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This extension allows teachers to view a list of all files in a course and to change the license for each file. It is also
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possible to download the files in a ZIP archive.
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Adding a new license
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Since Moodle version `3.9` you can add a custom license via Moodle's [license manager](https://docs.moodle.org/403/en/Licences#Licence_manager) in the Site administration.
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Expired files
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We are using this plugin at Technische Universität Berlin in order to conform to german law (§ 52a UrhG).
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Copyrighted texts have to be made unavailable after a course ends. Since only a few of our teachers upload
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copyrighted texts and we want our students to be able to view their old courses (and non-copyrighted files),
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we use this plugin as a solution.
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Our teachers specify the license of each file (through this plugin or the Moodle file picker). That way, we
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can identify the copyrighted files and make only these unavailable. We replaced the default licenses from
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Moodle by "License unexamined", "Copyrighted (provided in accordance with §52a UrhG)", "Approved by author",
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"Open content", and "Public domain". "License unexamined" is the default license.
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The files (documents) that are currently unavailable for students can be highlighted by the plugin.
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The following settings need to be defined in the config.php:
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* array $CFG->fileexpirylicenses which licenses (shortnames) expire
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* int $CFG->fileexpirydate when do files expire (unix time)
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* array $CFG->filemimetypes['document'] mime types of documents
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Some modifications to the Moodle core are required to restrict the download of copyrighted files.
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Our patch for Moodle 3.2 can be found here:
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