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efrain |
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Feature: Choice dropdown form behat test
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In order to use choicelist in quickforms
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As an admin
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I need to be able to test it via behat
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Given I log in as "admin"
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And I am on fixture page "/lib/form/tests/behat/fixtures/field_choicedropdown_testpage.php"
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Scenario: Set some value into choice dropdown
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When I set the field "Basic choice dropdown" to "Text option 2"
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And I click on "Send form" "button"
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Then I should see "example0: option2" in the "submitted_data" "region"
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Scenario: Set some value into choice dropdown with javascript enabled
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When I set the field "Basic choice dropdown" to "Text option 2"
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And I click on "Send form" "button"
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Then I should see "example0: option2" in the "submitted_data" "region"
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Scenario: Disable choice dropdown via javascript
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When I click on "Check to disable the first choice dropdown field." "checkbox"
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Then the "Disable if example" "field" should be disabled
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Scenario: Hide choice dropdown via javascript
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Given I should see "Hide if example"
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When I click on "Check to hide the first choice dropdown field." "checkbox"
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Then I should not see "Hide if example"
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Scenario: Use a choice dropdown to disable and hide other fields
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Given I should not see "Hide if element"
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And the "Disabled if element" "field" should be disabled
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When I set the field "Control choice dropdown" to "Show or enable subelements"
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Then I should see "Hide if element"
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And the "Disabled if element" "field" should be enabled
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And I set the field "Control choice dropdown" to "Hide or disable subelements"
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And I should not see "Hide if element"
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And the "Disabled if element" "field" should be disabled