' + paramVals[1] + '}'
2131 |
+ (paramVals[2] ? ',\n\tctx:{' + paramVals[2] + '}' : "");
2132 |
2133 |
2134 |
function parseParams(params, pathBindings, tmpl, isLinkExpr) {
2135 |
2136 |
function parseTokens(all, lftPrn0, lftPrn, bound, path, operator, err, eq, path2, late, prn,
2137 |
comma, lftPrn2, apos, quot, rtPrn, rtPrnDot, prn2, space, index, full) {
2138 |
// /(\()(?=\s*\()|(?:([([])\s*)?(?:(\^?)(~?[\w$.^]+)?\s*((\+\+|--)|\+|-|~(?![\w$])|&&|\|\||===|!==|==|!=|<=|>=|[<>%*:?\/]|(=))\s*|(!*?(@)?[#~]?[\w$.^]+)([([])?)|(,\s*)|(?:(\()\s*)?\\?(?:(')|("))|(?:\s*(([)\]])(?=[.^]|\s*$|[^([])|[)\]])([([]?))|(\s+)/g,
2139 |
//lftPrn0 lftPrn bound path operator err eq path2 late prn comma lftPrn2 apos quot rtPrn rtPrnDot prn2 space
2140 |
// (left paren? followed by (path? followed by operator) or (path followed by paren?)) or comma or apos or quot or right paren or space
2141 |
2142 |
function parsePath(allPath, not, object, helper, view, viewProperty, pathTokens, leafToken) {
2143 |
// /^(!*?)(?:null|true|false|\d[\d.]*|([\w$]+|\.|~([\w$]+)|#(view|([\w$]+))?)([\w$.^]*?)(?:[.[^]([\w$]+)\]?)?)$/g,
2144 |
// not object helper view viewProperty pathTokens leafToken
2145 |
subPath = object === ".";
2146 |
if (object) {
2147 |
path = path.slice(not.length);
2148 |
if (/^\.?constructor$/.test(leafToken||path)) {
2149 |
2150 |
2151 |
if (!subPath) {
2152 |
allPath = (late // late path @a.b.c: not throw on 'property of undefined' if a undefined, and will use _getOb() after linking to resolve late.
2153 |
? (isLinkExpr ? '' : '(ltOb.lt=ltOb.lt||') + '(ob='
2154 |
: ""
2155 |
2156 |
+ (helper
2157 |
? 'view.ctxPrm("' + helper + '")'
2158 |
: view
2159 |
? "view"
2160 |
: "data")
2161 |
+ (late
2162 |
? ')===undefined' + (isLinkExpr ? '' : ')') + '?"":view._getOb(ob,"'
2163 |
: ""
2164 |
2165 |
+ (leafToken
2166 |
? (viewProperty
2167 |
? "." + viewProperty
2168 |
: helper
2169 |
? ""
2170 |
: (view ? "" : "." + object)
2171 |
) + (pathTokens || "")
2172 |
: (leafToken = helper ? "" : view ? viewProperty || "" : object, ""));
2173 |
allPath = allPath + (leafToken ? "." + leafToken : "");
2174 |
2175 |
allPath = not + (allPath.slice(0, 9) === "view.data"
2176 |
? allPath.slice(5) // convert #view.data... to data...
2177 |
: allPath)
2178 |
+ (late
2179 |
? (isLinkExpr ? '"': '",ltOb') + (prn ? ',1)':')')
2180 |
: ""
2181 |
2182 |
2183 |
if (bindings) {
2184 |
binds = named === "_linkTo" ? (bindto = pathBindings._jsvto = pathBindings._jsvto || []) : bndCtx.bd;
2185 |
if (theOb = subPath && binds[binds.length-1]) {
2186 |
if (theOb._cpfn) { // Computed property exprOb
2187 |
while (theOb.sb) {
2188 |
theOb = theOb.sb;
2189 |
2190 |
if (theOb.prm) {
2191 |
if (theOb.bnd) {
2192 |
path = "^" + path.slice(1);
2193 |
2194 |
theOb.sb = path;
2195 |
theOb.bnd = theOb.bnd || path[0] === "^";
2196 |
2197 |
2198 |
} else {
2199 |
2200 |
2201 |
if (prn && !subPath) {
2202 |
pathStart[fnDp] = ind;
2203 |
compiledPathStart[fnDp] = compiledPath[fnDp].length;
2204 |
2205 |
2206 |
2207 |
return allPath;
2208 |
2209 |
2210 |
//bound = bindings && bound;
2211 |
if (bound && !eq) {
2212 |
path = bound + path; // e.g. some.fn(...)^some.path - so here path is "^some.path"
2213 |
2214 |
operator = operator || "";
2215 |
lftPrn2 = lftPrn2 || "";
2216 |
lftPrn = lftPrn || lftPrn0 || lftPrn2;
2217 |
path = path || path2;
2218 |
2219 |
if (late && (late = !/\)|]/.test(full[index-1]))) {
2220 |
path = path.slice(1).split(".").join("^"); // Late path @z.b.c. Use "^" rather than "." to ensure that deep binding will be used
2221 |
2222 |
// Could do this - but not worth perf cost?? :-
2223 |
// if (!path.lastIndexOf("#data.", 0)) { path = path.slice(6); } // If path starts with "#data.", remove that.
2224 |
prn = prn || prn2 || "";
2225 |
var expr, binds, theOb, newOb, subPath, lftPrnFCall, ret,
2226 |
ind = index;
2227 |
2228 |
if (!aposed && !quoted) {
2229 |
if (err) {
2230 |
2231 |
2232 |
if (rtPrnDot && bindings) {
2233 |
// This is a binding to a path in which an object is returned by a helper/data function/expression, e.g. foo()^x.y or (a?b:c)^x.y
2234 |
// We create a compiled function to get the object instance (which will be called when the dependent data of the subexpression changes, to return the new object, and trigger re-binding of the subsequent path)
2235 |
expr = pathStart[fnDp-1];
2236 |
if (full.length - 1 > ind - (expr || 0)) { // We need to compile a subexpression
2237 |
expr = $.trim(full.slice(expr, ind + all.length));
2238 |
binds = bindto || bndStack[fnDp-1].bd;
2239 |
// Insert exprOb object, to be used during binding to return the computed object
2240 |
theOb = binds[binds.length-1];
2241 |
if (theOb && theOb.prm) {
2242 |
while (theOb.sb && theOb.sb.prm) {
2243 |
theOb = theOb.sb;
2244 |
2245 |
newOb = theOb.sb = {path: theOb.sb, bnd: theOb.bnd};
2246 |
} else {
2247 |
binds.push(newOb = {path: binds.pop()}); // Insert exprOb object, to be used during binding to return the computed object
2248 |
2249 |
if (theOb && theOb.sb === newOb) {
2250 |
compiledPath[fnDp] = compiledPath[fnDp-1].slice(theOb._cpPthSt) + compiledPath[fnDp];
2251 |
compiledPath[fnDp-1] = compiledPath[fnDp-1].slice(0, theOb._cpPthSt);
2252 |
2253 |
newOb._cpPthSt = compiledPathStart[fnDp-1];
2254 |
newOb._cpKey = expr;
2255 |
2256 |
compiledPath[fnDp] += full.slice(prevIndex, index);
2257 |
prevIndex = index;
2258 |
2259 |
newOb._cpfn = cpFnStore[expr] = cpFnStore[expr] || // Compiled function for computed value: get from store, or compile and store
2260 |
new Function("data,view,j", // Compiled function for computed value in template
2261 |
"//" + expr + "\nvar v;\nreturn ((v=" + compiledPath[fnDp] + (rtPrn === "]" ? ")]" : rtPrn) + ")!=null?v:null);");
2262 |
2263 |
compiledPath[fnDp-1] += (fnCall[prnDp] && $subSettingsAdvanced.cache ? "view.getCache(\"" + expr.replace(rEscapeQuotes, "\\$&") + "\"" : compiledPath[fnDp]);
2264 |
2265 |
newOb.prm = bndCtx.bd;
2266 |
newOb.bnd = newOb.bnd || newOb.path && newOb.path.indexOf("^") >= 0;
2267 |
2268 |
compiledPath[fnDp] = "";
2269 |
2270 |
if (prn === "[") {
2271 |
prn = "[j._sq(";
2272 |
2273 |
if (lftPrn === "[") {
2274 |
lftPrn = "[j._sq(";
2275 |
2276 |
2277 |
ret = (aposed
2278 |
// within single-quoted string
2279 |
? (aposed = !apos, (aposed ? all : lftPrn2 + '"'))
2280 |
: quoted
2281 |
// within double-quoted string
2282 |
? (quoted = !quot, (quoted ? all : lftPrn2 + '"'))
2283 |
2284 |
2285 |
2286 |
? (
2287 |
prnStack[++prnDp] = true,
2288 |
prnInd[prnDp] = 0,
2289 |
bindings && (
2290 |
pathStart[fnDp++] = ind++,
2291 |
bndCtx = bndStack[fnDp] = {bd: []},
2292 |
compiledPath[fnDp] = "",
2293 |
compiledPathStart[fnDp] = 1
2294 |
2295 |
lftPrn) // Left paren, (not a function call paren)
2296 |
: "")
2297 |
+ (space
2298 |
? (prnDp
2299 |
? "" // A space within parens or within function call parens, so not a separator for tag args
2300 |
// New arg or prop - so insert backspace \b (\x08) as separator for named params, used subsequently by rBuildHash, and prepare new bindings array
2301 |
: (paramIndex = full.slice(paramIndex, ind), named
2302 |
? (named = boundName = bindto = false, "\b")
2303 |
: "\b,") + paramIndex + (paramIndex = ind + all.length, bindings && pathBindings.push(bndCtx.bd = []), "\b")
2304 |
2305 |
: eq
2306 |
// named param. Remove bindings for arg and create instead bindings array for prop
2307 |
? (fnDp && syntaxError(params), bindings && pathBindings.pop(), named = "_" + path, boundName = bound, paramIndex = ind + all.length,
2308 |
bindings && ((bindings = bndCtx.bd = pathBindings[named] = []), bindings.skp = !bound), path + ':')
2309 |
: path
2310 |
// path
2311 |
? (path.split("^").join(".").replace($sub.rPath, parsePath)
2312 |
+ (prn || operator)
2313 |
2314 |
: operator
2315 |
// operator
2316 |
? operator
2317 |
: rtPrn
2318 |
// function
2319 |
? rtPrn === "]" ? ")]" : ")"
2320 |
: comma
2321 |
? (fnCall[prnDp] || syntaxError(params), ",") // We don't allow top-level literal arrays or objects
2322 |
: lftPrn0
2323 |
? ""
2324 |
: (aposed = apos, quoted = quot, '"')
2325 |
2326 |
2327 |
2328 |
if (!aposed && !quoted) {
2329 |
if (rtPrn) {
2330 |
fnCall[prnDp] = false;
2331 |
2332 |
2333 |
2334 |
2335 |
if (bindings) {
2336 |
if (!aposed && !quoted) {
2337 |
if (rtPrn) {
2338 |
if (prnStack[prnDp+1]) {
2339 |
bndCtx = bndStack[--fnDp];
2340 |
prnStack[prnDp+1] = false;
2341 |
2342 |
prnStart = prnInd[prnDp+1];
2343 |
2344 |
if (prn) {
2345 |
prnInd[prnDp+1] = compiledPath[fnDp].length + (lftPrn ? 1 : 0);
2346 |
if (path || rtPrn) {
2347 |
bndCtx = bndStack[++fnDp] = {bd: []};
2348 |
prnStack[prnDp+1] = true;
2349 |
2350 |
2351 |
2352 |
2353 |
compiledPath[fnDp] = (compiledPath[fnDp]||"") + full.slice(prevIndex, index);
2354 |
prevIndex = index+all.length;
2355 |
2356 |
if (!aposed && !quoted) {
2357 |
if (lftPrnFCall = lftPrn && prnStack[prnDp+1]) {
2358 |
compiledPath[fnDp-1] += lftPrn;
2359 |
2360 |
2361 |
if (prn === "(" && subPath && !newOb) {
2362 |
compiledPath[fnDp] = compiledPath[fnDp-1].slice(prnStart) + compiledPath[fnDp];
2363 |
compiledPath[fnDp-1] = compiledPath[fnDp-1].slice(0, prnStart);
2364 |
2365 |
2366 |
compiledPath[fnDp] += lftPrnFCall ? ret.slice(1) : ret;
2367 |
2368 |
2369 |
if (!aposed && !quoted && prn) {
2370 |
2371 |
if (path && prn === "(") {
2372 |
fnCall[prnDp] = true;
2373 |
2374 |
2375 |
2376 |
if (!aposed && !quoted && prn2) {
2377 |
if (bindings) {
2378 |
compiledPath[fnDp] += prn;
2379 |
2380 |
ret += prn;
2381 |
2382 |
return ret;
2383 |
2384 |
2385 |
var named, bindto, boundName, result,
2386 |
quoted, // boolean for string content in double quotes
2387 |
aposed, // or in single quotes
2388 |
bindings = pathBindings && pathBindings[0], // bindings array for the first arg
2389 |
bndCtx = {bd: bindings},
2390 |
bndStack = {0: bndCtx},
2391 |
paramIndex = 0, // list,
2392 |
// The following are used for tracking path parsing including nested paths, such as "a.b(c^d + (e))^f", and chained computed paths such as
2393 |
// "a.b().c^d().e.f().g" - which has four chained paths, "a.b()", "^c.d()", ".e.f()" and ".g"
2394 |
prnDp = 0, // For tracking paren depth (not function call parens)
2395 |
fnDp = 0, // For tracking depth of function call parens
2396 |
prnInd = {}, // We are in a function call
2397 |
prnStart = 0, // tracks the start of the current path such as c^d() in the above example
2398 |
prnStack = {}, // tracks parens which are not function calls, and so are associated with new bndStack contexts
2399 |
fnCall = {}, // We are in a function call
2400 |
pathStart = {},// tracks the start of the current path such as c^d() in the above example
2401 |
compiledPathStart = {0: 0},
2402 |
compiledPath = {0:""},
2403 |
prevIndex = 0;
2404 |
2405 |
if (params[0] === "@") {
2406 |
params = params.replace(rBracketQuote, ".");
2407 |
2408 |
result = (params + (tmpl ? " " : "")).replace($sub.rPrm, parseTokens);
2409 |
2410 |
if (bindings) {
2411 |
result = compiledPath[0];
2412 |
2413 |
2414 |
return !prnDp && result || syntaxError(params); // Syntax error if unbalanced parens in params expression
2415 |
2416 |
2417 |
function buildCode(ast, tmpl, isLinkExpr) {
2418 |
// Build the template function code from the AST nodes, and set as property on the passed-in template object
2419 |
// Used for compiling templates, and also by JsViews to build functions for data link expressions
2420 |
var i, node, tagName, converter, tagCtx, hasTag, hasEncoder, getsVal, hasCnvt, useCnvt, tmplBindings, pathBindings, params, boundOnErrStart,
2421 |
boundOnErrEnd, tagRender, nestedTmpls, tmplName, nestedTmpl, tagAndElses, content, markup, nextIsElse, oldCode, isElse, isGetVal, tagCtxFn,
2422 |
onError, tagStart, trigger, lateRender, retStrOpen, retStrClose,
2423 |
tmplBindingKey = 0,
2424 |
useViews = $subSettingsAdvanced.useViews || tmpl.useViews || tmpl.tags || tmpl.templates || tmpl.helpers || tmpl.converters,
2425 |
code = "",
2426 |
tmplOptions = {},
2427 |
l = ast.length;
2428 |
2429 |
if ("" + tmpl === tmpl) {
2430 |
tmplName = isLinkExpr ? 'data-link="' + tmpl.replace(rNewLine, " ").slice(1, -1) + '"' : tmpl;
2431 |
tmpl = 0;
2432 |
} else {
2433 |
tmplName = tmpl.tmplName || "unnamed";
2434 |
if (tmpl.allowCode) {
2435 |
tmplOptions.allowCode = true;
2436 |
2437 |
if (tmpl.debug) {
2438 |
tmplOptions.debug = true;
2439 |
2440 |
tmplBindings = tmpl.bnds;
2441 |
nestedTmpls = tmpl.tmpls;
2442 |
2443 |
for (i = 0; i < l; i++) {
2444 |
// AST nodes: [0: tagName, 1: converter, 2: content, 3: params, 4: code, 5: onError, 6: trigger, 7:pathBindings, 8: contentMarkup]
2445 |
node = ast[i];
2446 |
2447 |
// Add newline for each callout to t() c() etc. and each markup string
2448 |
if ("" + node === node) {
2449 |
// a markup string to be inserted
2450 |
code += '+"' + node + '"';
2451 |
} else {
2452 |
// a compiled tag expression to be inserted
2453 |
tagName = node[0];
2454 |
if (tagName === "*") {
2455 |
// Code tag: {{* }}
2456 |
code += ";\n" + node[1] + "\nret=ret";
2457 |
} else {
2458 |
converter = node[1];
2459 |
content = !isLinkExpr && node[2];
2460 |
tagCtx = paramStructure(node[3], params = node[4]);
2461 |
trigger = node[6];
2462 |
lateRender = node[7];
2463 |
if (node[8]) { // latePath @a.b.c or @~a.b.c
2464 |
retStrOpen = "\nvar ob,ltOb={},ctxs=";
2465 |
retStrClose = ";\nctxs.lt=ltOb.lt;\nreturn ctxs;";
2466 |
} else {
2467 |
retStrOpen = "\nreturn ";
2468 |
retStrClose = "";
2469 |
2470 |
markup = node[10] && node[10].replace(rUnescapeQuotes, "$1");
2471 |
if (isElse = tagName === "else") {
2472 |
if (pathBindings) {
2473 |
2474 |
2475 |
} else {
2476 |
onError = node[5] || $subSettings.debugMode !== false && "undefined"; // If debugMode not false, set default onError handler on tag to "undefined" (see onRenderError)
2477 |
if (tmplBindings && (pathBindings = node[9])) { // Array of paths, or false if not data-bound
2478 |
pathBindings = [pathBindings];
2479 |
tmplBindingKey = tmplBindings.push(1); // Add placeholder in tmplBindings for compiled function
2480 |
2481 |
2482 |
useViews = useViews || params[1] || params[2] || pathBindings || /view.(?!index)/.test(params[0]);
2483 |
// useViews is for perf optimization. For render() we only use views if necessary - for the more advanced scenarios.
2484 |
// We use views if there are props, contextual properties or args with #... (other than #index) - but you can force
2485 |
// using the full view infrastructure, (and pay a perf price) by opting in: Set useViews: true on the template, manually...
2486 |
if (isGetVal = tagName === ":") {
2487 |
if (converter) {
2488 |
tagName = converter === HTML ? ">" : converter + tagName;
2489 |
2490 |
} else {
2491 |
if (content) { // TODO optimize - if content.length === 0 or if there is a tmpl="..." specified - set content to null / don't run this compilation code - since content won't get used!!
2492 |
// Create template object for nested template
2493 |
nestedTmpl = tmplObject(markup, tmplOptions);
2494 |
nestedTmpl.tmplName = tmplName + "/" + tagName;
2495 |
// Compile to AST and then to compiled function
2496 |
nestedTmpl.useViews = nestedTmpl.useViews || useViews;
2497 |
buildCode(content, nestedTmpl);
2498 |
useViews = nestedTmpl.useViews;
2499 |
2500 |
2501 |
2502 |
if (!isElse) {
2503 |
// This is not an else tag.
2504 |
tagAndElses = tagName;
2505 |
useViews = useViews || tagName && (!$tags[tagName] || !$tags[tagName].flow);
2506 |
// Switch to a new code string for this bound tag (and its elses, if it has any) - for returning the tagCtxs array
2507 |
oldCode = code;
2508 |
code = "";
2509 |
2510 |
nextIsElse = ast[i + 1];
2511 |
nextIsElse = nextIsElse && nextIsElse[0] === "else";
2512 |
2513 |
tagStart = onError ? ";\ntry{\nret+=" : "\n+";
2514 |
boundOnErrStart = "";
2515 |
boundOnErrEnd = "";
2516 |
2517 |
if (isGetVal && (pathBindings || trigger || converter && converter !== HTML || lateRender)) {
2518 |
// For convertVal we need a compiled function to return the new tagCtx(s)
2519 |
tagCtxFn = new Function("data,view,j", "// " + tmplName + " " + (++tmplBindingKey) + " " + tagName
2520 |
+ retStrOpen + "{" + tagCtx + "};" + retStrClose);
2521 |
tagCtxFn._er = onError;
2522 |
tagCtxFn._tag = tagName;
2523 |
tagCtxFn._bd = !!pathBindings; // data-linked tag {^{.../}}
2524 |
tagCtxFn._lr = lateRender;
2525 |
2526 |
if (isLinkExpr) {
2527 |
return tagCtxFn;
2528 |
2529 |
2530 |
setPaths(tagCtxFn, pathBindings);
2531 |
tagRender = 'c("' + converter + '",view,';
2532 |
useCnvt = true;
2533 |
boundOnErrStart = tagRender + tmplBindingKey + ",";
2534 |
boundOnErrEnd = ")";
2535 |
2536 |
code += (isGetVal
2537 |
? (isLinkExpr ? (onError ? "try{\n" : "") + "return " : tagStart) + (useCnvt // Call _cnvt if there is a converter: {{cnvt: ... }} or {^{cnvt: ... }}
2538 |
? (useCnvt = undefined, useViews = hasCnvt = true, tagRender + (tagCtxFn
2539 |
? ((tmplBindings[tmplBindingKey - 1] = tagCtxFn), tmplBindingKey) // Store the compiled tagCtxFn in tmpl.bnds, and pass the key to convertVal()
2540 |
: "{" + tagCtx + "}") + ")")
2541 |
: tagName === ">"
2542 |
? (hasEncoder = true, "h(" + params[0] + ")")
2543 |
: (getsVal = true, "((v=" + params[0] + ')!=null?v:' + (isLinkExpr ? 'null)' : '"")'))
2544 |
// Non strict equality so data-link="title{:expr}" with expr=null/undefined removes title attribute
2545 |
2546 |
: (hasTag = true, "\n{view:view,content:false,tmpl:" // Add this tagCtx to the compiled code for the tagCtxs to be passed to renderTag()
2547 |
+ (content ? nestedTmpls.length : "false") + "," // For block tags, pass in the key (nestedTmpls.length) to the nested content template
2548 |
+ tagCtx + "},"));
2549 |
2550 |
if (tagAndElses && !nextIsElse) {
2551 |
// This is a data-link expression or an inline tag without any elses, or the last {{else}} of an inline tag
2552 |
// We complete the code for returning the tagCtxs array
2553 |
code = "[" + code.slice(0, -1) + "]";
2554 |
tagRender = 't("' + tagAndElses + '",view,this,';
2555 |
if (isLinkExpr || pathBindings) {
2556 |
// This is a bound tag (data-link expression or inline bound tag {^{tag ...}}) so we store a compiled tagCtxs function in tmp.bnds
2557 |
code = new Function("data,view,j", " // " + tmplName + " " + tmplBindingKey + " " + tagAndElses + retStrOpen + code
2558 |
+ retStrClose);
2559 |
code._er = onError;
2560 |
code._tag = tagAndElses;
2561 |
if (pathBindings) {
2562 |
setPaths(tmplBindings[tmplBindingKey - 1] = code, pathBindings);
2563 |
2564 |
code._lr = lateRender;
2565 |
if (isLinkExpr) {
2566 |
return code; // For a data-link expression we return the compiled tagCtxs function
2567 |
2568 |
boundOnErrStart = tagRender + tmplBindingKey + ",undefined,";
2569 |
boundOnErrEnd = ")";
2570 |
2571 |
2572 |
// This is the last {{else}} for an inline tag.
2573 |
// For a bound tag, pass the tagCtxs fn lookup key to renderTag.
2574 |
// For an unbound tag, include the code directly for evaluating tagCtxs array
2575 |
code = oldCode + tagStart + tagRender + (pathBindings && tmplBindingKey || code) + ")";
2576 |
pathBindings = 0;
2577 |
tagAndElses = 0;
2578 |
2579 |
if (onError && !nextIsElse) {
2580 |
useViews = true;
2581 |
code += ';\n}catch(e){ret' + (isLinkExpr ? "urn " : "+=") + boundOnErrStart + 'j._err(e,view,' + onError + ')' + boundOnErrEnd + ';}' + (isLinkExpr ? "" : '\nret=ret');
2582 |
2583 |
2584 |
2585 |
2586 |
// Include only the var references that are needed in the code
2587 |
code = "// " + tmplName
2588 |
+ (tmplOptions.debug ? "\ndebugger;" : "")
2589 |
+ "\nvar v"
2590 |
+ (hasTag ? ",t=j._tag" : "") // has tag
2591 |
+ (hasCnvt ? ",c=j._cnvt" : "") // converter
2592 |
+ (hasEncoder ? ",h=j._html" : "") // html converter
2593 |
+ (isLinkExpr
2594 |
? (node[8] // late @... path?
2595 |
? ", ob"
2596 |
: ""
2597 |
) + ";\n"
2598 |
: ',ret=""')
2599 |
+ code
2600 |
+ (isLinkExpr ? "\n" : ";\nreturn ret;");
2601 |
2602 |
try {
2603 |
code = new Function("data,view,j", code);
2604 |
} catch (e) {
2605 |
syntaxError("Compiled template code:\n\n" + code + '\n: "' + (e.message||e) + '"');
2606 |
2607 |
if (tmpl) {
2608 |
tmpl.fn = code;
2609 |
tmpl.useViews = !!useViews;
2610 |
2611 |
return code;
2612 |
2613 |
2614 |
2615 |
// Utilities
2616 |
2617 |
2618 |
// Merge objects, in particular contexts which inherit from parent contexts
2619 |
function extendCtx(context, parentContext) {
2620 |
// Return copy of parentContext, unless context is defined and is different, in which case return a new merged context
2621 |
// If neither context nor parentContext are defined, return undefined
2622 |
return context && context !== parentContext
2623 |
? (parentContext
2624 |
? $extend($extend({}, parentContext), context)
2625 |
: context)
2626 |
: parentContext && $extend({}, parentContext);
2627 |
2628 |
2629 |
function getTargetProps(source, tagCtx) {
2630 |
// this pointer is theMap - which has tagCtx.props too
2631 |
// arguments: tagCtx.args.
2632 |
var key, prop,
2633 |
map = tagCtx.map,
2634 |
propsArr = map && map.propsArr;
2635 |
2636 |
if (!propsArr) { // map.propsArr is the full array of {key:..., prop:...} objects
2637 |
propsArr = [];
2638 |
if (typeof source === OBJECT || $isFunction(source)) {
2639 |
for (key in source) {
2640 |
prop = source[key];
2641 |
if (key !== $expando && source.hasOwnProperty(key) && (!tagCtx.props.noFunctions || !$.isFunction(prop))) {
2642 |
propsArr.push({key: key, prop: prop});
2643 |
2644 |
2645 |
2646 |
if (map) {
2647 |
map.propsArr = map.options && propsArr; // If bound {^{props}} and not isRenderCall, store propsArr on map (map.options is defined only for bound, && !isRenderCall)
2648 |
2649 |
2650 |
return getTargetSorted(propsArr, tagCtx); // Obtains map.tgt, by filtering, sorting and splicing the full propsArr
2651 |
2652 |
2653 |
function getTargetSorted(value, tagCtx) {
2654 |
// getTgt
2655 |
var mapped, start, end,
2656 |
tag = tagCtx.tag,
2657 |
props = tagCtx.props,
2658 |
propParams = tagCtx.params.props,
2659 |
filter = props.filter,
2660 |
sort = props.sort,
2661 |
directSort = sort === true,
2662 |
step = parseInt(props.step),
2663 |
reverse = props.reverse ? -1 : 1;
2664 |
2665 |
if (!$isArray(value)) {
2666 |
return value;
2667 |
2668 |
if (directSort || sort && "" + sort === sort) {
2669 |
// Temporary mapped array holds objects with index and sort-value
2670 |
mapped = value.map(function(item, i) {
2671 |
item = directSort ? item : getPathObject(item, sort);
2672 |
return {i: i, v: "" + item === item ? item.toLowerCase() : item};
2673 |
2674 |
// Sort mapped array
2675 |
mapped.sort(function(a, b) {
2676 |
return a.v > b.v ? reverse : a.v < b.v ? -reverse : 0;
2677 |
2678 |
// Map to new array with resulting order
2679 |
value = mapped.map(function(item){
2680 |
return value[item.i];
2681 |
2682 |
} else if ((sort || reverse < 0) && !tag.dataMap) {
2683 |
value = value.slice(); // Clone array first if not already a new array
2684 |
2685 |
if ($isFunction(sort)) {
2686 |
value = value.sort(function() { // Wrap the sort function to provide tagCtx as 'this' pointer
2687 |
return sort.apply(tagCtx, arguments);
2688 |
2689 |
2690 |
if (reverse < 0 && (!sort || $isFunction(sort))) { // Reverse result if not already reversed in sort
2691 |
value = value.reverse();
2692 |
2693 |
2694 |
if (value.filter && filter) { // IE8 does not support filter
2695 |
value = value.filter(filter, tagCtx);
2696 |
if (tagCtx.tag.onFilter) {
2697 |
2698 |
2699 |
2700 |
2701 |
if (propParams.sorted) {
2702 |
mapped = (sort || reverse < 0) ? value : value.slice();
2703 |
if (tag.sorted) {
2704 |
$.observable(tag.sorted).refresh(mapped); // Note that this might cause the start and end props to be modified - e.g. by pager tag control
2705 |
} else {
2706 |
tagCtx.map.sorted = mapped;
2707 |
2708 |
2709 |
2710 |
start = props.start; // Get current value - after possible changes triggered by tag.sorted refresh() above
2711 |
end = props.end;
2712 |
if (propParams.start && start === undefined || propParams.end && end === undefined) {
2713 |
start = end = 0;
2714 |
2715 |
if (!isNaN(start) || !isNaN(end)) { // start or end specified, but not the auto-create Number array scenario of {{for start=xxx end=yyy}}
2716 |
start = +start || 0;
2717 |
end = end === undefined || end > value.length ? value.length : +end;
2718 |
value = value.slice(start, end);
2719 |
2720 |
if (step > 1) {
2721 |
start = 0;
2722 |
end = value.length;
2723 |
mapped = [];
2724 |
for (; start<end; start+=step) {
2725 |
2726 |
2727 |
value = mapped;
2728 |
2729 |
if (propParams.paged && tag.paged) {
2730 |
2731 |
2732 |
2733 |
return value;
2734 |
2735 |
2736 |
/** Render the template as a string, using the specified data and helpers/context
2737 |
* $("#tmpl").render()
2738 |
2739 |
* @param {any} data
2740 |
* @param {hash} [helpersOrContext]
2741 |
* @param {boolean} [noIteration]
2742 |
* @returns {string} rendered template
2743 |
2744 |
function $fnRender(data, context, noIteration) {
2745 |
var tmplElem = this.jquery && (this[0] || error('Unknown template')), // Targeted element not found for jQuery template selector such as "#myTmpl"
2746 |
tmpl = tmplElem.getAttribute(tmplAttr);
2747 |
2748 |
return renderContent.call(tmpl && $.data(tmplElem)[jsvTmpl] || $templates(tmplElem),
2749 |
data, context, noIteration);
2750 |
2751 |
2752 |
//========================== Register converters ==========================
2753 |
2754 |
function getCharEntity(ch) {
2755 |
// Get character entity for HTML, Attribute and optional data encoding
2756 |
return charEntities[ch] || (charEntities[ch] = "&#" + ch.charCodeAt(0) + ";");
2757 |
2758 |
2759 |
function getCharFromEntity(match, token) {
2760 |
// Get character from HTML entity, for optional data unencoding
2761 |
return charsFromEntities[token] || "";
2762 |
2763 |
2764 |
function htmlEncode(text) {
2765 |
// HTML encode: Replace < > & ' " ` etc. by corresponding entities.
2766 |
return text != undefined ? rIsHtml.test(text) && ("" + text).replace(rHtmlEncode, getCharEntity) || text : "";
2767 |
2768 |
2769 |
function dataEncode(text) {
2770 |
// Encode just < > and & - intended for 'safe data' along with {{:}} rather than {{>}}
2771 |
return "" + text === text ? text.replace(rDataEncode, getCharEntity) : text;
2772 |
2773 |
2774 |
function dataUnencode(text) {
2775 |
// Unencode just < > and & - intended for 'safe data' along with {{:}} rather than {{>}}
2776 |
return "" + text === text ? text.replace(rDataUnencode, getCharFromEntity) : text;
2777 |
2778 |
2779 |
//========================== Initialize ==========================
2780 |
2781 |
$sub = $views.sub;
2782 |
$viewsSettings = $views.settings;
2783 |
2784 |
if (!(jsr || $ && $.render)) {
2785 |
// JsRender/JsViews not already loaded (or loaded without jQuery, and we are now moving from jsrender namespace to jQuery namepace)
2786 |
for (jsvStoreName in jsvStores) {
2787 |
registerStore(jsvStoreName, jsvStores[jsvStoreName]);
2788 |
2789 |
2790 |
$converters = $views.converters;
2791 |
$helpers = $views.helpers;
2792 |
$tags = $views.tags;
2793 |
2794 |
$sub._tg.prototype = {
2795 |
baseApply: baseApply,
2796 |
cvtArgs: convertArgs,
2797 |
bndArgs: convertBoundArgs,
2798 |
ctxPrm: contextParameter
2799 |
2800 |
2801 |
topView = $sub.topView = new View();
2802 |
2803 |
2804 |
if ($) {
2805 |
2806 |
2807 |
// jQuery (= $) is loaded
2808 |
2809 |
$.fn.render = $fnRender;
2810 |
$expando = $.expando;
2811 |
if ($.observable) {
2812 |
if (versionNumber !== (versionNumber = $.views.jsviews)) {
2813 |
// Different version of jsRender was loaded
2814 |
throw "jquery.observable.js requires jsrender.js " + versionNumber;
2815 |
2816 |
$extend($sub, $.views.sub); // jquery.observable.js was loaded before jsrender.js
2817 |
$views.map = $.views.map;
2818 |
2819 |
2820 |
} else {
2821 |
2822 |
// jQuery is not loaded.
2823 |
2824 |
$ = {};
2825 |
2826 |
if (setGlobals) {
2827 |
global.jsrender = $; // We are loading jsrender.js from a script element, not AMD or CommonJS, so set global
2828 |
2829 |
2830 |
// Error warning if jsrender.js is used as template engine on Node.js (e.g. Express or Hapi...)
2831 |
// Use jsrender-node.js instead...
2832 |
$.renderFile = $.__express = $.compile = function() { throw "Node.js: use npm jsrender, or jsrender-node.js"; };
2833 |
2834 |
2835 |
$.isFunction = function(ob) {
2836 |
return typeof ob === "function";
2837 |
2838 |
2839 |
$.isArray = Array.isArray || function(obj) {
2840 |
return ({}.toString).call(obj) === "[object Array]";
2841 |
2842 |
2843 |
$sub._jq = function(jq) { // private method to move from JsRender APIs from jsrender namespace to jQuery namespace
2844 |
if (jq !== $) {
2845 |
$extend(jq, $); // map over from jsrender namespace to jQuery namespace
2846 |
$ = jq;
2847 |
$.fn.render = $fnRender;
2848 |
delete $.jsrender;
2849 |
$expando = $.expando;
2850 |
2851 |
2852 |
2853 |
$.jsrender = versionNumber;
2854 |
2855 |
$subSettings = $sub.settings;
2856 |
$subSettings.allowCode = false;
2857 |
$isFunction = $.isFunction;
2858 |
$.render = $render;
2859 |
$.views = $views;
2860 |
$.templates = $templates = $views.templates;
2861 |
2862 |
for (setting in $subSettings) {
2863 |
2864 |
2865 |
2866 |
2867 |
* $.views.settings.debugMode(true)
2868 |
* @param {boolean} debugMode
2869 |
* @returns {Settings}
2870 |
2871 |
* debugMode = $.views.settings.debugMode()
2872 |
* @returns {boolean}
2873 |
2874 |
($viewsSettings.debugMode = function(debugMode) {
2875 |
return debugMode === undefined
2876 |
? $subSettings.debugMode
2877 |
: (
2878 |
$subSettings._clFns && $subSettings._clFns(), // Clear linkExprStore (cached compiled expressions), since debugMode setting affects compilation for expressions
2879 |
$subSettings.debugMode = debugMode,
2880 |
$subSettings.onError = debugMode + "" === debugMode
2881 |
? function() { return debugMode; }
2882 |
: $isFunction(debugMode)
2883 |
? debugMode
2884 |
: undefined,
2885 |
2886 |
})(false); // jshint ignore:line
2887 |
2888 |
$subSettingsAdvanced = $subSettings.advanced = {
2889 |
cache: true, // By default use cached values of computed values (Otherwise, set advanced cache setting to false)
2890 |
useViews: false,
2891 |
_jsv: false // For global access to JsViews store
2892 |
2893 |
2894 |
//========================== Register tags ==========================
2895 |
2896 |
2897 |
"if": {
2898 |
render: function(val) {
2899 |
// This function is called once for {{if}} and once for each {{else}}.
2900 |
// We will use the tag.rendering object for carrying rendering state across the calls.
2901 |
// If not done (a previous block has not been rendered), look at expression for this block and render the block if expression is truthy
2902 |
// Otherwise return ""
2903 |
var self = this,
2904 |
tagCtx = self.tagCtx,
2905 |
ret = (self.rendering.done || !val && (tagCtx.args.length || !tagCtx.index))
2906 |
? ""
2907 |
: (self.rendering.done = true,
2908 |
self.selected = tagCtx.index,
2909 |
undefined); // Test is satisfied, so render content on current context
2910 |
return ret;
2911 |
2912 |
contentCtx: true, // Inherit parent view data context
2913 |
flow: true
2914 |
2915 |
"for": {
2916 |
sortDataMap: dataMap(getTargetSorted),
2917 |
init: function(val, cloned) {
2918 |
2919 |
2920 |
render: function(val) {
2921 |
// This function is called once for {{for}} and once for each {{else}}.
2922 |
// We will use the tag.rendering object for carrying rendering state across the calls.
2923 |
var value, filter, srtField, isArray, i, sorted, end, step,
2924 |
self = this,
2925 |
tagCtx = self.tagCtx,
2926 |
range = tagCtx.argDefault === false,
2927 |
props = tagCtx.props,
2928 |
iterate = range || tagCtx.args.length, // Not final else and not auto-create range
2929 |
result = "",
2930 |
done = 0;
2931 |
2932 |
if (!self.rendering.done) {
2933 |
value = iterate ? val : tagCtx.view.data; // For the final else, defaults to current data without iteration.
2934 |
2935 |
if (range) {
2936 |
range = props.reverse ? "unshift" : "push";
2937 |
end = +props.end;
2938 |
step = +props.step || 1;
2939 |
value = []; // auto-create integer array scenario of {{for start=xxx end=yyy}}
2940 |
for (i = +props.start || 0; (end - i) * step > 0; i += step) {
2941 |
2942 |
2943 |
2944 |
if (value !== undefined) {
2945 |
isArray = $isArray(value);
2946 |
result += tagCtx.render(value, !iterate || props.noIteration);
2947 |
// Iterates if data is an array, except on final else - or if noIteration property
2948 |
// set to true. (Use {{include}} to compose templates without array iteration)
2949 |
done += isArray ? value.length : 1;
2950 |
2951 |
if (self.rendering.done = done) {
2952 |
self.selected = tagCtx.index;
2953 |
2954 |
// If nothing was rendered we will look at the next {{else}}. Otherwise, we are done.
2955 |
2956 |
return result;
2957 |
2958 |
setDataMap: function(tagCtxs) {
2959 |
var tagCtx, props, paramsProps,
2960 |
self = this,
2961 |
l = tagCtxs.length;
2962 |
while (l--) {
2963 |
tagCtx = tagCtxs[l];
2964 |
props = tagCtx.props;
2965 |
paramsProps = tagCtx.params.props;
2966 |
tagCtx.argDefault = props.end === undefined || tagCtx.args.length > 0; // Default to #data except for auto-create range scenario {{for start=xxx end=yyy step=zzz}}
2967 |
props.dataMap = (tagCtx.argDefault !== false && $isArray(tagCtx.args[0]) &&
2968 |
(paramsProps.sort || paramsProps.start || paramsProps.end || paramsProps.step || paramsProps.filter || paramsProps.reverse
2969 |
|| props.sort || props.start || props.end || props.step || props.filter || props.reverse))
2970 |
&& self.sortDataMap;
2971 |
2972 |
2973 |
flow: true
2974 |
2975 |
props: {
2976 |
baseTag: "for",
2977 |
dataMap: dataMap(getTargetProps),
2978 |
init: noop, // Don't execute the base init() of the "for" tag
2979 |
flow: true
2980 |
2981 |
include: {
2982 |
flow: true
2983 |
2984 |
"*": {
2985 |
// {{* code... }} - Ignored if template.allowCode and $.views.settings.allowCode are false. Otherwise include code in compiled template
2986 |
render: retVal,
2987 |
flow: true
2988 |
2989 |
":*": {
2990 |
// {{:* returnedExpression }} - Ignored if template.allowCode and $.views.settings.allowCode are false. Otherwise include code in compiled template
2991 |
render: retVal,
2992 |
flow: true
2993 |
2994 |
dbg: $helpers.dbg = $converters.dbg = dbgBreak // Register {{dbg/}}, {{dbg:...}} and ~dbg() to throw and catch, as breakpoints for debugging.
2995 |
2996 |
2997 |
2998 |
html: htmlEncode,
2999 |
attr: htmlEncode, // Includes > encoding since rConvertMarkers in JsViews does not skip > characters in attribute strings
3000 |
encode: dataEncode,
3001 |
unencode: dataUnencode, // Includes > encoding since rConvertMarkers in JsViews does not skip > characters in attribute strings
3002 |
url: function(text) {
3003 |
// URL encoding helper.
3004 |
return text != undefined ? encodeURI("" + text) : text === null ? text : ""; // null returns null, e.g. to remove attribute. undefined returns ""
3005 |
3006 |
3007 |
3008 |
//========================== Define default delimiters ==========================
3009 |
$subSettings = $sub.settings;
3010 |
$isArray = ($||jsr).isArray;
3011 |
$viewsSettings.delimiters("{{", "}}", "^");
3012 |
3013 |
if (jsrToJq) { // Moving from jsrender namespace to jQuery namepace - copy over the stored items (templates, converters, helpers...)
3014 |
3015 |
3016 |
return $ || jsr;
3017 |
}, window));