1 |
efrain |
1 |
@core @core_grades @gradereport_singleview @javascript
2 |
Feature: Within the singleview report, a teacher can search for users.
3 |
4 |
Given the following "courses" exist:
5 |
| fullname | shortname | category | groupmode |
6 |
| Course 1 | C1 | 0 | 1 |
7 |
| Course 2 | C2 | 0 | 0 |
8 |
And the following "users" exist:
9 |
| username | firstname | lastname | email | idnumber | phone1 | phone2 | department | institution | city | country |
10 |
| teacher1 | Teacher | 1 | teacher1@example.com | t1 | 1234567892 | 1234567893 | ABC1 | ABCD | Perth | AU |
11 |
| student1 | Student | 1 | student1@example.com | s1 | 3213078612 | 8974325612 | ABC1 | ABCD | Hanoi | VN |
12 |
| student2 | Dummy | User | student2@example.com | s2 | 4365899871 | 7654789012 | ABC2 | ABCD | Tokyo | JP |
13 |
| student3 | User | Example | student3@example.com | s3 | 3243249087 | 0875421745 | ABC2 | ABCD | Olney | GB |
14 |
| student4 | User | Test | student4@example.com | s4 | 0987532523 | 2149871323 | ABC3 | ABCD | Tokyo | JP |
15 |
| student5 | Turtle | Manatee | student5@example.com | s5 | 1239087780 | 9873623589 | ABC3 | ABCD | Perth | AU |
16 |
# Note: Add groups etc so we can test that the search ignores those filters as well if we go down the filter dataset path.
17 |
And the following "course enrolments" exist:
18 |
| user | course | role |
19 |
| teacher1 | C1 | editingteacher |
20 |
| teacher1 | C2 | editingteacher |
21 |
| student1 | C1 | student |
22 |
| student2 | C1 | student |
23 |
| student3 | C1 | student |
24 |
| student4 | C1 | student |
25 |
| student5 | C1 | student |
26 |
And the following "activities" exist:
27 |
| activity | course | idnumber | name |
28 |
| assign | C1 | a1 | Test assignment one |
29 |
And the following config values are set as admin:
30 |
| showuseridentity | idnumber,email,city,country,phone1,phone2,department,institution |
31 |
And I change window size to "large"
32 |
And I am on the "Course 1" "grades > Single view > View" page logged in as "teacher1"
33 |
And I click on "Users" "link" in the ".page-toggler" "css_element"
34 |
35 |
Scenario: A teacher can view and trigger the user search
36 |
# Check the placeholder text (no users are initially shown).
37 |
Given I should see "Search users"
38 |
And I should see "Search for a user to view all their grades"
39 |
When I set the field "Search users" to "Turtle"
40 |
And I confirm "Turtle Manatee" in "user" search within the gradebook widget exists
41 |
And I confirm "User Example" in "user" search within the gradebook widget does not exist
42 |
And I click on "Turtle Manatee" "list_item"
43 |
# Business case: This will trigger a page reload and can not dynamically update the table.
44 |
And I wait until the page is ready
45 |
And "Turtle Manatee" "heading" should exist
46 |
And "Teacher 1" "heading" should not exist
47 |
And "Student 1" "heading" should not exist
48 |
And "User Example" "heading" should not exist
49 |
And "User Test" "heading" should not exist
50 |
And "Dummy User" "heading" should not exist
51 |
And I set the field "Search users" to "Turt"
52 |
And I wait until "Turtle Manatee" "option_role" exists
53 |
And I click on "Clear search input" "button" in the ".user-search" "css_element"
54 |
And "Turtle Manatee" "option_role" should not be visible
55 |
56 |
Scenario: A teacher can search the single view report to find specified users
57 |
# Case: Standard search.
58 |
Given I click on "Dummy" in the "user" search widget
59 |
And "Dummy User" "heading" should exist
60 |
And "Teacher 1" "heading" should not exist
61 |
And "Student 1" "heading" should not exist
62 |
And "User Example" "heading" should not exist
63 |
And "User Test" "heading" should not exist
64 |
And "Turtle Manatee" "heading" should not exist
65 |
66 |
# Case: No users found.
67 |
When I set the field "Search users" to "Plagiarism"
68 |
And I should see "No results for \"Plagiarism\""
69 |
# Table remains unchanged as the user had no results to select from the dropdown.
70 |
And "Dummy User" "heading" should exist
71 |
And "Teacher 1" "heading" should not exist
72 |
And "Student 1" "heading" should not exist
73 |
And "User Example" "heading" should not exist
74 |
And "User Test" "heading" should not exist
75 |
And "Turtle Manatee" "heading" should not exist
76 |
77 |
# Case: Multiple users found and select only one result.
78 |
Then I set the field "Search users" to "User"
79 |
And I wait until "Dummy User" "option_role" exists
80 |
And I confirm "Dummy User" in "user" search within the gradebook widget exists
81 |
And I confirm "User Example" in "user" search within the gradebook widget exists
82 |
And I confirm "User Test" in "user" search within the gradebook widget exists
83 |
And I confirm "Turtle Manatee" in "user" search within the gradebook widget does not exist
84 |
# Check if the matched field names (by lines) includes some identifiable info to help differentiate similar users.
85 |
And I confirm "User (student2@example.com)" in "user" search within the gradebook widget exists
86 |
And I confirm "User (student3@example.com)" in "user" search within the gradebook widget exists
87 |
And I confirm "User (student4@example.com)" in "user" search within the gradebook widget exists
88 |
And I click on "Dummy User" "list_item"
89 |
And I wait until the page is ready
90 |
And "Dummy User" "heading" should exist
91 |
And "Teacher 1" "heading" should not exist
92 |
And "Student 1" "heading" should not exist
93 |
And "User Example" "heading" should not exist
94 |
And "User Test" "heading" should not exist
95 |
And "Turtle Manatee" "heading" should not exist
96 |
97 |
# Case: No users enrolled.
98 |
And I am on the "Course 2" "grades > Single view > View" page
99 |
And I click on "Users" "link" in the ".page-toggler" "css_element"
100 |
And I set the field "Search users" to "a"
101 |
And I wait until "No results for \"a\"" "text" exists
102 |
103 |
Scenario: A teacher can quickly tell that a search is active on the current table
104 |
Given I click on "Turtle" in the "user" search widget
105 |
And I wait until the page is ready
106 |
# The search input remains in the field on reload this is in keeping with other search implementations.
107 |
When the field "Search users" matches value "Turtle Manatee"
108 |
# The users get preloaded for accessibility reasons.
109 |
And "Turtle Manatee" "option_role" should exist
110 |
# Test if we can then further retain the turtle result set and further filter from there.
111 |
Then I set the field "Search users" to "Turtle plagiarism"
112 |
And I wait until "Turtle Manatee" "option_role" does not exist
113 |
And I should see "No results for \"Turtle plagiarism\""
114 |
115 |
Scenario: A teacher can search for values besides the users' name
116 |
Given I set the field "Search users" to "student5@example.com"
117 |
And I wait until "Turtle Manatee" "list_item" exists
118 |
And I set the field "Search users" to "@example.com"
119 |
And I wait until "Dummy User" "list_item" exists
120 |
# Note: All learners match this email & showing emails is current default.
121 |
And I confirm "Dummy User" in "user" search within the gradebook widget exists
122 |
And I confirm "User Example" in "user" search within the gradebook widget exists
123 |
And I confirm "User Test" in "user" search within the gradebook widget exists
124 |
And I confirm "Student 1" in "user" search within the gradebook widget exists
125 |
And I confirm "Turtle Manatee" in "user" search within the gradebook widget exists
126 |
127 |
# Search on the country field.
128 |
When I set the field "Search users" to "JP"
129 |
And I wait until "Dummy User" "list_item" exists
130 |
And I wait until "Turtle Manatee" "list_item" does not exist
131 |
And I confirm "Dummy User" in "user" search within the gradebook widget exists
132 |
And I confirm "User Test" in "user" search within the gradebook widget exists
133 |
134 |
# Search on the city field.
135 |
And I set the field "Search users" to "Hanoi"
136 |
And I wait until "User Test" "list_item" does not exist
137 |
Then I confirm "Student 1" in "user" search within the gradebook widget exists
138 |
139 |
# Search on the institution field.
140 |
And I set the field "Search users" to "ABCD"
141 |
And I wait until "Dummy User" "list_item" exists
142 |
And I confirm "User Example" in "user" search within the gradebook widget exists
143 |
And I confirm "User Test" in "user" search within the gradebook widget exists
144 |
And I confirm "Student 1" in "user" search within the gradebook widget exists
145 |
And I confirm "Turtle Manatee" in "user" search within the gradebook widget exists
146 |
147 |
# Search on the department field.
148 |
And I set the field "Search users" to "ABC3"
149 |
And I wait until "User Example" "list_item" does not exist
150 |
And I confirm "User Test" in "user" search within the gradebook widget exists
151 |
And I confirm "Turtle Manatee" in "user" search within the gradebook widget exists
152 |
153 |
# Search on the phone1 field.
154 |
And I set the field "Search users" to "4365899871"
155 |
And I wait until "User Test" "list_item" does not exist
156 |
And I confirm "Dummy User" in "user" search within the gradebook widget exists
157 |
158 |
# Search on the phone2 field.
159 |
And I set the field "Search users" to "2149871323"
160 |
And I wait until "Dummy User" "list_item" does not exist
161 |
And I confirm "User Test" in "user" search within the gradebook widget exists
162 |
163 |
# Search on the institution field then press enter to show the record set.
164 |
And I set the field "Search users" to "ABC"
165 |
And "Turtle Manatee" "list_item" should exist
166 |
And I confirm "Dummy User" in "user" search within the gradebook widget exists
167 |
And I confirm "User Example" in "user" search within the gradebook widget exists
168 |
And I confirm "User Test" in "user" search within the gradebook widget exists
169 |
And I confirm "Student 1" in "user" search within the gradebook widget exists
170 |
And I press the down key
171 |
And I press the enter key
172 |
And I wait until the page is ready
173 |
And "Student 1" "heading" should exist
174 |
And "User Example" "heading" should not exist
175 |
And "User Test" "heading" should not exist
176 |
And "Dummy User" "heading" should not exist
177 |
And "Turtle Manatee" "heading" should not exist
178 |
And "Teacher 1" "heading" should not exist
179 |
180 |
181 |
Scenario: A teacher can set focus and search using the input are with a keyboard
182 |
Given I set the field "Search users" to "ABC"
183 |
# Basic tests for the page.
184 |
And the page should meet accessibility standards
185 |
And the page should meet "wcag131, wcag141, wcag412" accessibility standards
186 |
And the page should meet accessibility standards with "wcag131, wcag141, wcag412" extra tests
187 |
# Move onto general keyboard navigation testing.
188 |
When I wait until "Turtle Manatee" "option_role" exists
189 |
And I press the down key
190 |
And ".active" "css_element" should exist in the "Student 1" "option_role"
191 |
And I press the up key
192 |
And ".active" "css_element" should exist in the "Dummy User" "option_role"
193 |
And I press the down key
194 |
And ".active" "css_element" should exist in the "Student 1" "option_role"
195 |
And I press the escape key
196 |
And the focused element is "Search users" "field"
197 |
Then I set the field "Search users" to "Goodmeme"
198 |
And I press the down key
199 |
And the focused element is "Search users" "field"
200 |
201 |
And I navigate to "View > Single view" in the course gradebook
202 |
And I click on "Users" "link" in the ".page-toggler" "css_element"
203 |
And I set the field "Search users" to "ABC"
204 |
And I wait until "Turtle Manatee" "option_role" exists
205 |
And I press the down key
206 |
And ".active" "css_element" should exist in the "Student 1" "option_role"
207 |
208 |
# Lets check the tabbing order.
209 |
And I set the field "Search users" to "ABC"
210 |
And I wait until "Turtle Manatee" "option_role" exists
211 |
And I press the tab key
212 |
And the focused element is "Clear search input" "button" in the ".user-search" "css_element"
213 |
And I press the tab key
214 |
And the focused element is not "Search users" "field"
215 |
# Ensure we can interact with the clear search with the keyboard.
216 |
# Sometimes with behat we get unattached nodes causing spurious failures.
217 |
And I set the field "Search users" to "ABC"
218 |
And I wait "1" seconds
219 |
And I press the tab key
220 |
And the focused element is "Clear search input" "button" in the ".user-search" "css_element"
221 |
And I press the enter key
222 |
And I confirm "Turtle Manatee" in "user" search within the gradebook widget does not exist