1 |
efrain |
1 |
@editor @editor_tiny @tiny_media @javascript
2 |
Feature: Use the TinyMCE editor to upload an image
3 |
In order to work with images
4 |
As a user
5 |
I need to be able to upload and manipulate images
6 |
7 |
Scenario: Clicking on the Image button in the TinyMCE editor opens the image dialog
8 |
Given I log in as "admin"
9 |
And I open my profile in edit mode
10 |
When I click on the "Image" button for the "Description" TinyMCE editor
11 |
Then "Insert image" "dialogue" should exist
12 |
13 |
Scenario: Browsing repositories in the TinyMCE editor opens the image dialog and shows the FilePicker
14 |
Given I log in as "admin"
15 |
And I open my profile in edit mode
16 |
When I click on the "Image" button for the "Description" TinyMCE editor
17 |
And I click on "Browse repositories" "button" in the "Insert image" "dialogue"
18 |
Then "File picker" "dialogue" should exist
19 |
20 |
@_file_upload @test_tiny
21 |
Scenario: Browsing repositories in the TinyMCE editor shows the FilePicker and upload url image
22 |
Given I log in as "admin"
23 |
And I open my profile in edit mode
24 |
When I click on the "Image" button for the "Description" TinyMCE editor
25 |
And I click on "Browse repositories" "button" in the "Insert image" "dialogue"
26 |
And I upload "/lib/editor/tiny/tests/behat/fixtures/tinyscreenshot.png" to the file picker for TinyMCE
27 |
# Note: This needs to be replaced with a label.
28 |
Then ".tiny_image_preview" "css_element" should be visible
29 |
30 |
31 |
Scenario: Insert image to the TinyMCE editor
32 |
Given I log in as "admin"
33 |
And I open my profile in edit mode
34 |
And I click on the "Image" button for the "Description" TinyMCE editor
35 |
And I click on "Browse repositories" "button" in the "Insert image" "dialogue"
36 |
And I upload "lib/editor/tiny/tests/behat/fixtures/moodle-logo.png" to the file picker for TinyMCE
11 |
efrain |
37 |
And I set the field "How would you describe this image to someone who can't see it?" to "It's the Moodle"
1 |
efrain |
38 |
And I click on "Save" "button" in the "Image details" "dialogue"
39 |
When I select the "img" element in position "0" of the "Description" TinyMCE editor
40 |
And I click on the "Image" button for the "Description" TinyMCE editor
11 |
efrain |
41 |
Then the field "How would you describe this image to someone who can't see it?" matches value "It's the Moodle"
1 |
efrain |
42 |
# Note: This needs to be replaced with a label.
43 |
And ".tiny_image_preview" "css_element" should be visible
44 |
45 |
46 |
Scenario: Resizing the image uses the original and custom sizes and the keep proportion checkbox
47 |
Given I log in as "admin"
48 |
And I open my profile in edit mode
49 |
And I click on the "Image" button for the "Description" TinyMCE editor
50 |
And I click on "Browse repositories" "button" in the "Insert image" "dialogue"
51 |
And I upload "lib/editor/tiny/tests/behat/fixtures/moodle-logo.png" to the file picker for TinyMCE
52 |
And I click on "This image is decorative only" "checkbox"
53 |
And I click on "Save" "button" in the "Image details" "dialogue"
54 |
When I select the "img" element in position "0" of the "Description" TinyMCE editor
55 |
And I click on the "Image" button for the "Description" TinyMCE editor
56 |
Then the field "Original size" matches value "1"
57 |
And I click on "Custom size" "radio"
58 |
Then the field "Keep proportion" matches value "1"
59 |
And I click on "Keep proportion" "checkbox"
60 |
And I set the field "Width" to "102"
61 |
And I click on "Save" "button" in the "Image details" "dialogue"
62 |
When I select the "img" element in position "0" of the "Description" TinyMCE editor
63 |
And I click on the "Image" button for the "Description" TinyMCE editor
64 |
Then the field "Custom size" matches value "1"
65 |
And the field "Width" matches value "102"
66 |
And the field "Keep proportion" matches value "0"