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efrain |
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4 |
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5 |
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6 |
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7 |
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8 |
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9 |
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19 |
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20 |
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21 |
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22 |
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23 |
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24 |
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25 |
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26 |
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27 |
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28 |
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29 |
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31 |
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32 |
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33 |
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34 |
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35 |
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36 |
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39 |
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41 |
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42 |
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43 |
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44 |
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45 |
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46 |
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47 |
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48 |
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49 |
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50 |
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51 |
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52 |
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54 |
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55 |
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56 |
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57 |
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58 |
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59 |
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60 |
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61 |
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62 |
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63 |
"tiny:code_sample...": "Code sample...",
64 |
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65 |
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66 |
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67 |
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68 |
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69 |
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70 |
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71 |
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72 |
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73 |
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74 |
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75 |
"tiny:copy_row": "Copy row",
76 |
"tiny:could_not_find_the_specified_string.": "Could not find the specified string.",
77 |
"tiny:could_not_load_emojis": "Could not load emojis",
78 |
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79 |
"tiny:currency": "Currency",
80 |
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81 |
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82 |
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83 |
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84 |
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85 |
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86 |
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87 |
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88 |
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89 |
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90 |
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91 |
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92 |
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93 |
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94 |
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95 |
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96 |
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97 |
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98 |
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99 |
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100 |
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101 |
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102 |
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103 |
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104 |
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105 |
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106 |
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107 |
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108 |
"tiny:drop_an_image_here": "Drop an image here",
109 |
"tiny:dropped_file_type_is_not_supported": "Dropped file type is not supported",
110 |
"tiny:edit": "Edit",
111 |
"tiny:embed": "Embed",
112 |
"tiny:emojis": "Emojis",
113 |
"tiny:emojis...": "Emojis...",
114 |
"tiny:error": "Error",
115 |
"tiny:error_form_submit_field_collision.": "Error: Form submit field collision.",
116 |
"tiny:error_no_form_element_found.": "Error: No form element found.",
117 |
"tiny:extended_latin": "Extended Latin",
118 |
"tiny:failed_to_initialize_plugin_0": "Failed to initialize plugin: {0}",
119 |
"tiny:failed_to_load_plugin_url_0": "Failed to load plugin url: {0}",
120 |
"tiny:failed_to_load_plugin_0_from_url_1": "Failed to load plugin: {0} from url {1}",
121 |
"tiny:failed_to_upload_image_0": "Failed to upload image: {0}",
122 |
"tiny:file": "File",
123 |
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124 |
"tiny:find_if_searchreplace_plugin_activated": "Find (if searchreplace plugin activated)",
125 |
"tiny:find_and_replace": "Find and Replace",
126 |
"tiny:find_and_replace...": "Find and replace...",
127 |
"tiny:find_in_selection": "Find in selection",
128 |
"tiny:find_whole_words_only": "Find whole words only",
129 |
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130 |
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131 |
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132 |
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133 |
"tiny:focus_to_toolbar": "Focus to toolbar",
134 |
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135 |
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136 |
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137 |
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138 |
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139 |
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140 |
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141 |
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142 |
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143 |
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144 |
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145 |
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146 |
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147 |
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148 |
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149 |
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150 |
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151 |
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152 |
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153 |
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154 |
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155 |
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156 |
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157 |
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158 |
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159 |
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160 |
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161 |
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162 |
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163 |
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164 |
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165 |
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166 |
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167 |
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168 |
"tiny:id": "ID",
169 |
"tiny:id_should_start_with_a_letter_followed_only_by_letters_numbers_dashes_dots_colons_or_": "ID should start with a letter, followed only by letters, numbers, dashes, dots, colons or underscores.",
170 |
"tiny:image_is_decorative": "Image is decorative",
171 |
"tiny:image_list": "Image list",
172 |
"tiny:image_title": "Image title",
173 |
"tiny:image...": "Image...",
174 |
"tiny:imageproxy_http_error_could_not_find_image_proxy": "ImageProxy HTTP error: Could not find Image Proxy",
175 |
"tiny:imageproxy_http_error_incorrect_image_proxy_url": "ImageProxy HTTP error: Incorrect Image Proxy URL",
176 |
"tiny:imageproxy_http_error_rejected_request": "ImageProxy HTTP error: Rejected request",
177 |
"tiny:imageproxy_http_error_unknown_imageproxy_error": "ImageProxy HTTP error: Unknown ImageProxy error",
178 |
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179 |
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180 |
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181 |
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182 |
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183 |
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184 |
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185 |
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186 |
"tiny:insert_image": "Insert image",
187 |
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188 |
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189 |
"tiny:insert_row_before": "Insert row before",
190 |
"tiny:insert_table": "Insert table",
191 |
"tiny:insert_template...": "Insert template...",
192 |
"tiny:insert_video": "Insert video",
193 |
"tiny:insertedit_code_sample": "Insert/Edit code sample",
194 |
"tiny:insertedit_image": "Insert/edit image",
195 |
"tiny:insertedit_link": "Insert/edit link",
196 |
"tiny:insertedit_media": "Insert/edit media",
197 |
"tiny:insertedit_video": "Insert/edit video",
198 |
"tiny:inset": "Inset",
199 |
"tiny:invalid_hex_color_code_0": "Invalid hex color code: {0}",
200 |
"tiny:invalid_input": "Invalid input",
201 |
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202 |
"tiny:justify": "Justify",
203 |
"tiny:keyboard_navigation": "Keyboard Navigation",
204 |
"tiny:language": "Language",
205 |
"tiny:learn_more...": "Learn more...",
206 |
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207 |
"tiny:left_to_right": "Left to right",
208 |
"tiny:light_blue": "Light Blue",
209 |
"tiny:light_gray": "Light Gray",
210 |
"tiny:light_green": "Light Green",
211 |
"tiny:light_purple": "Light Purple",
212 |
"tiny:light_red": "Light Red",
213 |
"tiny:light_yellow": "Light Yellow",
214 |
"tiny:line_height": "Line height",
215 |
"tiny:link_list": "Link list",
216 |
"tiny:link...": "Link...",
217 |
"tiny:list_properties": "List Properties",
218 |
"tiny:list_properties...": "List properties...",
219 |
"tiny:loading_emojis...": "Loading emojis...",
220 |
"tiny:loading...": "Loading...",
221 |
"tiny:lower_alpha": "Lower Alpha",
222 |
"tiny:lower_greek": "Lower Greek",
223 |
"tiny:lower_roman": "Lower Roman",
224 |
"tiny:match_case": "Match case",
225 |
"tiny:mathematical": "Mathematical",
226 |
"tiny:media_poster_image_url": "Media poster (Image URL)",
227 |
"tiny:media...": "Media...",
228 |
"tiny:medium_blue": "Medium Blue",
229 |
"tiny:medium_gray": "Medium Gray",
230 |
"tiny:medium_purple": "Medium Purple",
231 |
"tiny:merge_cells": "Merge cells",
232 |
"tiny:middle": "Middle",
233 |
"tiny:midnight_blue": "Midnight Blue",
234 |
"tiny:more...": "More...",
235 |
"tiny:name": "Name",
236 |
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237 |
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238 |
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239 |
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240 |
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241 |
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242 |
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243 |
"tiny:nonbreaking_space": "Nonbreaking space",
244 |
"tiny:none": "None",
245 |
"tiny:numbered_list": "Numbered list",
246 |
"tiny:or": "OR",
247 |
"tiny:objects": "Objects",
248 |
"tiny:ok": "Ok",
249 |
"tiny:open_help_dialog": "Open help dialog",
250 |
"tiny:open_link": "Open link",
251 |
"tiny:open_link_in...": "Open link in...",
252 |
"tiny:open_popup_menu_for_split_buttons": "Open popup menu for split buttons",
253 |
"tiny:orange": "Orange",
254 |
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255 |
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256 |
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257 |
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258 |
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259 |
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260 |
"tiny:paste_column_before": "Paste column before",
261 |
"tiny:paste_is_now_in_plain_text_mode._contents_will_now_be_pasted_as_plain_text_until_you_": "Paste is now in plain text mode. Contents will now be pasted as plain text until you toggle this option off.",
262 |
"tiny:paste_or_type_a_link": "Paste or type a link",
263 |
"tiny:paste_row_after": "Paste row after",
264 |
"tiny:paste_row_before": "Paste row before",
265 |
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266 |
"tiny:people": "People",
267 |
"tiny:plugins": "Plugins",
268 |
"tiny:plugins_installed_0": "Plugins installed ({0}):",
269 |
"tiny:powered_by_0": "Powered by {0}",
270 |
"tiny:pre": "Pre",
271 |
"tiny:preferences": "Preferences",
272 |
"tiny:preformatted": "Preformatted",
273 |
"tiny:premium_plugins": "Premium plugins:",
274 |
"tiny:press_the_up_and_down_arrow_keys_to_resize_the_editor.": "Press the Up and Down arrow keys to resize the editor.",
275 |
"tiny:press_the_arrow_keys_to_resize_the_editor.": "Press the arrow keys to resize the editor.",
276 |
"tiny:press_0_for_help": "Press {0} for help",
277 |
"tiny:preview": "Preview",
278 |
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279 |
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280 |
"tiny:print...": "Print...",
281 |
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282 |
"tiny:quotations": "Quotations",
283 |
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284 |
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285 |
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286 |
"tiny:red_component": "Red component",
287 |
"tiny:redo": "Redo",
288 |
"tiny:remove": "Remove",
289 |
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290 |
"tiny:remove_link": "Remove link",
291 |
"tiny:replace": "Replace",
292 |
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293 |
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294 |
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295 |
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296 |
"tiny:reveal_or_hide_additional_toolbar_items": "Reveal or hide additional toolbar items",
297 |
"tiny:rich_text_area": "Rich Text Area",
298 |
"tiny:rich_text_area._press_alt-0_for_help.": "Rich Text Area. Press ALT-0 for help.",
299 |
"tiny:rich_text_area._press_alt-f9_for_menu._press_alt-f10_for_toolbar._press_alt-0_for_hel": "Rich Text Area. Press ALT-F9 for menu. Press ALT-F10 for toolbar. Press ALT-0 for help",
300 |
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301 |
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302 |
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303 |
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304 |
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305 |
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306 |
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307 |
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308 |
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309 |
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310 |
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311 |
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312 |
"tiny:scope": "Scope",
313 |
"tiny:search": "Search",
314 |
"tiny:select_all": "Select all",
315 |
"tiny:select...": "Select...",
316 |
"tiny:selection": "Selection",
317 |
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318 |
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319 |
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320 |
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321 |
"tiny:size": "Size",
322 |
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323 |
"tiny:source": "Source",
324 |
"tiny:source_code": "Source code",
325 |
"tiny:special_character": "Special Character",
326 |
"tiny:special_character...": "Special character...",
327 |
"tiny:split_cell": "Split cell",
328 |
"tiny:square": "Square",
329 |
"tiny:start_list_at_number": "Start list at number",
330 |
"tiny:strikethrough": "Strikethrough",
331 |
"tiny:style": "Style",
332 |
"tiny:subscript": "Subscript",
333 |
"tiny:superscript": "Superscript",
334 |
"tiny:switch_to_or_from_fullscreen_mode": "Switch to or from fullscreen mode",
335 |
"tiny:symbols": "Symbols",
336 |
"tiny:system_font": "System Font",
337 |
"tiny:table": "Table",
338 |
"tiny:table_caption": "Table caption",
339 |
"tiny:table_properties": "Table properties",
340 |
"tiny:table_styles": "Table styles",
341 |
"tiny:template": "Template",
342 |
"tiny:templates": "Templates",
343 |
"tiny:text": "Text",
344 |
"tiny:text_color": "Text color",
345 |
"tiny:text_color_0": "Text color {0}",
346 |
"tiny:text_to_display": "Text to display",
347 |
"tiny:the_url_you_entered_seems_to_be_an_email_address._do_you_want_to_add_the_required_mai": "The URL you entered seems to be an email address. Do you want to add the required mailto: prefix?",
348 |
"tiny:the_url_you_entered_seems_to_be_an_external_link._do_you_want_to_add_the_required_htt": "The URL you entered seems to be an external link. Do you want to add the required http:// prefix?",
349 |
"tiny:the_url_you_entered_seems_to_be_an_external_link._do_you_want_to_add_the_required_ht1": "The URL you entered seems to be an external link. Do you want to add the required https:// prefix?",
350 |
"tiny:title": "Title",
351 |
"tiny:to_open_the_popup_press_shiftenter": "To open the popup, press Shift+Enter",
352 |
"tiny:toggle_accordion": "Toggle accordion",
353 |
"tiny:tools": "Tools",
354 |
"tiny:top": "Top",
355 |
"tiny:travel_and_places": "Travel and Places",
356 |
"tiny:turquoise": "Turquoise",
357 |
"tiny:underline": "Underline",
358 |
"tiny:undo": "Undo",
359 |
"tiny:upload": "Upload",
360 |
"tiny:uploading_image": "Uploading image",
361 |
"tiny:upper_alpha": "Upper Alpha",
362 |
"tiny:upper_roman": "Upper Roman",
363 |
"tiny:url": "Url",
364 |
"tiny:user_defined": "User Defined",
365 |
"tiny:valid": "Valid",
366 |
"tiny:version": "Version",
367 |
"tiny:vertical_align": "Vertical align",
368 |
"tiny:vertical_space": "Vertical space",
369 |
"tiny:view": "View",
370 |
"tiny:visual_aids": "Visual aids",
371 |
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372 |
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373 |
"tiny:width": "Width",
374 |
"tiny:word_count": "Word count",
375 |
"tiny:words": "Words",
376 |
"tiny:words_0": "Words: {0}",
377 |
"tiny:yellow": "Yellow",
378 |
"tiny:yes": "Yes",
379 |
"tiny:you_are_using_0": "You are using {0}",
380 |
"tiny:you_have_unsaved_changes_are_you_sure_you_want_to_navigate_away": "You have unsaved changes are you sure you want to navigate away?",
381 |
"tiny:your_browser_doesnt_support_direct_access_to_the_clipboard._please_use_the_ctrlxcv_ke": "Your browser doesn't support direct access to the clipboard. Please use the Ctrl+X/C/V keyboard shortcuts instead.",
382 |
"tiny:alignment1": "alignment",
383 |
"tiny:austral_sign": "austral sign",
384 |
"tiny:cedi_sign": "cedi sign",
385 |
"tiny:colon_sign": "colon sign",
386 |
"tiny:cruzeiro_sign": "cruzeiro sign",
387 |
"tiny:currency_sign": "currency sign",
388 |
"tiny:dollar_sign": "dollar sign",
389 |
"tiny:dong_sign": "dong sign",
390 |
"tiny:drachma_sign": "drachma sign",
391 |
"tiny:euro-currency_sign": "euro-currency sign",
392 |
"tiny:example": "example",
393 |
"tiny:formatting": "formatting",
394 |
"tiny:french_franc_sign": "french franc sign",
395 |
"tiny:german_penny_symbol": "german penny symbol",
396 |
"tiny:guarani_sign": "guarani sign",
397 |
"tiny:history": "history",
398 |
"tiny:hryvnia_sign": "hryvnia sign",
399 |
"tiny:indentation": "indentation",
400 |
"tiny:indian_rupee_sign": "indian rupee sign",
401 |
"tiny:kip_sign": "kip sign",
402 |
"tiny:lira_sign": "lira sign",
403 |
"tiny:livre_tournois_sign": "livre tournois sign",
404 |
"tiny:manat_sign": "manat sign",
405 |
"tiny:mill_sign": "mill sign",
406 |
"tiny:naira_sign": "naira sign",
407 |
"tiny:new_sheqel_sign": "new sheqel sign",
408 |
"tiny:nordic_mark_sign": "nordic mark sign",
409 |
"tiny:peseta_sign": "peseta sign",
410 |
"tiny:peso_sign": "peso sign",
411 |
"tiny:ruble_sign": "ruble sign",
412 |
"tiny:rupee_sign": "rupee sign",
413 |
"tiny:spesmilo_sign": "spesmilo sign",
414 |
"tiny:styles": "styles",
415 |
"tiny:tenge_sign": "tenge sign",
416 |
"tiny:tugrik_sign": "tugrik sign",
417 |
"tiny:turkish_lira_sign": "turkish lira sign",
418 |
"tiny:won_sign": "won sign",
419 |
"tiny:yen_character": "yen character",
420 |
"tiny:yenyuan_character_variant_one": "yen/yuan character variant one",
421 |
"tiny:yuan_character": "yuan character",
422 |
"tiny:yuan_character_in_hong_kong_and_taiwan": "yuan character, in hong kong and taiwan",
423 |
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424 |
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425 |
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426 |