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efrain |
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pSplit - class to draw spline splitted charts
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Version : 2.1.4
6 |
Made by : Jean-Damien POGOLOTTI
7 |
Last Update : 19/01/2014
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This file can be distributed under the license you can find at :
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You can find the whole class documentation on the pChart web site.
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define("TEXT_POS_TOP", 690001);
16 |
define("TEXT_POS_RIGHT", 690002);
17 |
18 |
/* pSplit class definition */
19 |
class pSplit
20 |
21 |
var $pChartObject;
22 |
23 |
/* Class creator */
24 |
function __construct(){}
25 |
26 |
/* Create the encoded string */
27 |
function drawSplitPath($Object, $Values, array $Format = [])
28 |
29 |
$this->pChartObject = $Object;
30 |
$Spacing = isset($Format["Spacing"]) ? $Format["Spacing"] : 20;
31 |
$TextPadding = isset($Format["TextPadding"]) ? $Format["TextPadding"] : 2;
32 |
$TextPos = isset($Format["TextPos"]) ? $Format["TextPos"] : TEXT_POS_TOP;
33 |
$Surrounding = isset($Format["Surrounding"]) ? $Format["Surrounding"] : NULL;
34 |
$Force = isset($Format["Force"]) ? $Format["Force"] : 70;
35 |
$Segments = isset($Format["Segments"]) ? $Format["Segments"] : 15;
36 |
$FontSize = $Object->FontSize;
37 |
$X1 = $Object->GraphAreaX1;
38 |
$Y1 = $Object->GraphAreaY1;
39 |
$X2 = $Object->GraphAreaX2;
40 |
$Y2 = $Object->GraphAreaY2;
41 |
/* Data Processing */
42 |
$Data = $Values->getData();
43 |
$Palette = $Values->getPalette();
44 |
$LabelSerie = $Data["Abscissa"];
45 |
$DataSerie = "";
46 |
foreach($Data["Series"] as $SerieName => $Value) {
47 |
if ($SerieName != $LabelSerie && $DataSerie == "") {
48 |
$DataSerie = $SerieName;
49 |
50 |
51 |
52 |
$DataSerieSum = array_sum($Data["Series"][$DataSerie]["Data"]);
53 |
$DataSerieCount = count($Data["Series"][$DataSerie]["Data"]);
54 |
/* Scale Processing */
55 |
if ($TextPos == TEXT_POS_RIGHT) {
56 |
$YScale = (($Y2 - $Y1) - (($DataSerieCount + 1) * $Spacing)) / $DataSerieSum;
57 |
} else {
58 |
$YScale = (($Y2 - $Y1) - ($DataSerieCount * $Spacing)) / $DataSerieSum;
59 |
60 |
61 |
$LeftHeight = $DataSerieSum * $YScale;
62 |
/* Re-compute graph width depending of the text mode choosen */
63 |
if ($TextPos == TEXT_POS_RIGHT) {
64 |
$MaxWidth = 0;
65 |
foreach($Data["Series"][$LabelSerie]["Data"] as $Key => $Label) {
66 |
$Boundardies = $Object->getTextBox(0, 0, $Object->FontName, $Object->FontSize, 0, $Label);
67 |
if ($Boundardies[1]["X"] > $MaxWidth) {
68 |
$MaxWidth = $Boundardies[1]["X"] + $TextPadding * 2;
69 |
70 |
71 |
72 |
$X2 = $X2 - $MaxWidth;
73 |
74 |
75 |
/* Drawing */
76 |
$LeftY = ((($Y2 - $Y1) / 2) + $Y1) - ($LeftHeight / 2);
77 |
$RightY = $Y1;
78 |
$VectorX = (($X2 - $X1) / 2);
79 |
80 |
foreach($Data["Series"][$DataSerie]["Data"] as $Key => $Value) {
81 |
82 |
$Label = (isset($Data["Series"][$LabelSerie]["Data"][$Key])) ? $Data["Series"][$LabelSerie]["Data"][$Key] : "-";
83 |
84 |
$LeftY1 = $LeftY;
85 |
$LeftY2 = $LeftY + $Value * $YScale;
86 |
$RightY1 = $RightY + $Spacing;
87 |
$RightY2 = $RightY + $Spacing + $Value * $YScale;;
88 |
$Settings = array(
89 |
"R" => $Palette[$Key]["R"],
90 |
"G" => $Palette[$Key]["G"],
91 |
"B" => $Palette[$Key]["B"],
92 |
"Alpha" => $Palette[$Key]["Alpha"],
93 |
"NoDraw" => TRUE,
94 |
"Segments" => $Segments,
95 |
"Surrounding" => $Surrounding
96 |
97 |
$PolyGon = [];
98 |
$Angle = $Object->getAngle($X2, $RightY1, $X1, $LeftY1);
99 |
$VectorX1 = cos(deg2rad($Angle + 90)) * $Force + ($X2 - $X1) / 2 + $X1;
100 |
$VectorY1 = sin(deg2rad($Angle + 90)) * $Force + ($RightY1 - $LeftY1) / 2 + $LeftY1;
101 |
$VectorX2 = cos(deg2rad($Angle - 90)) * $Force + ($X2 - $X1) / 2 + $X1;
102 |
$VectorY2 = sin(deg2rad($Angle - 90)) * $Force + ($RightY1 - $LeftY1) / 2 + $LeftY1;
103 |
$Points = $Object->drawBezier($X1, $LeftY1, $X2, $RightY1, $VectorX1, $VectorY1, $VectorX2, $VectorY2, $Settings);
104 |
foreach($Points as $Key => $Pos) {
105 |
$PolyGon[] = $Pos["X"];
106 |
$PolyGon[] = $Pos["Y"];
107 |
108 |
109 |
$Angle = $Object->getAngle($X2, $RightY2, $X1, $LeftY2);
110 |
$VectorX1 = cos(deg2rad($Angle + 90)) * $Force + ($X2 - $X1) / 2 + $X1;
111 |
$VectorY1 = sin(deg2rad($Angle + 90)) * $Force + ($RightY2 - $LeftY2) / 2 + $LeftY2;
112 |
$VectorX2 = cos(deg2rad($Angle - 90)) * $Force + ($X2 - $X1) / 2 + $X1;
113 |
$VectorY2 = sin(deg2rad($Angle - 90)) * $Force + ($RightY2 - $LeftY2) / 2 + $LeftY2;
114 |
$Points = $Object->drawBezier($X1, $LeftY2, $X2, $RightY2, $VectorX1, $VectorY1, $VectorX2, $VectorY2, $Settings);
115 |
$Points = array_reverse($Points);
116 |
foreach($Points as $Key => $Pos) {
117 |
$PolyGon[] = $Pos["X"];
118 |
$PolyGon[] = $Pos["Y"];
119 |
120 |
121 |
$Object->drawPolygon($PolyGon, $Settings);
122 |
if ($TextPos == TEXT_POS_RIGHT) {
123 |
$Object->drawText($X2 + $TextPadding, ($RightY2 - $RightY1) / 2 + $RightY1, $Label, ["Align" => TEXT_ALIGN_MIDDLELEFT]);
124 |
} else {
125 |
$Object->drawText($X2, $RightY1 - $TextPadding, $Label, ["Align" => TEXT_ALIGN_BOTTOMRIGHT]);
126 |
127 |
128 |
$LeftY = $LeftY2;
129 |
$RightY = $RightY2;
130 |
131 |
132 |
133 |
134 |