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This block allows to see the dedication estimated time to a Moodle course by the participants of the course.
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How dedication time is estimated?
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Time is estimated based in the concepts of Session and Session duration applied
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to Moodle's log entries:
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every time that a user access to a page in Moodle a log entry is stored.
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set of two or more consecutive clicks in which the elapsed time between every
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pair of consecutive clicks does not overcome an established maximum time.
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Session duration:
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elapsed time between the first and the last click of the session.
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This block is intended to be used only by teachers, so students aren't going to
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see it and their dedication time. However, block can be configured to show
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dedication time to students too.
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Teachers can use a tool to analyze dedication time within a course. The tool
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provides three views:
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Dedication time of the course:
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calculates total dedication time, mean dedication time and connections per day
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for each student.
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Dedication time of a group:
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the same but only for choosed group members.
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Dedication of a student:
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detalied sessions for a student with start date & time, duration and ip.
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The tools provide an option to download all data in spreadsheet format. The use
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of this tool is restricted by a capability to teachers and admins only.
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This block cannot be used in the site page, only in courses pages.
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All texts in English and Spanish.
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Support is offered in English and Spanish in these forum discussions:
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English discussion: http://moodle.org/mod/forum/discuss.php?d=10948
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Spanish discussion: http://moodle.org/mod/forum/discuss.php?d=109489
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Code repository: https://bitbucket.org/ciceidev/moodle_block_dedication
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Issues: https://bitbucket.org/ciceidev/moodle_block_dedication/issues
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This block was developed by CICEI at Las Palmas de Gran Canaria University.
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First version for Moodle 1.9 by Borja Rubio Reyes. Updated and improved version
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for Moodle 2 by Aday Talavera Hierro.