1 |
efrain |
1 |
This file describes API changes in the quiz code.
2 |
3 |
=== 4.4 ===
4 |
* A quiz_structure_modified callback has been added for quiz_ plugins, called from
5 |
grade_calculator::recompute_quiz_sumgrades(). Plugins can implement this by creating a `quiz_structure_modified`
6 |
class in their namespace with a static `callback` method, see quiz_statistics as an example.
7 |
* External functions returning question information, currently get_attempt_summary(), get_attempt_data() and get_attemp_review()
8 |
now return a new field called "stateclass". A machine-readable class name for the state that this question attempt is in,
9 |
as returned by question_usage_by_activity::get_question_state_class().
10 |
* External function mod_quiz_external::get_attempt_summary() now returns a new field "totalunanswered", with the total number of
11 |
unanswered questions.
12 |
* quiz_settings::no_review_message now takes a new argument $attemptsubmittime for the time when the quiz attempt was
13 |
submitted. It is strongly recommended that you always pass that.
14 |
* In the renderer, related to rendering the review page, review_summary_table and filter_review_summary_table have been
15 |
replaced by review_attempt_summary and filter_review_attempt_summary. This is to support changing the $summarydata argument
16 |
the review_page() method to an instance of a new templateable class attempt_summary_information for displaying this.
17 |
The $summarydata argument of review_question_page has also been changed to an attempt_summary_information.
18 |
* In the renderer, the view_table has been deprecated. Please use the list_of_attempts renderable instead.
19 |
* There is a new function qbank_helper::get_version_information_for_questions_in_attempt to efficiently
20 |
check whether each question in an attempt is using the latest versions. This is used by re-grading,
21 |
replacing some old code there, and to update teacher previews automatically.
22 |
* The following previously deprecated methods have been removed and can no longer be used:
23 |
- `get_slot_tags_for_slot_id`
24 |
- `quiz_retrieve_tags_for_slot_ids`
25 |
* Quiz override logic has been refactored and put in a new override_manager class.
26 |
* Quiz override cache should now be accessed using the new override_cache class.
27 |
* The quiz_delete_overrides and quiz_delete_all_overrides functions are now deprecated. Please instead use:
28 |
- override_manager::delete_override_by_id
29 |
- override_manager::delete_overrides
30 |
- override_manager::delete_all_overrides
31 |
* There is a new renderable grade_out_of to help with display a nicely formatted "42.00 out of 100.00" with a few variants.
32 |
* The quiz now supports computing multiple total grades for each attempt. To support this there is a new database table
33 |
quiz_grade_items and a new column quizgradeitemid in quiz_slots. There are new methods in structure grade_calculator
34 |
and quiz_attempt to support this, and the new grades are shown on review.php, view.php and in some of the quiz reports.
35 |
Also, the external functions get_attempt_review and get_user_attempts return the information about the extra grades if applicable.
36 |
37 |
=== 4.3 ===
38 |
39 |
* The method get_questions() has a new parameter 'requirequestionfullyloaded' which can be used to instruct whether the
40 |
questions should be fully loaded or not.
41 |
* the quiz_settings and quiz_attempt classes now always store the ->cm property as a cm_info class.
42 |
In the distant past it was always a stdClass, then at one point there was an undocumented change making
43 |
it sometimes a stdClass and sometimes a cm_info. Now it is consistently a cm_info. Type hints have been
44 |
updated to reflect this.
45 |
* The parameter filtercondition in the web service mod_quiz_add_random_questions is now optional. This parameter is
46 |
only used when adding random questions from an existing category. It is not required when adding random questions from
47 |
a new category since it is not used in this case.
48 |
49 |
=== 4.2 ===
50 |
51 |
* For the three quiz web services: mod_quiz_get_attempt_data, mod_quiz_get_attempt_summary and
52 |
mod_quiz_get_attempt_review, the ->number property of each question is now deprecated
53 |
(It had the wrong time and was documented wrongly.) In the future, please use the new property
54 |
->questionnumber. Note, this question 'number' can include any string (e.g. 'Qs 1 & 2') so it is
55 |
important to applying htmlspecialchars, or equivalent, to the value if you are outputting to HTML.
56 |
57 |
* The methods in the quiz_settings class which return a URL now all return a moodle_url. Previously
58 |
some returns a moodle_url and others aa string.
59 |
60 |
* 'firstslotid' value is not used in section_shuffle_updated event anymore.
61 |
62 |
* The quiz has a lot of old classes in lib.php files. These have now been moved into the classes folder,
63 |
and so are now in namespaces. Because of Moodle's class renaming support, your code should continue
64 |
working, but output deprecated warnings, so you probably want to update. This should mostly be
65 |
doable by adding use statements, and a search/replace.
66 |
- mod_quiz_display_options => mod_quiz\question\display_options
67 |
- qubaids_for_quiz => mod_quiz\question\qubaids_for_quiz
68 |
- qubaids_for_quiz_user => mod_quiz\question\qubaids_for_quiz_user - which is deprecated, because
69 |
it is almost the same as mod_quiz\question\qubaids_for_users_attempts.
70 |
- mod_quiz_admin_setting_browsersecurity => mod_quiz\admin\browser_security_setting
71 |
- mod_quiz_admin_setting_grademethod => mod_quiz\admin\grade_method_setting
72 |
- mod_quiz_admin_setting_overduehandling => mod_quiz\admin\overdue_handling_setting
73 |
- mod_quiz_admin_review_setting => mod_quiz\admin\review_setting
74 |
- mod_quiz_admin_setting_user_image => mod_quiz\admin\user_image_setting
75 |
- mod_quiz_admin_setting_browsersecurity => mod_quiz\admin\browser_security_setting
76 |
- mod_quiz_admin_setting_grademethod => mod_quiz\admin\grade_method_setting
77 |
- mod_quiz_admin_setting_overduehandling => mod_quiz\admin\overdue_handling_setting
78 |
- mod_quiz_admin_review_setting => mod_quiz\admin\review_setting
79 |
- mod_quiz_admin_setting_user_image => mod_quiz\admin\user_image_setting
80 |
- mod_quiz\adminpresets\adminpresets_mod_quiz_admin_setting_browsersecurity =>
81 |
82 |
- mod_quiz\adminpresets/adminpresets_mod_quiz_admin_setting_grademethod =>
83 |
84 |
- mod_quiz\adminpresets\adminpresets_mod_quiz_admin_setting_overduehandling =>
85 |
86 |
- mod_quiz\adminpresets\adminpresets_mod_quiz_admin_review_setting =>
87 |
88 |
- mod_quiz\adminpresets\adminpresets_mod_quiz_admin_setting_user_image =>
89 |
90 |
- quiz_default_report => mod_quiz\local\reports\report_base
91 |
- quiz_attempts_report => mod_quiz\local\reports\attempts_report
92 |
- mod_quiz_attempts_report_form => mod_quiz\local\reports\attempts_report_options_form
93 |
- mod_quiz_attempts_report_options => mod_quiz\local\reports\attempts_report_options
94 |
- quiz_attempts_report_table => mod_quiz\local\reports\attempts_report_table
95 |
- quiz_access_manager => mod_quiz\access_manager
96 |
- mod_quiz_preflight_check_form => mod_quiz\form\preflight_check_form
97 |
- quiz_override_form => mod_quiz\form\edit_override_form
98 |
- quiz_access_rule_base => mod_quiz\local\access_rule_base
99 |
- quiz_add_random_form => mod_quiz\form\add_random_form
100 |
- mod_quiz_links_to_other_attempts => mod_quiz\output\links_to_other_attempts
101 |
- mod_quiz_view_object => mod_quiz\output\view_page
102 |
- mod_quiz_renderer => mod_quiz\output\renderer
103 |
- quiz_nav_question_button => mod_quiz\output\navigation_question_button
104 |
- quiz_nav_section_heading => mod_quiz\output\navigation_section_heading
105 |
- quiz_nav_panel_base => mod_quiz\output\navigation_panel_base
106 |
- quiz_attempt_nav_panel => mod_quiz\output\navigation_panel_attempt
107 |
- quiz_review_nav_panel => mod_quiz\output\navigation_panel_review
108 |
- quiz_attempt => mod_quiz\quiz_attempt
109 |
- quiz => mod_quiz\quiz_settings
110 |
- quizaccess_seb\quiz_settings => quizaccess_seb\seb_quiz_settings
111 |
- quizaccess_seb\access_manager => quizaccess_seb\seb_access_manager
112 |
113 |
* The following classes have been deprecated:
114 |
- mod_quiz_overdue_attempt_updater - merged into mod_quiz\task\update_overdue_attempts
115 |
- moodle_quiz_exception - just use normal moodle_exception
116 |
117 |
* As part of the clean-up, the following files are no longer required, and if you try to
118 |
include them, you will get a debugging notices telling you not to:
119 |
- mod/quiz/report/attemptsreport.php
120 |
- mod/quiz/report/attemptsreport_form.php
121 |
- mod/quiz/report/attemptsreport_options.php
122 |
- mod/quiz/report/attemptsreport_table.php
123 |
- mod/quiz/report/default.php
124 |
- mod/quiz/accessmanager.php
125 |
- mod/quiz/accessmanager_form.php
126 |
- mod/quiz/cronlib.php
127 |
- mod/quiz/override_form.php
128 |
- mod/quiz/accessrule/accessrulebase.php
129 |
- mod/quiz/renderer.php - actually, no debugging ouput for this one because of how renderer factories work.
130 |
- mod/quiz/attemptlib.php
131 |
132 |
* Various functions related to calculating grades have moved into a new class mod_quiz\grade_calculator.
133 |
You get that using $quizobj->get_grade_calculator(), then the following old functions have become these new methods.
134 |
- quiz_update_sumgrades -> recompute_quiz_sumgrades
135 |
- quiz_update_all_attempt_sumgrades -> recompute_all_attempt_sumgrades
136 |
- quiz_update_all_final_grades -> recompute_all_final_grades
137 |
- quiz_set_grade -> update_quiz_maximum_grade
138 |
- quiz_save_best_grade -> recompute_final_grade
139 |
- quiz_calculate_best_grade -> [no public direct replacement]
140 |
- quiz_calculate_best_attempt - [no replacement. It was not used.]
141 |
142 |
* Final deprecation (complete removal) of the following functions which were deprecated long ago:
143 |
- quiz_groups_member_added_handler - deprecated since 2.6
144 |
- quiz_groups_member_removed_handler - deprecated since 2.6
145 |
- quiz_groups_group_deleted_handler - deprecated since 2.6
146 |
- quiz_groups_members_removed_handler - deprecated since 2.6
147 |
- The method quiz_settings::confirm_start_attempt_message - deprecated in Moodle 3.1
148 |
- The field view_page::$startattemptwarning - deprecated in Moodle 3.1
149 |
- attempts_report::load_relevant_students - deprecated since 3.2
150 |
- quiz_statistics_graph_get_new_colour - deprecated since 3.2
151 |
- The file mod/quiz/report/overview/overviewgraph.php - deprecated since 3.2
152 |
- The file mod/quiz/report/statistics/statistics_graph.php - deprecated since 3.2
153 |
- quiz_print_overview - deprecated since 3.3
154 |
155 |
* For properties that were previously only declared dynamically, a few classes now include property declarations to support PHP 8.2.
156 |
The affected classes are:
157 |
- restore_quiz_activity_structure_step
158 |
- attempts_report_table
159 |
- attempts_report
160 |
- quiz_overview_report (Removing $hasgroupstudents, because the parent attempts_report class has the same variable.)
161 |
162 |
=== 4.1 ===
163 |
164 |
* quiz_has_question_use is now deprecated. Use mod_quiz\structure::has_use_capability istead.
165 |
166 |
167 |
=== 4.0.3, 4.1 ===
168 |
169 |
* If a quiz is sequential the external functions mod_quiz_external::get_attempt_data, mod_quiz_external::get_attempt_summary will not return any data
170 |
related to out of sequence question except while reviewing the quiz (MDL-75210).
171 |
172 |
=== 4.0.2, 4.1 ===
173 |
174 |
* No external code should be calling quiz_overview_report::regrade_attempt because it is an
175 |
internal method of the quiz_overview plugin. But if you are incorrectly using it, be aware
176 |
that the API changed slightly. It now returns an array listing any questions which could
177 |
not be regraded.
178 |
* New method called get_number_of_unanswered_questions() has been added to mod/quiz/attemptlib.php
179 |
to get the total number of unanswered questions in the current attempt.
180 |
181 |
=== 4.0 ===
182 |
183 |
* The following API methods have a new parameter, $studentisonline, to define whether the student is currently interacting:
184 |
- process_finish() in mod/quiz/attemptlib.php
185 |
- quiz_send_confirmation() in mod/quiz/locallib.php
186 |
- quiz_send_notification_messages() in mod/quiz/locallib.php
187 |
* The completionpass criteria has been moved to core as 'completionpassgrade'. Refer to completion/upgrade.txt for
188 |
further information.
189 |
* New argument quizhasquestions has been added to public methods: view_information in mod/quiz/renderer.php.
190 |
* The function no_questions_message() in class mod_quiz_renderer is deprecated. There is no replacement.
191 |
* Related to the Moodle 4.0 question bank changes, the quiz_slots database table.
192 |
The fields removed are now manage by new core_question tables:
193 |
- question_references -> Records where a specific question is used.
194 |
- question_set_references -> Records where groups of questions are used (e.g. random questions).
195 |
* The quiz_slots_tags database table has been removed entirely, as has the get_slot_tags_for_slot_id() method
196 |
from mod/quiz/classes/structure.php and the the locallib.php functions quiz_retrieve_slot_tags and
197 |
quiz_retrieve_slot_tag_ids. This information is now stored in question_set_references
198 |
and can be accessed in the results of qbank_helper::get_question_structure.
199 |
200 |
201 |
=== 3.11 ===
202 |
203 |
* External function mod_quiz_external::get_user_best_grade now returns and additional optional field:
204 |
- gradetopass: The grade to pass the quiz (if set)
205 |
206 |
207 |
=== 3.10.1 ===
208 |
209 |
* External functions mod_quiz_external::get_attempt_data, mod_quiz_external::get_attempt_summary
210 |
and mod_quiz_external::get_attempt_review now return a new additional optional field:
211 |
- settings: Containing the question definition settings for displaying the question in an external system.
212 |
213 |
=== 3.10 ===
214 |
215 |
* External functions mod_quiz_external::get_attempt_data, mod_quiz_external::get_attempt_summary
216 |
and mod_quiz_external::get_attempt_review now return a new additional optional field:
217 |
- responsefileareas: Containing the user responses to questions file area names including files.
218 |
219 |
=== 3.7 ===
220 |
221 |
* Quiz_cron() has been removed. Sub-plugins should implemented scheduled tasks, however legacy cron in subplugins are
222 |
223 |
224 |
=== 3.6 ===
225 |
226 |
* The following renamed classes have been completely removed:
227 |
- quiz_question_bank_view (now: mod_quiz\question\bank\custom_view)
228 |
- question_bank_add_to_quiz_action_column (now: mod_quiz\question\bank\add_action_column)
229 |
- question_bank_question_name_text_column (now: mod_quiz\question\bank\question_name_text_column)
230 |
231 |
=== 3.5 ===
232 |
* Removed questionbank.ajax.php. Please use the quiz_question_bank fragment instead.
233 |
* Adding "random" questions to a quiz via quiz_add_quiz_question() has been deprecated. Please use quiz_add_random_questions().
234 |
235 |
=== 3.3.2 ===
236 |
237 |
* quiz_refresh_events() Now takes two additional parameters to refine the update to a specific instance. This function
238 |
now optionally takes the module instance object or ID, and the course module object or ID. Please try to send the full
239 |
objects instead of the ids to save DB calls.
240 |
241 |
=== 3.2 ===
242 |
243 |
* External functions mod_quiz_external::get_attempt_data, mod_quiz_external::get_attempt_summary
244 |
and mod_quiz_external::get_attempt_review now return additional optional fields:
245 |
- blockedbyprevious: Whether a question is blocked by the previous question.
246 |
247 |
=== 3.1 ===
248 |
249 |
* quiz_attempt::question_print_comment_fields() has been removed. It was broken
250 |
since at least Moodle 2.0.
251 |
252 |
* quiz::confirm_start_attempt_message and mod_quiz_view_object::$startattemptwarning
253 |
have been deprecated. This functionality is now entirely handled within the
254 |
quiz access rule plugins.
255 |
256 |
* The third argument to mod_quiz_renderer::start_attempt_button has been changed
257 |
from a warning string to a mod_quiz_preflight_check_form.
258 |
259 |
* mod_quiz_renderer::review_next_navigation has a new optional argument. If you
260 |
have overridden that method, consider updating your code to match.
261 |
262 |
* mod_quiz\output\edit_renderer::start_section_list now takes $structure as an
263 |
argument. If you have overridden this method (it's hard to believe anyone ever
264 |
would) you will need to update your renderer.
265 |
266 |
* Several methods relating to preview links/buttons/urls have a new optional
267 |
argument to make the preview be of a particular variant.
268 |
269 |
270 |
=== 2.9 ===
271 |
272 |
* There have been changes in classes/output/edit_renderer.php for MDL-40990.
273 |
+ Some methods use to take $structure & $question as the first two arguments.
274 |
They now take $structure & $slot number. If you need $question, you can get
275 |
it using $question = $structure->get_question_in_slot($slot);
276 |
+ Some methods used to take $quiz & $question. They now take $structure & $slot
277 |
number. You can get $question as above. $quiz is $structure->get_quiz().
278 |
+ initialise_editing_javascript has had some redundant arguments removed.
279 |
Hopefully, with these changes, we will have less need to make other changes in future.
280 |
281 |
* Due to MDL-40992, you should be aware that extra slots can get added to an attempt.
282 |
You may get slot numbers beyone the end of the original quiz layout, and you
283 |
may want to call $attemptobj->get_original_slot to find where the question
284 |
originally came from.
285 |
286 |
* You now need to pass an instance of the mod_quiz_renderer if you call
287 |
$attemptobj->render_question or $attemptobj->render_question_at_step.
288 |
289 |
* The array values in mod_quiz_links_to_other_attempts may now be either a moodle_url,
290 |
or renderable (or null). Previously they could only be a moodle_url or null.
291 |
292 |
* The contents of the navigation block is now not just quiz_nav_question_button-s.
293 |
It can also contain quiz_nav_section_heading-s. If you have overridden
294 |
mod_quiz_renderer::navigation_panel, then you may need to account for this.
295 |
This change also has implications for the Edit quiz page.
296 |
297 |
298 |
=== 2.8 ===
299 |
300 |
* Classes that were defined in various lib files have been moved to the classes
301 |
folder to take advantage of auto-loading. This has involved renaming them.
302 |
see the list in mod/quiz/db/renamedclasses.php.
303 |
304 |
* The quiz no longer handles its own \mod_quiz\event\attempt_becameoverdue event,
305 |
and so the event handler function quiz_attempt_overdue_handler has been deleted.
306 |
Also, the internal function quiz_send_overdue_message has add the arguments
307 |
changed. It now takes the $attemptobj object, not separate stdClass objects.
308 |
309 |
* Major changes to the Edit quiz page.
310 |
311 |
The goal of this work was to increase usability, and also clean up the page
312 |
enough that it will be possible to add new features in future.
313 |
314 |
Display of mod/quiz/edit.php is now entirely generated by
315 |
mod_quiz\output\edit_renderer. This uses a helper class mod_quiz\structure
316 |
to provide details of the structure of the quiz, and mod_quiz\repaginate to
317 |
alter that structure. (Actually, there are still some modification methods on
318 |
mod_quiz\structure. Expect that to be cleaned up in future.)
319 |
320 |
The new code uses much more ajax, and there are new scripts mod/quiz/edit_rest.php
321 |
and mod/quiz/repaginate.php to handle this. (Again, don't be surprised if those
322 |
two scripts get merged in future.) Also questionbank.ajax.php (which may, in
323 |
future, be made more generic, and moved into the core question bank code.)
324 |
325 |
As a result of this, mod/quiz/editlib.php has gone. (A few remaining functions
326 |
were moved to locallib.php.)
327 |
328 |
Here is a list of all the old functions or classes that have changed.
329 |
If you used any of these in custom code, you will need to update your code.
330 |
(Note that many of these functions should have been considered private internals
331 |
of the quiz module, and you should not have been using them!)
332 |
333 |
From editlib.php:
334 |
335 |
336 |
quiz_add_page_break_after_slot - Use methods of structure or repaginate
337 |
quiz_update_slot_maxmark - classes instead.
338 |
339 |
340 |
341 |
342 |
343 |
344 |
quiz_print_singlequestion - Use methods of edit_renderer instead.
345 |
346 |
347 |
348 |
349 |
350 |
351 |
352 |
Moved from editlib.php to locallib.php:
353 |
quiz_question_tostring - now always returns a string (the only option used).
354 |
The $return argument has gone.
355 |
356 |
Old editing JavaScript (e.g. mod/quiz/edit.js) is gone. Replaced with YUI modules.
357 |
358 |
359 |
=== 2.7.1 ===
360 |
361 |
* The function quiz_fire_attempt_started_event has been removed. This function
362 |
should not have been used outside the quiz, but if you were using it, you should
363 |
trigger the event outside this function. Note that the appropriate start event is
364 |
fired automatically by the quiz_attempt_save_started function.
365 |
366 |
367 |
=== 2.7 ===
368 |
369 |
* The old quiz.questions database column (comma-separated list of question ids)
370 |
is gone, and instead the quiz_question_instances table has been renamed to
371 |
to quiz_slots. Some of the columns of that table have been renamed to match
372 |
the coding guidelines. Specifically:
373 |
quiz -> quizid
374 |
question -> questionid
375 |
grade -> maxmark
376 |
also there are two new columns:
377 |
slot - numbers the questions in the quiz in order, as on the edit quiz page.
378 |
page - new way to determine which question is on which page.
379 |
naturally, other parts of the code and APIs have been updated to reflect that
380 |
381 |
382 |
* The following functions, which were part of the internal workings of the quiz,
383 |
have been removed.
384 |
385 |
386 |
quiz_repaginate (there is now a quiz_repaginate_questions with a different API).
387 |
quiz_add_page_break_at (see quiz_add_page_break_after_slot)
388 |
quiz_add_page_break_after (see quiz_add_page_break_after_slot)
389 |
390 |
quiz_remove_question (see quiz_remove_slot)
391 |
quiz_update_question_instance (see quiz_update_slot_maxmark)
392 |
393 |
* The following internal functions have had their API changed.
394 |
quiz_delete_empty_page: has had its arguments changed to $quiz and $pagenumber.
395 |
quiz_has_question_use: now takes $quiz and $slot, not $questionid.
396 |
397 |
398 |
=== 2.6 ===
399 |
400 |
* As part of improving the page usability and accessibility, we updated the
401 |
heading levels for quiz module so it has a proper nesting. (MDL-41615)
402 |
403 |
* mod_quiz_renderer::view_best_score has been removed. (It did not do what the
404 |
name suggested anyway.)
405 |
406 |
407 |
=== 2.4 ===
408 |
409 |
* mod_quiz_renderer::finish_review_link now requires $attemptobj to be passed in
410 |
instead of a moodle_url.
411 |
412 |
413 |
=== Earlier changes ===
414 |
415 |
* Were not documented in this way. Sorry.