1 |
efrain |
1 |
2 |
"Audio Player": "Audio atskaņotÄjs",
3 |
"Video Player": "Video atskaņotÄjs",
4 |
"Play": "Atskaņot",
5 |
"Pause": "Pauzēt",
6 |
"Replay": "Atkārtot",
7 |
"Current Time": "Esošais laiks",
8 |
"Duration": "Ilgums",
9 |
"Remaining Time": "Atlikušais laiks",
10 |
"Stream Type": "Straumes veids",
11 |
12 |
"Seek to live, currently behind live": "Pāriet uz tiešraidi",
13 |
"Seek to live, currently playing live": "Pāriet uz tiešraidi",
14 |
"Loaded": "IelÄdÄ“ts",
15 |
"Progress": "Progress",
16 |
"Progress Bar": "Progresa josla",
17 |
"progress bar timing: currentTime={1} duration={2}": "{1} no {2}",
18 |
"Fullscreen": "PilnekrÄna režīms",
19 |
"Exit Fullscreen": "Iziet no pilnekrÄna režīma",
20 |
"Mute": "Izslēgt skaņu",
21 |
"Unmute": "Ieslēgt skaņu",
22 |
"Playback Rate": "AtskaņoÅ¡anas Ätrums",
23 |
"Subtitles": "Subtitri",
24 |
"subtitles off": "Izslēgt subtitrus",
25 |
"Captions": "Paraksti",
26 |
"captions off": "Izslēgt parakstus",
27 |
"Chapters": "Temati",
28 |
"Descriptions": "Apraksti",
29 |
"descriptions off": "Izslēgt aprakstus",
30 |
"Audio Track": "Audio celiņš",
31 |
"Volume Level": "Skaļums",
32 |
"You aborted the media playback": "Atskaņošana atcelta",
33 |
"A network error caused the media download to fail part-way.": "TÄ«kla kļūdas dēļ, multivides lejupielÄde neizdevÄs.",
34 |
"The media could not be loaded, either because the server or network failed or because the format is not supported.": "NeizdevÄs ielÄdÄ“t multividi, iespÄ“jams severa, vai tÄ«kla kļūmes dēļ, vai neatbalstÄ«ta formÄta dēļ.",
35 |
"The media playback was aborted due to a corruption problem or because the media used features your browser did not support.": "AtskaņoÅ¡ana tika pÄrtraukta tÄ«kla kļūmes dēļ vai pÄrlÅ«kprogrammas iespÄ“ju trÅ«kuma dēļ.",
36 |
"No compatible source was found for this media.": "Netika atrasts atbilstošs multivides avots.",
37 |
"The media is encrypted and we do not have the keys to decrypt it.": "Multividi nevar atskaņot, jo tas ir kriptēts un nav pieejama dekriptēšanas atslēga.",
38 |
"Play Video": "Atskaņot video",
39 |
"Close": "Aizvērt",
40 |
"Close Modal Dialog": "Aizvērt logu",
41 |
"Modal Window": "Logs",
42 |
"This is a modal window": "Logs",
43 |
"This modal can be closed by pressing the Escape key or activating the close button.": "Šo logu var aizvērt, nospiežot uz aizvēršanas pogas vai taustiņa ESC.",
44 |
", opens captions settings dialog": ", atvērs parakstu logu",
45 |
", opens subtitles settings dialog": ", atvērs subtitru logu",
46 |
", opens descriptions settings dialog": ", atvērs aprakstu logu",
47 |
", selected": ", izvēlēts",
48 |
"captions settings": "parakstu iestatījumi",
49 |
"subtitles settings": "subtitru iestatījumi",
50 |
"descriptions settings": "aprakstu iestatījumi",
51 |
"Text": "Teksts",
52 |
"White": "Balts",
53 |
"Black": "Melns",
54 |
"Red": "Sarkans",
55 |
"Green": "Zaļš",
56 |
"Blue": "Zils",
57 |
"Yellow": "Dzeltens",
58 |
"Magenta": "Purpursarkana",
59 |
"Cyan": "Ciāna",
60 |
"Background": "Fons",
61 |
"Window": "Logs",
62 |
"Transparent": "Caurspīdīgs",
63 |
"Semi-Transparent": "Daļēji caurspīdīgs",
64 |
"Opaque": "Necaurspīdīgs",
65 |
"Font Size": "Šrifta izmērs",
66 |
"Text Edge Style": "Teksta Ä“nas stils",
67 |
"None": "Neviens",
68 |
"Raised": "Izvirzīts",
69 |
"Depressed": "Samazināts",
70 |
"Uniform": "Vienmērīgs",
71 |
"Drop shadow": "Ä’nots",
72 |
"Font Family": "Šrifts",
73 |
"Proportional Sans-Serif": "Proportional Sans-Serif",
74 |
"Monospace Sans-Serif": "Monospace Sans-Serif",
75 |
"Proportional Serif": "Proportional Serif",
76 |
"Monospace Serif": "Monospace Serif",
77 |
"Casual": "Casual",
78 |
"Script": "Script",
79 |
"Small Caps": "Small Caps",
80 |
"Reset": "Atiestatīt",
81 |
"restore all settings to the default values": "atiestatīt iestatījumu uz noklusējumu",
82 |
"Done": "Gatavs",
83 |
"Caption Settings Dialog": "Parakstu iestatījumi",
84 |
"Beginning of dialog window. Escape will cancel and close the window.": "Paraksta iestatÄ«jumu sÄkums. Lai aizvÄ“rtu, spiediet ESC taustiņu.",
85 |
"End of dialog window.": "Parakstu iestatījumu loga beigas",
86 |
"{1} is loading.": "{1} ielÄdÄ“.",
87 |
"Exit Picture-in-Picture": "Iziet no AttÄ“ls attÄ“lÄ",
88 |
"Picture-in-Picture": "AttÄ“ls attÄ“lÄ",
89 |
"Skip forward {1} seconds": "PÄrtÄ«t uz priekÅ¡u {1} sekundes",
90 |
"Skip backward {1} seconds": "PÄrtÄ«t atpakaļ {1} sekundes"
91 |