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efrain |
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// This file is part of Moodle - http://moodle.org/
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// Moodle is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
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// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
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// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
7 |
// (at your option) any later version.
8 |
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// Moodle is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
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// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
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// GNU General Public License for more details.
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// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
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// along with Moodle. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
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18 |
* Strings for component 'search', language 'en', branch 'MOODLE_20_STABLE'
19 |
20 |
* @package core
21 |
* @copyright 1999 onwards Martin Dougiamas {@link http://moodle.com}
22 |
* @license http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU GPL v3 or later
23 |
24 |
25 |
$string['advancedsearch'] = 'Advanced search';
26 |
$string['all'] = 'All';
27 |
$string['allareas'] = 'All areas';
28 |
$string['allcourses'] = 'All courses';
29 |
$string['allusers'] = 'All users';
30 |
$string['author'] = 'Author';
31 |
$string['authorname'] = 'Author name';
32 |
$string['back'] = 'Back';
33 |
$string['beadmin'] = 'You need to be an admin user to use this page.';
34 |
$string['commenton'] = 'Comment on';
35 |
$string['content:courserole'] = '{$a->role} in {$a->course}';
36 |
$string['confirm_delete'] = 'Are you sure you want to delete the index for {$a}? Until the search area is indexed, users will not get search results from this area.';
37 |
$string['confirm_indexall'] = 'Are you sure you want to update indexed contents now? If a large amount of content needs indexing, this can take a long time. For live servers, you should normally leave indexing to the \'Global search indexing\' scheduled task.';
38 |
$string['confirm_reindexall'] = 'Are you sure you want to reindex all site contents now? If your site contains a large amount of content, this will take a long time, and users may not get full search results until it completes.';
39 |
$string['confirm_deleteall'] = 'Are you sure you want to delete all indexed contents now? Until the site is indexed again, users will not get search results.';
40 |
$string['core-all'] = 'All';
41 |
$string['core-course-content'] = 'Course content';
42 |
$string['core-courses'] = 'Courses';
43 |
$string['core-users'] = 'Users';
44 |
$string['core-other'] = 'Other';
45 |
$string['createanindex'] = 'create an index';
46 |
$string['createdon'] = 'Created on';
47 |
$string['database'] = 'Database';
48 |
$string['databasestate'] = 'Indexing database state';
49 |
$string['datadirectory'] = 'Data directory';
50 |
$string['deleteindex'] = 'Delete index {$a}';
51 |
$string['deletionsinindex'] = 'Deletions in index';
52 |
$string['docmodifiedon'] = 'Last modified on {$a}';
53 |
$string['doctype'] = 'Doctype';
54 |
$string['doctypenotsupported'] = 'The specified doc type is not yet supported';
55 |
$string['documents'] = 'documents';
56 |
$string['documentsfor'] = 'Documents for';
57 |
$string['documentsindatabase'] = 'Documents in database';
58 |
$string['documentsinindex'] = 'Documents in index';
59 |
$string['duration'] = 'Duration';
60 |
$string['emptydatabaseerror'] = 'Database table is not present, or contains no index records.';
61 |
$string['enginenotfound'] = 'Engine {$a} not found.';
62 |
$string['enginenotinstalled'] = 'Engine {$a} is not installed.';
63 |
$string['enginenotselected'] = 'You have not selected any search engine.';
64 |
$string['engineserverstatus'] = 'The search engine is not available. Please contact your administrator.';
65 |
$string['enteryoursearchquery'] = 'Enter your search query';
66 |
$string['error_indexing'] = 'An error occurred while indexing';
67 |
$string['errors'] = 'Errors';
68 |
$string['errorareanotavailable'] = '{$a} search area is not available.';
69 |
$string['everywhere'] = 'Everywhere you can access';
70 |
$string['filesinindexdirectory'] = 'Files in index directory';
71 |
$string['filterheader'] = 'Filter';
72 |
$string['fromtime'] = 'Modified after';
73 |
$string['globalsearch'] = 'Global search';
74 |
$string['globalsearchdisabled'] = 'Global searching is not enabled.';
75 |
$string['gradualreindex'] = 'Gradual reindex {$a}';
76 |
$string['gradualreindex_confirm'] = 'Are you sure you want to reindex {$a}? This may take some time, although existing data will remain available during the reindex.';
77 |
$string['gradualreindex_queued'] = 'Reindexing has been requested for {$a->name} ({$a->count} contexts). This indexing will be carried out by the "Global search indexing" scheduled task.';
78 |
$string['checkdb'] = 'Check database';
79 |
$string['checkdbadvice'] = 'Check your database for any problems.';
80 |
$string['checkdir'] = 'Check dir';
81 |
$string['checkdiradvice'] = 'Ensure the data directory exists and is writable.';
82 |
$string['incourse'] = 'in course {$a}';
83 |
$string['index'] = 'Index';
84 |
$string['indexwhendisabledfullnotice'] = 'Indexing is currently not permitted when search is disabled. To enable this, please see the <a href="{$a->url}">searchindexwhendisabled</a> setting.';
85 |
$string['indexwhendisabledshortnotice'] = 'Indexing is not available.';
86 |
$string['invalidindexerror'] = 'Index directory either contains an invalid index, or nothing at all.';
87 |
$string['ittook'] = 'It took';
88 |
$string['matchingfile'] = 'Matched from file <span class="filename">{$a}</span>';
89 |
$string['matchingfiles'] = 'Matched from files:';
90 |
$string['mycoursesonly'] = 'My courses only';
91 |
$string['next'] = 'Next';
92 |
$string['noindexmessage'] = 'Admin: There appears to be no search index. Please';
93 |
$string['noresults'] = 'No results';
94 |
$string['notitle'] = 'No title';
95 |
$string['normalsearch'] = 'Normal search';
96 |
$string['openedon'] = 'opened on';
97 |
$string['optimize'] = 'Optimize';
98 |
$string['order'] = 'Results order';
99 |
$string['order_location'] = 'Prioritise results related to {$a}';
100 |
$string['order_relevance'] = 'Most relevant results first';
101 |
$string['priority'] = 'Priority';
102 |
$string['priority_reindexing'] = 'Reindexing';
103 |
$string['priority_normal'] = 'Normal';
104 |
$string['privacy:metadata'] = 'The search subsystem does not store any personal data.';
105 |
$string['progress'] = 'Progress';
106 |
$string['queryerror'] = 'The query you provided could not be parsed by the search engine: {$a}';
107 |
$string['queueheading'] = 'Additional indexing queue ({$a} items)';
108 |
$string['resultsreturnedfor'] = 'results returned for';
109 |
$string['runindexer'] = 'Run indexer (real)';
110 |
$string['runindexertest'] = 'Run indexer test';
111 |
$string['schemanotupdated'] = 'The search schema is out of date.';
112 |
$string['schemaversionunknown'] = 'Search engine does not know about the current schema version.';
113 |
$string['score'] = 'Score';
114 |
$string['search'] = 'Search';
115 |
$string['search:message_received'] = 'Messages - received';
116 |
$string['search:message_sent'] = 'Messages - sent';
117 |
$string['search:mycourse'] = 'My courses';
118 |
$string['search:course'] = 'Courses';
119 |
$string['search:course_teacher'] = 'Course Teacher';
120 |
$string['search:section'] = 'Course sections';
121 |
$string['search:user'] = 'Users';
122 |
$string['searcharea'] = 'Search area';
123 |
$string['searchareacategories'] = 'Search area categories';
124 |
$string['searching'] = 'Searching in ...';
125 |
$string['searchnotpermitted'] = 'You are not allowed to do a search';
126 |
$string['searchsetupdescription'] = 'The following steps help you to set up Moodle global search.';
127 |
$string['searchwithin'] = 'Search within';
128 |
$string['seconds'] = 'seconds';
129 |
$string['solutions'] = 'Solutions';
130 |
$string['statistics'] = 'Statistics';
131 |
$string['step'] = 'Step';
132 |
$string['thesewordshelpimproverank'] = 'These words help improve rank';
133 |
$string['thesewordsmustappear'] = 'These words must appear';
134 |
$string['thesewordsmustnotappear'] = 'These words must not appear';
135 |
$string['title'] = 'Title';
136 |
$string['tofetchtheseresults'] = 'to fetch these results';
137 |
$string['topresults'] = 'Top results';
138 |
$string['totalsize'] = 'Total size';
139 |
$string['totime'] = 'Modified before';
140 |
$string['type'] = 'Type';
141 |
$string['uncompleteindexingerror'] = 'Indexing was not successfully completed, please restart it.';
142 |
$string['versiontoolow'] = 'Sorry, global search requires PHP 5.0.0 or later';
143 |
$string['viewresultincontext'] = 'View this result in context';
144 |
$string['whichmodulestosearch?'] = 'Which modules to search?';
145 |
$string['wordsintitle'] = 'Words in title';
146 |
$string['search:customfield'] = 'Course custom fields';