1 |
efrain |
1 |
2 |
// This file is part of Moodle - http://moodle.org/
3 |
4 |
// Moodle is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
5 |
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
6 |
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
7 |
// (at your option) any later version.
8 |
9 |
// Moodle is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
10 |
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
11 |
12 |
// GNU General Public License for more details.
13 |
14 |
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
15 |
// along with Moodle. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
16 |
17 |
18 |
* Block "people"
19 |
20 |
* @package block_people
21 |
* @copyright 2013 Alexander Bias, Ulm University <alexander.bias@uni-ulm.de>
22 |
* @license http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU GPL v3 or later
23 |
24 |
25 |
26 |
* Class block_people
27 |
28 |
* @package block_people
29 |
* @copyright 2013 Alexander Bias, Ulm University <alexander.bias@uni-ulm.de>
30 |
* @license http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU GPL v3 or later
31 |
32 |
class block_people extends block_base {
33 |
34 |
* init function
35 |
* @return void
36 |
37 |
public function init() {
38 |
$this->title = get_string('pluginname', 'block_people');
39 |
40 |
41 |
42 |
* applicable_formats function
43 |
* @return array
44 |
45 |
public function applicable_formats() {
46 |
return ['course-view' => true, 'site' => true];
47 |
48 |
49 |
50 |
* has_config function
51 |
* @return bool
52 |
53 |
public function has_config() {
54 |
return true;
55 |
56 |
57 |
58 |
* instance_allow_multiple function
59 |
* @return bool
60 |
61 |
public function instance_allow_multiple() {
62 |
return false;
63 |
64 |
65 |
66 |
* instance_can_be_hidden function
67 |
* @return bool
68 |
69 |
public function instance_can_be_hidden() {
70 |
// By default, instances can be hidden by the user.
71 |
$hideblock = true;
72 |
// If config 'hideblock' is disabled.
73 |
if ((get_config('block_people', 'hideblock')) == '0') {
74 |
// Set value to false, so instance cannot be hidden.
75 |
$hideblock = false;
76 |
77 |
return $hideblock;
78 |
79 |
80 |
81 |
* get_content function
82 |
* @return string
83 |
84 |
public function get_content() {
85 |
86 |
87 |
if ($this->content !== null) {
88 |
return $this->content;
89 |
90 |
91 |
if (empty($this->instance)) {
92 |
$this->content = '';
93 |
return $this->content;
94 |
95 |
96 |
// Prepare output.
97 |
$this->content = new stdClass();
98 |
$this->content->text = '';
99 |
$this->content->footer = '';
100 |
101 |
// Get context.
102 |
$currentcontext = $this->page->context;
103 |
104 |
// Get teachers separated by roles.
105 |
$roles = get_config('block_people', 'roles');
106 |
if (!empty($roles)) {
107 |
$teacherroles = explode(',', $roles);
108 |
$teachers = get_role_users($teacherroles,
109 |
110 |
111 |
'ra.id AS raid, r.id AS roleid, r.sortorder, u.id, u.lastname, u.firstname, u.firstnamephonetic,
112 |
u.lastnamephonetic, u.middlename, u.alternatename, u.picture, u.imagealt, u.email, u.suspended',
113 |
'r.sortorder ASC, u.lastname ASC, u.firstname ASC');
114 |
} else {
115 |
$teachers = [];
116 |
117 |
118 |
// Get role names / aliases in course context.
119 |
$rolenames = role_get_names($currentcontext, ROLENAME_ALIAS, true);
120 |
121 |
// Get multiple roles config.
122 |
$multipleroles = get_config('block_people', 'multipleroles');
123 |
124 |
// Start teachers list.
125 |
$this->content->text .= html_writer::start_tag('div', ['class' => 'teachers']);
126 |
127 |
// Initialize running variables.
128 |
$teacherrole = null;
129 |
$displayedteachers = [];
130 |
131 |
// Check every teacher.
132 |
foreach ($teachers as $teacher) {
133 |
// If the user is suspended, skip him.
134 |
if ($teacher->suspended == true) {
135 |
136 |
137 |
138 |
// If users should only be listed once.
139 |
if (!$multipleroles) {
140 |
// Continue if we have already shown this user.
141 |
if (isset($displayedteachers[$teacher->id])) {
142 |
143 |
144 |
// Remember that we have shown this user.
145 |
$displayedteachers[$teacher->id] = 1;
146 |
147 |
// Otherwise.
148 |
} else {
149 |
// Continue if we have already shown this user.
150 |
if (isset($displayedteachers[$teacher->id][$teacher->roleid])) {
151 |
152 |
153 |
// Remember that we have shown this user and his role.
154 |
$displayedteachers[$teacher->id][$teacher->roleid] = 1;
155 |
156 |
157 |
// If we have to process a new role.
158 |
if ($teacherrole != $teacher->roleid) {
159 |
// End previous role list if necessary.
160 |
if ($teacherrole != null) {
161 |
$this->content->text .= html_writer::end_tag('ul');
162 |
163 |
164 |
// Write heading and open new role list.
165 |
$teacherrole = $teacher->roleid;
166 |
$this->content->text .= html_writer::tag('h6', $rolenames[$teacherrole]);
167 |
$this->content->text .= html_writer::start_tag('ul');
168 |
169 |
170 |
// Start output teacher.
171 |
$this->content->text .= html_writer::start_tag('li');
172 |
173 |
// Create user object for picture output.
174 |
$user = new stdClass();
175 |
$user->id = $teacher->id;
176 |
$user->lastname = $teacher->lastname;
177 |
$user->firstname = $teacher->firstname;
178 |
$user->lastnamephonetic = $teacher->lastnamephonetic;
179 |
$user->firstnamephonetic = $teacher->firstnamephonetic;
180 |
$user->middlename = $teacher->middlename;
181 |
$user->alternatename = $teacher->alternatename;
182 |
$user->picture = $teacher->picture;
183 |
$user->imagealt = $teacher->imagealt;
184 |
$user->email = $teacher->email;
185 |
186 |
// Teacher image.
187 |
$this->content->text .= html_writer::start_tag('div', ['class' => 'image']);
188 |
if (get_config('block_people', 'linkavatar') == 1 && has_capability('moodle/user:viewdetails', $currentcontext)) {
189 |
$this->content->text .= $OUTPUT->user_picture($user,
190 |
['size' => 35, 'link' => true, 'courseid' => $COURSE->id, 'includefullname' => false]);
191 |
} else {
192 |
$this->content->text .= $OUTPUT->user_picture($user,
193 |
['size' => 35, 'link' => false, 'courseid' => $COURSE->id, 'includefullname' => false]);
194 |
195 |
$this->content->text .= html_writer::end_tag('div');
196 |
197 |
// Teacher details.
198 |
$this->content->text .= html_writer::start_tag('div', ['class' => 'details']);
199 |
$this->content->text .= html_writer::start_tag('div', ['class' => 'name']);
200 |
if (get_config('block_people', 'linkname') == 1 && has_capability('moodle/user:viewdetails', $currentcontext)) {
201 |
$linkurl = new moodle_url('/user/view.php', ['id' => $teacher->id, 'course' => $COURSE->id]);
202 |
$this->content->text .= html_writer::link($linkurl, fullname($teacher));
203 |
} else {
204 |
$this->content->text .= fullname($teacher);
205 |
206 |
$this->content->text .= html_writer::end_tag('div');
207 |
$this->content->text .= html_writer::start_tag('div', ['class' => 'icons']);
208 |
if (get_config('block_people', 'linkmessaging') == 1 &&
209 |
$CFG->messaging && has_capability('moodle/site:sendmessage', $currentcontext) && $teacher->id != $USER->id &&
210 |
\core_message\api::can_send_message($teacher->id, $USER->id)) {
211 |
$this->content->text .= html_writer::start_tag('a',
212 |
['href' => new moodle_url('/message/index.php', ['id' => $teacher->id]),
213 |
'title' => get_string('sendmessageto', 'core_message', fullname($teacher)), ]);
214 |
$this->content->text .= $OUTPUT->pix_icon('t/message',
215 |
get_string('sendmessageto', 'core_message', fullname($teacher)), 'moodle');
216 |
$this->content->text .= html_writer::end_tag('a');
217 |
218 |
$this->content->text .= html_writer::end_tag('div');
219 |
$this->content->text .= html_writer::end_tag('div');
220 |
221 |
// End output teacher.
222 |
$this->content->text .= html_writer::end_tag('li');
223 |
224 |
225 |
226 |
// End role list if necessary.
227 |
if ($teacherrole != null) {
228 |
$this->content->text .= html_writer::end_tag('ul');
229 |
230 |
231 |
// End teachers list.
232 |
$this->content->text .= html_writer::end_tag('div');
233 |
234 |
// Output participants list if the setting linkparticipantspage is enabled.
235 |
if ((get_config('block_people', 'linkparticipantspage')) != 0) {
236 |
$this->content->text .= html_writer::start_tag('div', ['class' => 'participants']);
237 |
$this->content->text .= html_writer::tag('h6', get_string('participants'));
238 |
239 |
// Only if user is allow to see participants list.
240 |
if (course_can_view_participants($currentcontext)) {
241 |
$this->content->text .= html_writer::start_tag('a',
242 |
['href' => new moodle_url('/user/index.php', ['contextid' => $currentcontext->id]),
243 |
'title' => get_string('participants'), ]);
244 |
$this->content->text .= $OUTPUT->pix_icon('i/users',
245 |
get_string('participants', 'core'), 'moodle');
246 |
$this->content->text .= get_string('participantslist', 'block_people');
247 |
$this->content->text .= html_writer::end_tag('a');
248 |
} else {
249 |
$this->content->text .= html_writer::start_tag('span', ['class' => 'hint']);
250 |
$this->content->text .= get_string('noparticipantslist', 'block_people');
251 |
$this->content->text .= html_writer::end_tag('span');
252 |
253 |
254 |
$this->content->text .= html_writer::end_tag('div');
255 |
256 |
257 |
return $this->content;
258 |
259 |
260 |
261 |
* Return the plugin config settings for external functions.
262 |
263 |
* @return stdClass the configs for both the block instance and plugin
264 |
* @since Moodle 3.8
265 |
266 |
public function get_config_for_external() {
267 |
268 |
// Return all settings for all users since it is safe (no private keys, etc..).
269 |
$instanceconfigs = !empty($this->config) ? $this->config : new stdClass();
270 |
$pluginconfigs = get_config('block_people');
271 |
272 |
return (object) [
273 |
'instance' => $instanceconfigs,
274 |
'plugin' => $pluginconfigs,
275 |
276 |
277 |