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Download Center
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This file is part of the local_downloadcenter plugin for Moodle - <http://moodle.org/>
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*Author:* Simeon Naydenov
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*Copyright:* [Academic Moodle Cooperation](http://www.academic-moodle-cooperation.org)
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*License:* [GNU GPL v3 or later](http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html)
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The Download Center enables teachers and students to download the content of selected activities and materials from a course as a ZIP archive.
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Teachers make documents available in a Moodle course during the semester. In addition, various activities and materials are used to make the course more active.
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At any time during or at the end of the course, students can easily save published content locally for personal use and use it for example offline to prepare for an exam.
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Teachers can download and archive this content in the same way, with hidden content also available for selection by the teacher. In addition, all submissions of an assignment can also be downloaded in a compact form including feedback.
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Note: Currently, the course contents assignment, book, file, glossary, page, folder, ligthbox gallery, Etherpad Lite and student folder are available for selection in the Download Center.
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* Copy the code directly to the local/downloadcenter directory.
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* Log into Moodle as administrator.
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* Open the administration area (http://your-moodle-site/admin) to start the installation
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Privacy API
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The plugin fully implements the Moodle Privacy API.
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You can find a documentation for the plugin on the [AMC website](https://academic-moodle-cooperation.org/local_downloadcenter/)
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Bug Reports / Support
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We try our best to deliver bug-free plugins, but we can not test the plugin for every platform,
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database, PHP and Moodle version. If you find any bug please report it on
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[GitHub](https://github.com/academic-moodle-cooperation/moodle-local_downloadcenter/issues). Please
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provide a detailed bug description, including the plugin and Moodle version and, if applicable, a
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You may also file a request for enhancement on GitHub. If we consider the request generally useful
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and if it can be implemented with reasonable effort we might implement it in a future version.
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You may also post general questions on the plugin on GitHub, but note that we do not have the
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resources to provide detailed support.
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This plugin is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU
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General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the
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License, or (at your option) any later version.
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The plugin is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without
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General Public License for more details.
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You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License with Moodle. If not, see
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Good luck and have fun!