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efrain |
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Feature: Enable dashboard setting
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In order to hide/show dashboard in navigation
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As an administrator
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I can enable or disable it
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Scenario: Hide setting when dashboard is disabled
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Given the following config values are set as admin:
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| enabledashboard | 0 |
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# 2 = User preference.
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| defaulthomepage | 2 |
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When I log in as "admin"
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And I navigate to "Appearance > Navigation" in site administration
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Then the field "Enable Dashboard" matches value "0"
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And I should not see "Allow guest access to Dashboard"
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And I should not see "Dashboard" in the "Start page for users" "select"
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And I follow "Appearance"
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And I should not see "Default Dashboard page"
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And I follow "Preferences" in the user menu
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And I follow "Start page"
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And I should not see "Dashboard" in the "Start page" "select"