1 |
efrain |
1 |
@core @core_grades @gradereport_singleview @javascript
2 |
Feature: We can use Single view
3 |
As a teacher
4 |
In order to view and edit grades
5 |
For users and activities for a course.
6 |
7 |
8 |
Given the following "courses" exist:
9 |
| fullname | shortname | category |
10 |
| Course 1 | C1 | 0 |
11 |
And the following "users" exist:
12 |
| username | firstname | lastname | email | idnumber | middlename | alternatename | firstnamephonetic | lastnamephonetic |
13 |
| teacher1 | Teacher | 1 | teacher1@example.com | t1 | | fred | | |
14 |
| teacher2 | No edit | 1 | teacher2@example.com | t2 | | nick | | |
15 |
| teacher3 | Teacher | 3 | teacher3@example.com | t3 | | jack | | |
16 |
| student1 | Grainne | Beauchamp | student1@example.com | s1 | Ann | Jill | Gronya | Beecham |
17 |
| student2 | Niamh | Cholmondely | student2@example.com | s2 | Jane | Nina | Nee | Chumlee |
18 |
| student3 | Siobhan | Desforges | student3@example.com | s3 | Sarah | Sev | Shevon | De-forjay |
19 |
| student4 | Student | 4 | student4@example.com | s4 | | zac | | |
20 |
And the following "scales" exist:
21 |
| name | scale |
22 |
| Test Scale | Disappointing, Good, Very good, Excellent |
23 |
And the following "grade items" exist:
24 |
| itemname | course | gradetype | scale |
25 |
| new grade item 1 | C1 | Scale | Test Scale |
26 |
And the following "scales" exist:
27 |
| name | scale |
28 |
| Test Scale | Disappointing, Good, Very good, Excellent |
29 |
And the following "course enrolments" exist:
30 |
| user | course | role |
31 |
| teacher1 | C1 | editingteacher |
32 |
| teacher2 | C1 | teacher |
33 |
| teacher3 | C1 | teacher |
34 |
| student1 | C1 | student |
35 |
| student2 | C1 | student |
36 |
| student3 | C1 | student |
37 |
| student4 | C1 | student |
38 |
And the following "grade categories" exist:
39 |
| fullname | course |
40 |
| Sub category 1 | C1|
41 |
| Sub category 2 | C1|
42 |
And the following "activities" exist:
43 |
| activity | course | idnumber | name | intro | grade |
44 |
| assign | C1 | a1 | Test assignment one | Submit something! | 300 |
45 |
| assign | C1 | a2 | Test assignment two | Submit something! | 100 |
46 |
| assign | C1 | a3 | Test assignment three | Submit something! | 150 |
47 |
| assign | C1 | a4 | Test assignment four | Submit nothing! | 150 |
48 |
And the following "grade items" exist:
49 |
| itemname | course | gradetype |
50 |
| Test grade item | C1 | Scale |
51 |
And the following "permission overrides" exist:
52 |
| capability | permission | role | contextlevel | reference |
53 |
| moodle/grade:edit | Allow | teacher | Course | C1 |
54 |
| gradereport/singleview:view | Allow | teacher | Course | C1 |
55 |
And the following config values are set as admin:
56 |
| fullnamedisplay | firstnamephonetic,lastnamephonetic |
57 |
| alternativefullnameformat | middlename, alternatename, firstname, lastname |
58 |
And I am on the "Course 1" "grades > Grader report > View" page logged in as "teacher1"
59 |
60 |
Scenario: I can update grades, add feedback and exclude grades.
61 |
Given I navigate to "View > Single view" in the course gradebook
62 |
And I click on "Users" "link" in the ".page-toggler" "css_element"
63 |
And I click on "Student" in the "user" search widget
64 |
And I turn editing mode on
65 |
And I set the field "Override for Test assignment one" to "1"
66 |
When I set the following fields to these values:
67 |
| Grade for Test assignment one | 10.00 |
68 |
| Feedback for Test assignment one | test data |
69 |
And I set the field "Exclude for Test assignment four" to "1"
70 |
And I press "Save"
71 |
Then I should see "Grades were set for 2 items"
72 |
And the field "Exclude for Test assignment four" matches value "1"
73 |
And the field "Grade for Test assignment one" matches value "10.00"
74 |
And I set the following fields to these values:
75 |
| Test grade item | 45 |
76 |
And I press "Save"
77 |
Then I should see "Grades were set for 1 items"
78 |
And the field "Grade for Test grade item" matches value "45.00"
79 |
And the field "Grade for Course total" matches value "55.00"
80 |
And I open the action menu in "Test assignment three" "table_row"
81 |
And I choose "Show all grades" in the open action menu
82 |
And I click on "Override for Ann, Jill, Grainne, Beauchamp" "checkbox"
83 |
And I set the following fields to these values:
84 |
| Grade for Ann, Jill, Grainne, Beauchamp | 12.05 |
85 |
| Feedback for Ann, Jill, Grainne, Beauchamp | test data2 |
86 |
And I set the field "Exclude for Jane, Nina, Niamh, Cholmondely" to "1"
87 |
And I press "Save"
88 |
Then I should see "Grades were set for 2 items"
89 |
And the field "Grade for Ann, Jill, Grainne, Beauchamp" matches value "12.05"
90 |
And the field "Exclude for Jane, Nina, Niamh, Cholmondely" matches value "1"
91 |
And I click on "new grade item 1" in the "grade" search widget
92 |
And I set the field "Grade for Ann, Jill, Grainne, Beauchamp" to "Very good"
93 |
And I press "Save"
94 |
Then I should see "Grades were set for 1 items"
95 |
And the following should exist in the "generaltable" table:
96 |
| First name (Alternate name) Last name | Grade |
97 |
| Ann, Jill, Grainne, Beauchamp | Very good |
98 |
And I am on the "Course 1" "grades > Single view > View" page logged in as "teacher2"
99 |
And I click on "Users" "link" in the ".page-toggler" "css_element"
100 |
And I click on "Student" in the "user" search widget
101 |
And I turn editing mode on
102 |
And the "Exclude for Test assignment one" "checkbox" should be disabled
103 |
And the "Override for Test assignment one" "checkbox" should be enabled
104 |
105 |
Scenario: Single view links work on grade report.
106 |
Given I click on grade item menu "Test assignment one" of type "gradeitem" on "grader" page
107 |
And I choose "Single view for this item" in the open action menu
108 |
And I should see "Test assignment one"
109 |
When I navigate to "View > Grader report" in the course gradebook
110 |
And I click on user menu "Grainne Beauchamp"
111 |
And I choose "Single view for this user" in the open action menu
112 |
Then I should see "Gronya,Beecham"
113 |
114 |
Scenario: I can bulk update grades.
115 |
Given I click on user menu "Grainne Beauchamp"
116 |
And I choose "Single view for this user" in the open action menu
117 |
And I should see "Gronya,Beecham"
118 |
When I turn editing mode on
119 |
And I click on "Actions" "link"
120 |
And I click on "Bulk insert" "link"
121 |
And I click on "I understand that my unsaved changes will be lost." "checkbox"
122 |
And I click on "All grades" "radio"
123 |
And I set the field "Insert new grade" to "1.0"
124 |
And I click on "Save" "button" in the ".modal-dialog" "css_element"
125 |
Then I should see "Grades were set for 6 items"
126 |
127 |
Scenario: I can bulk update grades with custom decimal separator
128 |
Given the following "language customisations" exist:
129 |
| component | stringid | value |
130 |
| core_langconfig | decsep | # |
131 |
And I click on user menu "Grainne Beauchamp"
132 |
And I choose "Single view for this user" in the open action menu
133 |
And I should see "Gronya,Beecham"
134 |
When I turn editing mode on
135 |
And I click on "Actions" "link"
136 |
And I click on "Bulk insert" "link"
137 |
And I click on "I understand that my unsaved changes will be lost." "checkbox"
138 |
And I click on "All grades" "radio"
139 |
And I set the field "Insert new grade" to "1#25"
140 |
And I click on "Save" "button" in the ".modal-dialog" "css_element"
141 |
Then I should see "Grades were set for 6 items"
142 |
# Custom scale, cast to int
143 |
And the field "Grade for new grade item 1" matches value "Disappointing"
144 |
# Value grade, float with custom decsep.
145 |
And the field "Grade for Test assignment one" matches value "1#25"
146 |
# Numerical scale, cast to int, showing as float with custom decsep.
147 |
And the field "Grade for Test grade item" matches value "1#00"
148 |
149 |
Scenario: Navigation works in the Single view.
150 |
Given I click on user menu "Grainne Beauchamp"
151 |
And I choose "Single view for this user" in the open action menu
152 |
Then I should see "Gronya,Beecham"
153 |
And I click on "Nee,Chumlee" "link" in the ".stickyfooter" "css_element"
154 |
Then I should see "Nee,Chumlee"
155 |
And I click on "Gronya,Beecham" "link" in the ".stickyfooter" "css_element"
156 |
Then I should see "Gronya,Beecham"
157 |
And I open the action menu in "Test assignment four" "table_row"
158 |
And I choose "Show all grades" in the open action menu
159 |
Then I should see "Test assignment four"
160 |
And I click on "Test assignment three" in the "grade" search widget
161 |
Then I should see "Test assignment three"
162 |
And I click on "Test assignment four" in the "grade" search widget
163 |
Then I should see "Test assignment four"
164 |
165 |
Scenario: Activities are clickable only when it has a valid activity page.
166 |
Given I click on user menu "Grainne Beauchamp"
167 |
And I choose "Single view for this user" in the open action menu
168 |
And "new grade item 1" "link" should not exist in the "//tbody//tr[position()=1]//td[position()=2]" "xpath_element"
169 |
Then "Category total" "link" should not exist in the "//tbody//tr[position()=2]//td[position()=2]" "xpath_element"
170 |
And "Course total" "link" should not exist in the "//tbody//tr[position()=last()]//td[position()=2]" "xpath_element"
171 |
172 |
Scenario: Teacher sees his last viewed singleview report type when navigating back to the gradebook singleview report.
173 |
Given I navigate to "View > Single view" in the course gradebook
174 |
And I should see "Search for a user to view all their grades" in the "region-main" "region"
175 |
And I click on "Grade items" "link"
176 |
And I should see "Select a grade item above" in the "region-main" "region"
177 |
When I am on the "Course 1" "grades > Single view > View" page
178 |
Then I should see "Select a grade item above" in the "region-main" "region"
179 |
And I am on the "Course 1" "grades > Single view > View" page logged in as "teacher3"
180 |
And I should see "Search for a user to view all their grades" in the "region-main" "region"
181 |
182 |
Scenario: Teacher sees his last viewed user report when navigating back to the gradebook singleview report.
183 |
Given I navigate to "View > Single view" in the course gradebook
184 |
And I click on "Gronya,Beecham" in the "user" search widget
185 |
And I should see "Gronya,Beecham" in the "region-main" "region"
186 |
When I am on the "Course 1" "grades > Single view > View" page
187 |
Then I should not see "Search for a user to view all their grades" in the "region-main" "region"
188 |
And I should see "Gronya,Beecham" in the "region-main" "region"
189 |
And I am on the "Course 1" "grades > Single view > View" page logged in as "teacher3"
190 |
And I should see "Search for a user to view all their grades" in the "region-main" "region"
191 |
192 |
Scenario: Teacher sees his last viewed grade item report when navigating back to the gradebook singleview report.
193 |
Given I navigate to "View > Single view" in the course gradebook
194 |
And I click on "Grade items" "link"
195 |
And I click on "Test assignment one" in the "grade" search widget
196 |
And I should see "Test assignment one" in the "region-main" "region"
197 |
When I am on the "Course 1" "grades > Single view > View" page
198 |
Then I should not see "Select a grade item above" in the "region-main" "region"
199 |
And I should see "Test assignment one" in the "region-main" "region"
200 |
And I am on the "Course 1" "grades > Single view > View" page logged in as "teacher3"
201 |
And I should see "Search for a user to view all their grades" in the "region-main" "region"
202 |
203 |
Scenario: Teacher sees his last viewed user report if the user is a part of the the current group.
204 |
Given the following "groups" exist:
205 |
| name | course | idnumber | participation |
206 |
| Group 1 | C1 | G1 | 1 |
207 |
And the following "group members" exist:
208 |
| user | group |
209 |
| student2 | G1 |
210 |
And I am on the "Course 1" "course editing" page
211 |
And I expand all fieldsets
212 |
And I set the field "Group mode" to "Visible groups"
213 |
And I press "Save and display"
214 |
And I navigate to "View > Single view" in the course gradebook
215 |
And I click on "Nee,Chumlee" in the "user" search widget
216 |
And I navigate to "View > Grader report" in the course gradebook
217 |
And I click on "Group 1" in the "group" search widget
218 |
When I navigate to "View > Single view" in the course gradebook
219 |
Then I should see "Nee,Chumlee" in the "region-main" "region"
220 |
And I should not see "Search for a user to view all their grades" in the "region-main" "region"
221 |
222 |
Scenario: Teacher does not see his last viewed user report if the user is not a part of the the current group.
223 |
Given the following "groups" exist:
224 |
| name | course | idnumber | participation |
225 |
| Group 1 | C1 | G1 | 1 |
226 |
And the following "group members" exist:
227 |
| user | group |
228 |
| student2 | G1 |
229 |
And I am on the "Course 1" "course editing" page
230 |
And I expand all fieldsets
231 |
And I set the field "Group mode" to "Visible groups"
232 |
And I press "Save and display"
233 |
And I navigate to "View > Single view" in the course gradebook
234 |
And I click on "Gronya,Beecham" in the "user" search widget
235 |
And I navigate to "View > Grader report" in the course gradebook
236 |
And I click on "Group 1" in the "group" search widget
237 |
When I navigate to "View > Single view" in the course gradebook
238 |
Then I should see "Search for a user to view all their grades" in the "region-main" "region"
239 |
And I should not see "Gronya,Beecham" in the "region-main" "region"
240 |
241 |
Scenario: Teacher does not see his last viewed user report if that user is no longer enrolled in the course.
242 |
Given I navigate to "View > Single view" in the course gradebook
243 |
And I click on "Gronya,Beecham" in the "user" search widget
244 |
And I navigate to course participants
245 |
And I click on "Unenrol" "icon" in the "Gronya,Beecham" "table_row"
246 |
And I click on "Unenrol" "button" in the "Unenrol" "dialogue"
247 |
When I am on the "Course 1" "grades > Single view > View" page
248 |
Then I should see "Search for a user to view all their grades" in the "region-main" "region"
249 |
And I should not see "Gronya,Beecham" in the "region-main" "region"
250 |
251 |
Scenario: Teacher does not see his last viewed grade item report if the item no longer exists in the course.
252 |
Given I navigate to "View > Single view" in the course gradebook
253 |
And I click on "Grade items" "link"
254 |
And I click on "Test assignment four" in the "grade" search widget
255 |
And I am on "Course 1" course homepage with editing mode on
256 |
And I delete "Test assignment four" activity
257 |
And I run all adhoc tasks
258 |
When I navigate to "View > Single view" in the course gradebook
259 |
Then I should see "Select a grade item above" in the "region-main" "region"
260 |
And I should not see "Test grade item" in the "region-main" "region"