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This set of PHP classes encapsulates the code required by a Learning Tools Interoperability<sup>®</sup> (LTI<sup>®</sup>) compliant tool provider to communicate with an LTI tool consumer.
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It includes support for LTI 1.1 and the unofficial extensions to LTI 1.0, as well as the registration process and services of LTI 2.0.
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These classes are an extension of the LTI Tool Provider class library created by the ceLTIc project (http://www.spvsoftwareproducts.com/php/lti_tool_provider/).
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Whilst supporting LTI is relatively simple, the benefits to using a class library like this one are:
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* the abstraction layer provided by the classes keeps the LTI communications separate from the application code;
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* the code can be re-used between multiple tool providers;
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* LTI data is transformed into useful objects and missing data automatically replaced with sensible defaults;
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* the outcomes service function uses LTI 1.1 or the unofficial outcomes extension according to whichever is supported by the tool consumer;
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* the unofficial extensions for memberships and setting services are supported;
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* additional functionality is included to:
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* enable/disable a consumer key;
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* set start and end times for enabling access for each consumer key;
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* set up arrangements such that users from different resource links can all collaborate together within a single tool provider link;
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* tool providers can take advantage of LTI updates with minimal impact on their application code.
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The wiki area of this repository contains [documentation](https://github.com/1EdTech/LTI-Tool-Provider-Library-PHP/wiki) for this library. The [rating LTI application](https://github.com/1EdTech/LTI-Sample-Tool-Provider-PHP) is based on this library to further illustrate how it can be used.
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© 2016 IMS Global Learning Consortium Inc. All Rights Reserved. Trademark Policy - (www.imsglobal.org/trademarks)
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<sup><sub>Learning Tools Interoperability and LTI are registered trademarks of IMS Global Learning Consortium Inc.</sub></sup>