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Moodle Course Format "Buttons"
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Buttons is a course format that creates a menu with buttons to access the sections, one by one.
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* Create groups of sections, to separate topics in modules or periods;
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* Create names to the groups to identify them. (Example: First Semester, Topics about a specific theme);
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* Change the colors of the buttons (when active, inactive, on over and hidden), to fit it your Moodle theme;
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* Select the list-style in numbers, alphabet or roman numeral.
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* For recent Moodle versions, you can install this plugin automatically from the Moodle plugins database.
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Manual Installation
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1. You can manually download the zip file from the [Moodle Plugins Database](https://moodle.org/plugins/format_buttons).
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2. After downloading the zip file, expand it and put it's contents in your .../moodle/course/format/ directory.
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3. The folder name must be 'buttons'.
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4. Go to 'Admin â–º Site administration â–º Notifications' page.
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5. Follow the instructions inside the page to finish the installation.
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1. When creating a new course, select 'Buttons format' in the 'Course format' dropdown menu.
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2. To select the format, simply choose it from the list of course formats in the course settings.
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3. Choose the number of sections, or leave the default of 10 sections.
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4. Choose where you want the first (zero) section (which has the default 'Announcements' forum) positioned: Either 'Above the list buttons' or 'Below the visible section'.
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5. Select the sequential rule. You can uses the count original of the topics, or chose to reset the count to each new grouping.
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6. Select the list-style in numbers, alphabet or roman numeral.
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7. Write the titles for all the groupings you will use and the number of sections that each one will have. If a group has only one section, the icon will be (...).
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8. Write the hexadecimal color for the current section button and the visible section button, or leave it empty to use the default value.
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You can read the [Documentation page](https://docs.moodle.org/31/en/Buttons_course_format) at Moodle.org
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* [Rodrigo Brandão](https://github.com/brandaorodrigo) (author)
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* [Moodle plugin page](https://moodle.org/plugins/format_buttons) at Moodle.org
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* [Plugin project](https://github.com/brandaorodrigo/moodle-format_buttons) at GitHub.com