1 |
efrain |
1 |
@editor @editor_atto @atto @atto_media @_file_upload
2 |
Feature: Add media to Atto
3 |
To write rich text - I need to add media.
4 |
5 |
6 |
Given the following "blocks" exist:
7 |
| blockname | contextlevel | reference | pagetypepattern | defaultregion |
8 |
| private_files | System | 1 | my-index | side-post |
9 |
And I log in as "admin"
10 |
And I change window size to "large"
11 |
And I follow "Manage private files..."
12 |
And I upload "lib/editor/atto/tests/fixtures/moodle-logo.webm" file to "Files" filemanager
13 |
And I upload "lib/editor/atto/tests/fixtures/moodle-logo.mp4" file to "Files" filemanager
14 |
And I upload "lib/editor/atto/tests/fixtures/moodle-logo.png" file to "Files" filemanager
15 |
And I upload "lib/editor/atto/tests/fixtures/pretty-good-en.vtt" file to "Files" filemanager
16 |
And I upload "lib/editor/atto/tests/fixtures/pretty-good-sv.vtt" file to "Files" filemanager
17 |
And I click on "Save changes" "button"
18 |
And I follow "Profile" in the user menu
19 |
And I follow "Blog entries"
20 |
And I follow "Add a new entry"
21 |
And I set the field "Blog entry body" to "<p>Media test</p>"
22 |
And I select the text in the "Blog entry body" Atto editor
23 |
And I set the field "Entry title" to "The best video in the entire world (not really)"
24 |
And I click on "Insert or edit an audio/video file" "button"
25 |
26 |
27 |
Scenario: Insert some media as a link
28 |
# We need to disable the media plugin filter to be able to insert a link to a video file.
29 |
# Otherwise, the media plugin filter will try to render the video player instead of the link.
30 |
Given the "mediaplugin" filter is "off"
31 |
And I click on "Browse repositories..." "button" in the "#id_summary_editor_link .atto_media_source.atto_media_link_source" "css_element"
32 |
And I click on "Private files" "link" in the ".fp-repo-area" "css_element"
33 |
And I click on "moodle-logo.webm" "link"
34 |
And I click on "Select this file" "button"
35 |
And the field "Enter name" matches value "moodle-logo.webm"
36 |
And I wait until the page is ready
37 |
And I click on "Insert media" "button"
38 |
When I click on "Save changes" "button"
39 |
Then "//a[. = 'moodle-logo.webm']" "xpath_element" should exist
40 |
41 |
@javascript @atto_media_video
42 |
Scenario: Insert some media as a plain video
43 |
Given I click on "Video" "link"
44 |
And I click on "Browse repositories..." "button" in the "#id_summary_editor_video .atto_media_source.atto_media_media_source" "css_element"
45 |
And I click on "Private files" "link" in the ".fp-repo-area" "css_element"
46 |
And I click on "moodle-logo.webm" "link"
47 |
And I click on "Select this file" "button"
48 |
And I click on "Add alternative source" "link"
49 |
And I click on "Browse repositories..." "button" in the "#id_summary_editor_video .atto_media_source.atto_media_media_source:nth-of-type(2)" "css_element"
50 |
And I click on "Private files" "link" in the ".fp-repo-area" "css_element"
51 |
And I click on "moodle-logo.mp4" "link"
52 |
And I click on "Select this file" "button"
53 |
When I click on "Insert media" "button"
54 |
Then "//video[descendant::source[contains(@src, 'moodle-logo.webm')]][descendant::source[contains(@src, 'moodle-logo.mp4')]]" "xpath_element" should exist
55 |
56 |
@javascript @atto_media_video
57 |
Scenario: Insert some media as a video with display settings
58 |
Given I click on "Video" "link"
59 |
And I click on "Browse repositories..." "button" in the "#id_summary_editor_video .atto_media_source.atto_media_media_source" "css_element"
60 |
And I click on "Private files" "link" in the ".fp-repo-area" "css_element"
61 |
And I click on "moodle-logo.webm" "link"
62 |
And I click on "Select this file" "button"
63 |
And I click on "Display options" "link"
64 |
And I click on "Browse repositories..." "button" in the "#id_summary_editor_video .atto_media_source.atto_media_poster_source" "css_element"
65 |
And I click on "Private files" "link" in the ".moodle-dialogue-base[aria-hidden='false'] .fp-repo-area" "css_element"
66 |
And I click on "moodle-logo.png" "link"
67 |
And I click on "Select this file" "button" in the ".moodle-dialogue-base[aria-hidden='false']" "css_element"
68 |
And I set the field with xpath "//*[contains(concat(' ', normalize-space(@class), ' '), ' atto_media_width_entry ')]" to "420"
69 |
And I set the field with xpath "//*[contains(concat(' ', normalize-space(@class), ' '), ' atto_media_height_entry ')]" to "69"
70 |
And I set the field "Enter title" to "VideoTitle"
71 |
And I click on "Display options" "link"
72 |
When I click on "Insert media" "button"
73 |
Then "//video[descendant::source[contains(@src, 'moodle-logo.webm')]][contains(@poster, 'moodle-logo.png')][@width=420][@height=69][@title='VideoTitle']" "xpath_element" should exist
74 |
75 |
@javascript @atto_media_video
76 |
Scenario: Insert some media as a video with advanced settings
77 |
Given I click on "Video" "link"
78 |
And I click on "Browse repositories..." "button" in the "#id_summary_editor_video .atto_media_source.atto_media_media_source" "css_element"
79 |
And I click on "Private files" "link" in the ".fp-repo-area" "css_element"
80 |
And I click on "moodle-logo.webm" "link"
81 |
And I click on "Select this file" "button"
82 |
And I click on "Advanced settings" "link"
83 |
And the field "Show controls" matches value "1"
84 |
And I set the field "Play automatically" to "1"
85 |
And I set the field "Muted" to "1"
86 |
And I set the field "Loop" to "1"
87 |
When I click on "Insert media" "button"
88 |
Then "//video[descendant::source[contains(@src, 'moodle-logo.webm')]][@controls='true'][@loop='true'][@autoplay='true'][@autoplay='true']" "xpath_element" should exist
89 |
90 |
@javascript @atto_media_video
91 |
Scenario: Insert some media as a video with tracks
92 |
Given I click on "Video" "link"
93 |
And I click on "Browse repositories..." "button" in the "#id_summary_editor_video .atto_media_source.atto_media_media_source" "css_element"
94 |
And I click on "Private files" "link" in the ".fp-repo-area" "css_element"
95 |
And I click on "moodle-logo.webm" "link"
96 |
And I click on "Select this file" "button"
97 |
And I click on "Subtitles and captions" "link"
98 |
And I click on "Browse repositories..." "button" in the "#id_summary_editor_video_subtitles .atto_media_track_source" "css_element"
99 |
And I click on "Private files" "link" in the ".moodle-dialogue-base[aria-hidden='false'] .fp-repo-area" "css_element"
100 |
And I click on "pretty-good-sv.vtt" "link"
101 |
And I click on "Select this file" "button" in the ".moodle-dialogue-base[aria-hidden='false']" "css_element"
102 |
And the field "Label" matches value "Swedish"
103 |
And the field "Language" matches value "sv"
104 |
And I click on "Add subtitle track" "link"
105 |
And I click on "Browse repositories..." "button" in the "#id_summary_editor_video_subtitles .atto_media_track~.atto_media_track .atto_media_source.atto_media_track_source" "css_element"
106 |
And I click on "Private files" "link" in the ".moodle-dialogue-base[aria-hidden='false'] .fp-repo-area" "css_element"
107 |
And I click on "pretty-good-en.vtt" "link"
108 |
And I click on "Select this file" "button" in the ".moodle-dialogue-base[aria-hidden='false']" "css_element"
109 |
And the field with xpath "(//*[contains(concat(' ', normalize-space(@class), ' '), ' atto_media_track_label_entry ')])[2]" matches value "English"
110 |
And I set the field with xpath "(//*[contains(concat(' ', normalize-space(@class), ' '), ' atto_media_track_default ')])[1]" to "1"
111 |
And I click on "Captions" "link" in the ".nav-item[data-track-kind='captions']" "css_element"
112 |
And I click on "Browse repositories..." "button" in the "#id_summary_editor_video_captions .atto_media_track_source" "css_element"
113 |
And I click on "Private files" "link" in the ".moodle-dialogue-base[aria-hidden='false'] .fp-repo-area" "css_element"
114 |
And I click on "pretty-good-sv.vtt" "link"
115 |
And I click on "Select this file" "button" in the ".moodle-dialogue-base[aria-hidden='false']" "css_element"
116 |
And I click on "Overwrite" "button"
117 |
And the field with xpath "(//*[contains(concat(' ', normalize-space(@class), ' '), ' atto_media_track_label_entry ')])[3]" matches value "Swedish"
118 |
And I click on "Add caption track" "link"
119 |
And I click on "Browse repositories..." "button" in the "#id_summary_editor_video_captions .atto_media_track~.atto_media_track .atto_media_source.atto_media_track_source" "css_element"
120 |
And I click on "Private files" "link" in the ".moodle-dialogue-base[aria-hidden='false'] .fp-repo-area" "css_element"
121 |
And I click on "pretty-good-en.vtt" "link"
122 |
And I click on "Select this file" "button" in the ".moodle-dialogue-base[aria-hidden='false']" "css_element"
123 |
And I click on "Overwrite" "button"
124 |
And the field with xpath "(//*[contains(concat(' ', normalize-space(@class), ' '), ' atto_media_track_label_entry ')])[4]" matches value "English"
125 |
And I set the field with xpath "(//*[contains(concat(' ', normalize-space(@class), ' '), ' atto_media_track_default ')])[4]" to "1"
126 |
And I click on "Descriptions" "link"
127 |
And I click on "Browse repositories..." "button" in the "#id_summary_editor_video_descriptions .atto_media_track_source" "css_element"
128 |
And I click on "Private files" "link" in the ".moodle-dialogue-base[aria-hidden='false'] .fp-repo-area" "css_element"
129 |
And I click on "pretty-good-sv.vtt" "link"
130 |
And I click on "Select this file" "button" in the ".moodle-dialogue-base[aria-hidden='false']" "css_element"
131 |
And I click on "Overwrite" "button"
132 |
And the field with xpath "(//*[contains(concat(' ', normalize-space(@class), ' '), ' atto_media_track_label_entry ')])[5]" matches value "Swedish"
133 |
And I click on "Add description track" "link"
134 |
And I click on "Browse repositories..." "button" in the "#id_summary_editor_video_descriptions .atto_media_track~.atto_media_track .atto_media_source.atto_media_track_source" "css_element"
135 |
And I click on "Private files" "link" in the ".moodle-dialogue-base[aria-hidden='false'] .fp-repo-area" "css_element"
136 |
And I click on "pretty-good-en.vtt" "link"
137 |
And I click on "Select this file" "button" in the ".moodle-dialogue-base[aria-hidden='false']" "css_element"
138 |
And I click on "Overwrite" "button"
139 |
And the field with xpath "(//*[contains(concat(' ', normalize-space(@class), ' '), ' atto_media_track_label_entry ')])[6]" matches value "English"
140 |
And I set the field with xpath "(//*[contains(concat(' ', normalize-space(@class), ' '), ' atto_media_track_default ')])[5]" to "1"
141 |
And I click on "Chapters" "link"
142 |
And I click on "Browse repositories..." "button" in the "#id_summary_editor_video_chapters .atto_media_track_source" "css_element"
143 |
And I click on "Private files" "link" in the ".moodle-dialogue-base[aria-hidden='false'] .fp-repo-area" "css_element"
144 |
And I click on "pretty-good-sv.vtt" "link"
145 |
And I click on "Select this file" "button" in the ".moodle-dialogue-base[aria-hidden='false']" "css_element"
146 |
And I click on "Overwrite" "button"
147 |
And the field with xpath "(//*[contains(concat(' ', normalize-space(@class), ' '), ' atto_media_track_label_entry ')])[7]" matches value "Swedish"
148 |
And I click on "Add chapter track" "link"
149 |
And I click on "Browse repositories..." "button" in the "#id_summary_editor_video_chapters .atto_media_track~.atto_media_track .atto_media_source.atto_media_track_source" "css_element"
150 |
And I click on "Private files" "link" in the ".moodle-dialogue-base[aria-hidden='false'] .fp-repo-area" "css_element"
151 |
And I click on "pretty-good-en.vtt" "link"
152 |
And I click on "Select this file" "button" in the ".moodle-dialogue-base[aria-hidden='false']" "css_element"
153 |
And I click on "Overwrite" "button"
154 |
And the field with xpath "(//*[contains(concat(' ', normalize-space(@class), ' '), ' atto_media_track_label_entry ')])[8]" matches value "English"
155 |
And I set the field with xpath "(//*[contains(concat(' ', normalize-space(@class), ' '), ' atto_media_track_default ')])[8]" to "1"
156 |
And I click on "Metadata" "link"
157 |
And I click on "Browse repositories..." "button" in the "#id_summary_editor_video_metadata .atto_media_track_source" "css_element"
158 |
And I click on "Private files" "link" in the ".moodle-dialogue-base[aria-hidden='false'] .fp-repo-area" "css_element"
159 |
And I click on "pretty-good-sv.vtt" "link"
160 |
And I click on "Select this file" "button" in the ".moodle-dialogue-base[aria-hidden='false']" "css_element"
161 |
And I click on "Overwrite" "button"
162 |
And the field with xpath "(//*[contains(concat(' ', normalize-space(@class), ' '), ' atto_media_track_label_entry ')])[9]" matches value "Swedish"
163 |
And I click on "Add metadata track" "link"
164 |
And I click on "Browse repositories..." "button" in the "#id_summary_editor_video_metadata .atto_media_track~.atto_media_track .atto_media_source.atto_media_track_source" "css_element"
165 |
And I click on "Private files" "link" in the ".moodle-dialogue-base[aria-hidden='false'] .fp-repo-area" "css_element"
166 |
And I click on "pretty-good-en.vtt" "link"
167 |
And I click on "Select this file" "button" in the ".moodle-dialogue-base[aria-hidden='false']" "css_element"
168 |
And I click on "Overwrite" "button"
169 |
And the field with xpath "(//*[contains(concat(' ', normalize-space(@class), ' '), ' atto_media_track_label_entry ')])[10]" matches value "English"
170 |
And I set the field with xpath "(//*[contains(concat(' ', normalize-space(@class), ' '), ' atto_media_track_default ')])[9]" to "1"
171 |
When I click on "Insert media" "button"
172 |
Then "//video[descendant::source[contains(@src, 'moodle-logo.webm')]][descendant::track[contains(@src, 'pretty-good-sv.vtt')][@kind='subtitles'][@label='Swedish'][@srclang='sv'][@default='true']][descendant::track[contains(@src, 'pretty-good-en.vtt')][@kind='subtitles'][@label='English'][@srclang='en'][not(@default)]][descendant::track[contains(@src, 'pretty-good-sv.vtt')][@kind='captions'][@label='Swedish'][@srclang='sv'][not(@default)]][descendant::track[contains(@src, 'pretty-good-en.vtt')][@kind='captions'][@label='English'][@srclang='en'][@default='true']][descendant::track[contains(@src, 'pretty-good-sv.vtt')][@kind='descriptions'][@label='Swedish'][@srclang='sv'][@default='true']][descendant::track[contains(@src, 'pretty-good-en.vtt')][@kind='descriptions'][@label='English'][@srclang='en'][not(@default)]][descendant::track[contains(@src, 'pretty-good-sv.vtt')][@kind='chapters'][@label='Swedish'][@srclang='sv'][not(@default)]][descendant::track[contains(@src, 'pretty-good-en.vtt')][@kind='chapters'][@label='English'][@srclang='en'][@default='true']][descendant::track[contains(@src, 'pretty-good-sv.vtt')][@kind='metadata'][@label='Swedish'][@srclang='sv'][@default='true']][descendant::track[contains(@src, 'pretty-good-en.vtt')][@kind='metadata'][@label='English'][@srclang='en'][not(@default)]]" "xpath_element" should exist
173 |
174 |
@javascript @atto_media_audio
175 |
Scenario: Insert some media as a plain audio
176 |
Given I click on "Audio" "link"
177 |
And I click on "Browse repositories..." "button" in the "#id_summary_editor_audio .atto_media_source.atto_media_media_source" "css_element"
178 |
And I click on "Private files" "link" in the ".fp-repo-area" "css_element"
179 |
And I click on "moodle-logo.mp4" "link"
180 |
And I click on "Select this file" "button"
181 |
When I click on "Insert media" "button"
182 |
Then "//audio[descendant::source[contains(@src, 'moodle-logo.mp4')]]" "xpath_element" should exist
183 |
184 |
@javascript @atto_media_audio
185 |
Scenario: Insert some media as an audio with display settings
186 |
Given I click on "Audio" "link"
187 |
And I click on "Browse repositories..." "button" in the "#id_summary_editor_audio .atto_media_source.atto_media_media_source" "css_element"
188 |
And I click on "Private files" "link" in the ".fp-repo-area" "css_element"
189 |
And I click on "moodle-logo.mp4" "link"
190 |
And I click on "Select this file" "button"
191 |
And I click on "Display options" "link" in the "#id_summary_editor_audio" "css_element"
192 |
And I set the field "audio_media-title-entry" to "AudioTitle"
193 |
When I click on "Insert media" "button"
194 |
Then "//audio[descendant::source[contains(@src, 'moodle-logo.mp4')]][@title='AudioTitle']" "xpath_element" should exist
195 |
196 |
@javascript @atto_media_audio
197 |
Scenario: Insert some media as an audio with advanced settings
198 |
Given I click on "Audio" "link"
199 |
And I click on "Browse repositories..." "button" in the "#id_summary_editor_audio .atto_media_source.atto_media_media_source" "css_element"
200 |
And I click on "Private files" "link" in the ".fp-repo-area" "css_element"
201 |
And I click on "moodle-logo.mp4" "link"
202 |
And I click on "Select this file" "button"
203 |
And I click on "Advanced settings" "link" in the "#id_summary_editor_audio" "css_element"
204 |
And the field "audio_media-controls-toggle" matches value "1"
205 |
And I set the field "audio_media-autoplay-toggle" to "1"
206 |
And I set the field "audio_media-mute-toggle" to "1"
207 |
And I set the field "audio_media-loop-toggle" to "1"
208 |
When I click on "Insert media" "button"
209 |
Then "//audio[descendant::source[contains(@src, 'moodle-logo.mp4')]][@controls='true'][@loop='true'][@autoplay='true'][@autoplay='true']" "xpath_element" should exist