1 |
efrain |
1 |
This files describes API changes in /mod/forum/*,
2 |
information provided here is intended especially for developers.
3 |
4 |
=== 4.4 ===
5 |
6 |
* The mod_forum_get_forum_discussions_paginated web service has been removed from core.
7 |
8 |
=== 4.3 ===
9 |
10 |
* The forum_print_discussion_header function has been deprecated and will not be replaced.
11 |
12 |
=== 4.1 ===
13 |
14 |
* The following code, previously used (exclusively) by upgrade steps is not available anymore
15 |
because of the upgrade cleanup performed for this version. See MDL-71747 for more info:
16 |
- \mod_forum\task\refresh_forum_post_counts adhoc task.
17 |
18 |
=== 4.0 ===
19 |
20 |
* The forum_count_replies() function has been removed from core.
21 |
* The mod_forum_get_forum_discussion_posts web service has been removed from core.
22 |
* Final deprecations of the following functions:
23 |
* forum_make_mail_text
24 |
* forum_make_mail_html
25 |
* forum_make_mail_post
26 |
* forum_cron_minimise_user_record
27 |
* forum_cron
28 |
* forum_print_discussion
29 |
* forum_post_nesting_cache
30 |
* forum_should_start_post_nesting
31 |
* forum_should_end_post_nesting
32 |
* forum_print_post_start
33 |
* forum_print_post_end
34 |
* forum_print_post
35 |
* forum_print_posts_flat
36 |
* forum_print_posts_threaded
37 |
* forum_print_posts_nested
38 |
* forum_print_latest_discussions
39 |
* forum_get_user_grades
40 |
* The method forum_update_subscriptions_button() has been deprecated as it is no longer used.
41 |
The 'Manage subscribers' button has been replaced with tertiary navigation.
42 |
43 |
=== 3.11 ===
44 |
45 |
* The get_forum_discussions_paginated web service has been deprecated in favour of get_forum_discussions.
46 |
* The forum post exporter now includes a "timemodified" field for each post, which is included in several WS methods:
47 |
* mod_forum_get_discussion_posts
48 |
* get_discussion_posts_by_userid
49 |
* get_discussion_post
50 |
* add_discussion_post
51 |
52 |
=== 3.10 ===
53 |
54 |
* Changes in external function mod_forum_external::get_discussion_posts_by_userid
55 |
Now returns the posts of a given user checking the current user capabilities ($USER, the user who is requesting the posts).
56 |
Previously, it returned the posts checking the capabilities of the user that created the posts.
57 |
58 |
=== 3.8 ===
59 |
60 |
* The following functions have been finally deprecated and can not be used anymore:
61 |
* forum_scale_used()
62 |
* In order for the forum summary report to calculate word count and character count data, those details are now stored
63 |
for each post in the database when posts are created or updated. For posts that existed prior to a Moodle 3.8 upgrade, these
64 |
are calculated by the refresh_forum_post_counts ad-hoc task in chunks of 5000 posts by default. Site admins are able to modify this
65 |
default, by setting $CFG->forumpostcountchunksize to the required integer value.
66 |
67 |
=== 3.7 ===
68 |
* Changed the forum discussion rendering to use templates rather than print functions.
69 |
* Added new forum entities, factories, exporters, renderers, and vaults in the local namespace to better encapsulate the forum data.
70 |
* Deprecated all of the forum_print_* functions in lib.php.
71 |
* The forum_print_latest_discussions function has been deprecated and will not be replaced.
72 |
* The get_forum_discussion_posts web service has been deprecated in favour of get_discussion_posts.
73 |
* The forum_count_replies function has been deprecated in favour of get_reply_count_for_post_id_in_discussion_id in
74 |
the Post vault.
75 |
* External function get_forums_by_courses now returns two additional fields "duedate" and "cutoffdate" containing the due date and the cutoff date for posting to the forums respectively.
76 |
* External function get_forum_discussion_posts now returns an additional field "tags" returning the post tags.
77 |
* New external function mod_forum_external::get_forum_discussions returns a list of forum discussions optionally sorted and paginated.
78 |
Use mod_forum_external::get_forum_discussions instead.
79 |
* External function mod_forum_external::add_discussion_post() has a new 'messageformat' param to be able to handle other formats different from FORMAT_HTML (that continues being the default one). Also a new 'topreferredformat' option enables the automatic conversion between any format and the preferred format (given the editor preference) before contents are saved.
80 |
81 |
=== 3.6 ===
82 |
83 |
* forum_print_post should be surrounded with calls to forum_print_post_start and forum_print_post_end to create the proper HTML structure for the post.
84 |
85 |
=== 3.4 ===
86 |
* External function get_forum_discussion_posts now returns an additional field "ratinginfo" containing rating information.
87 |
88 |
=== 3.3 ===
89 |
* External function get_forums_by_courses now returns and additional field "istracked" that indicates if the user
90 |
is tracking the related forum.
91 |
* The legacy forum.js file has been removed, this includes the js functions:
92 |
forum_produce_subscribe_link, forum_produce_tracking_link, lockoptions_timetoitems,
93 |
lockoptions_timefromitems, lockoptions, lockoption, unlockoption
94 |
* External function can_add_discussion now returns two additional fields:
95 |
"canpindiscussions" that indicates if the user can add pinned discussions.
96 |
"cancreateattachment" that indicates if the user can add attachments to the discussion.
97 |
98 |
=== 3.2 ===
99 |
* The setting $CFG->forum_replytouser has been removed in favour of a centralized noreplyaddress setting.
100 |
Please use $CFG->noreplyaddress setting instead.
101 |
* The following functions have been finally deprecated and should no longer be used.
102 |
- forum_count_unrated_posts
103 |
- forum_tp_count_discussion_read_records
104 |
- forum_get_user_discussions
105 |
- forum_tp_count_forum_posts
106 |
- forum_tp_count_forum_read_records
107 |
- forum_get_open_modes
108 |
- forum_get_child_posts
109 |
- forum_get_discussion_posts
110 |
- forum_get_ratings
111 |
- forum_get_tracking_link
112 |
- forum_tp_count_discussion_unread_posts
113 |
- forum_convert_to_roles
114 |
- forum_tp_get_read_records
115 |
- forum_tp_get_discussion_read_records
116 |
- forum_user_enrolled
117 |
- forum_user_can_view_post
118 |
- forum_shorten_post
119 |
- forum_is_subscribed
120 |
- forum_subscribe
121 |
- forum_unsubscribe
122 |
- forum_subscribed_users
123 |
- forum_is_forcesubscribed
124 |
- forum_forcesubscribe
125 |
- forum_get_forcesubscribed
126 |
- forum_get_subscribed_forums
127 |
- forum_get_optional_subscribed_forums
128 |
- forum_get_potential_subscribers
129 |
* External functions that were returning file information now return the following file fields:
130 |
filename, filepath, mimetype, filesize, timemodified and fileurl.
131 |
Those fields are now marked as VALUE_OPTIONAL for backwards compatibility.
132 |
133 |
=== 3.1 ===
134 |
* The inteface to forum_get_email_message_id() has changed and no longer needs the $host argument.
135 |
136 |
=== 3.0 ===
137 |
* External function get_forums_by_courses now returns and additional field "cancreatediscussions" that indicates if the user
138 |
can create discussions in the forum.
139 |
* A new optional parameter (groupid) has been added to get_forum_discussions.
140 |
This parameter can override the automatically calculated current group.
141 |
* New constant FORUM_POSTS_ALL_USER_GROUPS, to be used as parameter in functions where we'd need to retrieve all the user posts.
142 |
143 |
=== 2.8 ===
144 |
* The following functions have all been marked as deprecated. Many of
145 |
these have not been supported in many releases and should not be relied
146 |
147 |
148 |
149 |
150 |
151 |
152 |
153 |
154 |
155 |
156 |
157 |
158 |
159 |
160 |
161 |
162 |
163 |
* The following functions have been deprecated and replaced. Please see the phpdoc for each on the new function to use instead:
164 |
* forum_is_subscribed
165 |
* forum_subscribe
166 |
* forum_unsubscribe
167 |
* forum_subscribed_users
168 |
* forum_is_forcesubscribed
169 |
* forum_forcesubscribe
170 |
* forum_get_forcesubscribed
171 |
* forum_get_subscribed_forums
172 |
* forum_get_optional_subscribed_forums
173 |
* forum_get_potential_subscribers
174 |
* External function mod_forum_external::get_forum_discussions has been deprecated.
175 |
Use mod_forum_external::get_forum_discussions_paginated instead.
176 |
177 |
=== 2.6 ===
178 |
179 |
* The file post_form.php should not be included, the class it contained has
180 |
been moved so that it can benefit from autoloading.
181 |
* The function forum_shorten_post() has been deprecated. It was doing a poor
182 |
job of shortening forum post text and the shorten_text() function does a
183 |
much better job.
184 |
* The constant FORUM_TRACKING_ON has been deprecated and replaced by
185 |
FORUM_TRACKING_FORCED. The value between them is maintained, so they are
186 |
interchangeable, but code should migrate to the new name.
187 |
188 |
=== 2.5 ===
189 |
190 |
The function forum_check_throttling has been changed so that a warning object is returned when a user has reached the 'Post threshold for warning' or
191 |
'Post threshold for blocking' setting, rather than echoing this on screen. This allows the warning to be moved inside the post form as it can be added
192 |
as a HTML element, where it is more noticeable. False is returned if there is no need to warn, or restrict the user from posting - see MDL-39182.
193 |
194 |
=== 2.3.5, 2.4.2 ===
195 |
196 |
* mod/forum:allowforcesubscribe capability will be forcefully assigned to frontpage role, as it was mistakenly missed off
197 |
when the capability was initially created. If you don't want users with frontpage role to get forum (with forcesubscribe) emails,
198 |
then please remove this capability for frontpage role.