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efrain |
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// This file is part of Moodle - http://moodle.org/
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// Moodle is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
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// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
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// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
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// (at your option) any later version.
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// Moodle is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
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// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
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// GNU General Public License for more details.
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// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
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// along with Moodle. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
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* Strings for reengagement.
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* @package mod_reengagement
21 |
* @author Peter Bulmer <peter.bulmer@catlayst.net.nz>
22 |
* @copyright 2016 Catalyst IT {@link http://www.catalyst.net.nz}
23 |
* @license http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU GPL v3 or later
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$string['pluginname'] = 'Reengagement';
27 |
$string['reengagement'] = 'reengagement';
28 |
$string['pluginadministration'] = '';
29 |
$string['modulename'] = 'Reengagement';
30 |
$string['modulenameplural'] = 'Reengagements';
31 |
$string['modulename_help'] = 'The Reengagement activity provides a way for you to send timely notifications to students and 3rd parties, which can include reminders to return to the course and complete activities.
32 |
33 |
The notification trigger is a specified period of time after a starting event, which may be enrolment in the course, completing an activity, or other course variables.
34 |
Notifications can be set to repeat for a limited run, and/or until the target activity is completed, and can have delay periods between repeats.
35 |
If the user has already completed the target activity, no email is sent.
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You could use this plugin to: <ul>
38 |
<li>Selectively release timed content in a course.</li>
39 |
<li>Repeatedly remind students that an assignment is overdue.</li>
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<li>Advise training managers that the course is complete.</li>
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43 |
The Reengagement activity is very flexible, explore what you can do with it.
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<a href=https://docs.moodle.org/39/en/Reengagement_activity>More Help</a>';
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// Alphabetized.
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$string['activitycompleted'] = 'This activity has been marked as complete';
49 |
$string['afterdelay'] = 'After delay';
50 |
$string['areyousure'] = 'Are you sure you want to make this change?';
51 |
$string['completion'] = 'Completion';
52 |
$string['completionwillturnon'] = 'Note that adding this activity to the course will enable activity completion.';
53 |
$string['completeattimex'] = 'This activity will complete at {$a}';
54 |
$string['completiontime'] = 'Completion time';
55 |
$string['completiondatesupdated'] = 'Completion dates updated.';
56 |
$string['crontask'] = 'Reengagement cron task';
57 |
$string['cronwarning'] = 'The Reengagment scheduled task has not been run in the past 8 hours - Cron must be configured to allow Reenagagements to function correctly.';
58 |
$string['days'] = 'Days';
59 |
$string['duration'] = 'Duration';
60 |
$string['duration_help'] = '<p>The reengagement duration is the period of time between a user starting a reengagement, and being marked as finished.
61 |
The reengagement duration is specified as a period length (eg Weeks) and number of period (eg 7).</p>
62 |
63 |
<p>This example would mean that a user starting a reengagement period now would be marked as compete in 7 weeks time.</p>
64 |
65 |
$string['thirdpartyemails'] = 'Third-party recipients';
66 |
$string['thirdpartyemails_help'] = 'A comma-separated list of email addresses for third-parties that should be receiving a notification when the user does.';
67 |
$string['emailcontent'] = 'Notification content (User)';
68 |
$string['emailcontent_help'] = 'When the module notifies a user, it takes the notification content from this field.';
69 |
$string['emailcontentthirdparty'] = 'Notification content (Third-party)';
70 |
$string['emailcontentthirdparty_help'] = 'When the module notifies a third-party, it takes the notification content from this field.';
71 |
$string['emailcontentmanager'] = 'Notification content (Manager)';
72 |
$string['emailcontentmanager_help'] = 'When the module notifies a user\'s manager(s), it takes the notification content from this field.';
73 |
$string['emailcontentthirdpartydefaultvalue'] = 'This is a reminder notification from course %courseshortname%, regarding user %userfirstname% %userlastname%.';
74 |
$string['emailcontentdefaultvalue'] = 'This is a reminder notification from course %courseshortname%.';
75 |
$string['emailcontentmanagerdefaultvalue'] = 'This is a reminder notification from course %courseshortname%, regarding user %userfirstname% %userlastname%.';
76 |
$string['emaildelay'] = 'Notification delay';
77 |
$string['emaildelay_help'] = 'When module is set to notify users "after delay", this setting controls how long the delay is.';
78 |
$string['emailrecipient'] = 'Notify recipient(s)';
79 |
$string['emailrecipient_help'] = 'When a notification needs to be sent out to prompt a user\'s re-engagement with the course, this setting controls if a notification is sent to the user, their manager(s), or both.';
80 |
$string['emailsubject'] = 'Notification subject (User)';
81 |
$string['emailsubject_help'] = 'When the module notifies a user, it takes the notification subject from this field.';
82 |
$string['emailsubjectmanager'] = 'Notification subject (Manager(s))';
83 |
$string['emailsubjectmanager_help'] = 'When the module notifies a user\'s manager(s), it takes the notification subject from this field.';
84 |
$string['emailsubjectthirdparty'] = 'Notification subject (Third-party)';
85 |
$string['emailsubjectthirdparty_help'] = 'When the module notifies a third-party, it takes the notification subject from this field.';
86 |
$string['emailtime'] = 'Notify time';
87 |
$string['emailuser'] = 'Notify user';
88 |
$string['emailuser_help'] = 'When the activity should notify users: <ul>
89 |
<li>Never: Don\'t notify users.</li>
90 |
<li>On reengagement completion: Notify the user when the reengagement activity is completed.</li>
91 |
<li>After Delay: Notify the user a set time after they have started the module.</li>
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93 |
$string['errornoid'] = 'You must specify a course_module ID or an instance ID';
94 |
$string['errorreengagementnotvalid'] = 'This reengagement module is not enabled for your account.
95 |
Please contact your administrator if you feel this is in error';
96 |
$string['frequencytoohigh'] = 'The maximum reminder count with the delay period you have set is {$a}.';
97 |
$string['periodtoolow'] = 'The delay is too low - it must be at least 5 minutes.';
98 |
$string['hours'] = 'Hours';
99 |
$string['introdefaultvalue'] = 'This is a reengagement activity. Its purpose is to enforce a time lapse between the activities which preceed it, and the activities which follow it.';
100 |
$string['messageprovider:mod_reengagement'] = 'Re-engagement notifications';
101 |
$string['minutes'] = 'Minutes';
102 |
$string['mustenablecompletionavailability'] = 'Completion tracking and restricted access settings must be enabled to use the reengagement activity.';
103 |
$string['never'] = 'Never';
104 |
$string['newcompletiontime'] = 'New completion time';
105 |
$string['nochange'] = 'No change';
106 |
$string['nochangenoaccess'] = 'No change (user has not accessed course)';
107 |
$string['noemailattimex'] = 'Message scheduled for {$a} will not be sent because you have completed the target activity';
108 |
$string['nosuppresstarget'] = 'No target activity selected';
109 |
$string['oncompletion'] = 'On reengagement completion';
110 |
$string['receiveemailattimex'] = 'Message will be sent on {$a}.';
111 |
$string['receiveemailattimexunless'] = 'Message will be sent on {$a} unless you complete target activity.';
112 |
$string['reengagement:addinstance'] = 'reengagement:addinstance';
113 |
$string['reengagement:startreengagement'] = 'Start Reengagement';
114 |
$string['reengagement:editreengagementduration'] = 'Edit Reengagement Duration';
115 |
$string['reengagement:bulkactions'] = 'Perform bulk actions on reengagment';
116 |
$string['reengagementduration'] = 'Reengagement duration';
117 |
$string['reengagementfieldset'] = 'Reengagement details';
118 |
$string['reengagementintro'] = 'Reengagement intro';
119 |
$string['reengagementname'] = 'Reengagement name';
120 |
$string['reengagementsinprogress'] = 'Reengagements in progress';
121 |
$string['remindercount'] = 'Reminder count';
122 |
$string['remindercount_help'] = 'This is the number of times an e-mail is sent after each delay period. There are some limits to the values you can use<ul>
123 |
<li>less than 24 hrs - limit of 2 reminders.</li>
124 |
<li>less than 5 days - limit of 10 reminders.</li>
125 |
<li>less than 15 days - limit of 26 reminders.</li>
126 |
<li>over 15 days - maximum limit of 40 reminders.</li></ul>';
127 |
$string['resetbyfirstaccess'] = 'By first course access and a duration of: {$a}';
128 |
$string['resetbyenrolment'] = 'By enrolment creation date and a duration of: {$a}';
129 |
$string['resetbyspecificdate'] = 'By specified date';
130 |
$string['resetcompletion'] = 'Reset completion date';
131 |
$string['search:activity'] = 'Reengagement - activity information';
132 |
$string['specifydate'] = 'Set completion date to:';
133 |
$string['suppressemail'] = 'Suppress notification if target activity complete';
134 |
$string['suppressemail_help'] = 'This option instructs the activity to suppress notifications to users where a named activity is complete.';
135 |
$string['suppresstarget'] = 'Target activity.';
136 |
$string['suppresstarget_help'] = 'Use this dropdown to choose which activity should be checked for completion before sending the reminder notification.';
137 |
$string['userandmanager'] = 'User and Manager(s)';
138 |
$string['weeks'] = 'Weeks';
139 |
$string['withselectedusers'] = 'With selected users...';
140 |
$string['withselectedusers_help'] = '* Send message - For sending a message to one or more participants
141 |
* Reset completion date by course access - For adjusting the reengagement completion date based on the first access to this course.';
142 |
$string['seconds'] = 'Seconds';
143 |
144 |
$string['privacy:metadata:reengagement'] = 'Reengagement ID';
145 |
$string['privacy:metadata:userid'] = 'User id this record relates to';
146 |
$string['privacy:metadata:completiontime'] = 'When this module will be complete';
147 |
$string['privacy:metadata:emailtime'] = 'When this user should be emailed';
148 |
$string['privacy:metadata:emailsent'] = 'Email has been sent';
149 |
$string['privacy:metadata:reengagement_inprogress'] = 'Reengagement activities in progress';