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efrain |
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Shibboleth Authentication for Moodle
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4 |
5 |
- Shibboleth Service Provider 1.3 or newer. Recommended is 2.1 or newer.
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See documentation for your Shibboleth federation on how to set up Shibboleth.
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- 11. 2004: Created by Markus Hagman
10 |
- 05. 2005: Modifications to login process by Martin Dougiamas
11 |
- 05. 2005: Various extensions and fixes by Lukas Haemmerle
12 |
- 06. 2005: Adaptions to new field locks and plugin config structures by Martin
13 |
Langhoff and Lukas Haemmerle
14 |
- 10. 2005: Added better error messages and moved text to language directories
15 |
- 02. 2006: Simplified authentication so that authorization works properly
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Added instructions for IIS
17 |
- 11. 2006: User capabilities are now loaded properly as of Moodle 1.7+
18 |
- 03. 2007: Adapted authentication method to Moodle 1.8
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- 07. 2007: Fixed a but that caused problems with uppercase usernames
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- 10. 2007: Removed the requirement for email address, surname and given name
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attributes on request of Markus Hagman
22 |
- 11. 2007: Integrated WAYF Service in Moodle
23 |
- 12. 2008: Shibboleth 2.x and Single Logout support added
24 |
- 1. 2008: Added logout hook and moved Shibboleth config strings to utf8 auth
25 |
language files.
26 |
- 3. 2009: Added various improvements and bug fixes reported by Ina M�ller from
27 |
university Tuebingen and Peter Ellis of University of Washington
28 |
- 4. 2009: Added another requirement for logout regarding the call back script
29 |
- 6. 2009: Changed handler URL when integrated Discovery Service is used
30 |
- 10. 2009: Fixed HTML entity preservation in Shibboleth settings
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Moodle Configuration with Dual login
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1. Protect the directory moodle/auth/shibboleth/index.php with Shibboleth.
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The page index.php in that directory actually logs in a Shibboleth user.
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For Apache you have to define a rule like the following in the Apache config:
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<Directory /path/to/moodle/auth/shibboleth/index.php>
40 |
AuthType shibboleth
41 |
ShibRequireSession On
42 |
require valid-user
43 |
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46 |
To restrict access to Moodle, replace the access rule 'require valid-user'
47 |
with something that fits your needs, e.g. 'require affiliation student'.
48 |
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For IIS you have protect the auth/shibboleth directory directly in the
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RequestMap of the Shibboleth configuration file (shibboleth.xml or
51 |
52 |
53 |
54 |
<Path name="moodle" requireSession="false" >
55 |
<Path name="auth/shibboleth/index.php" requireSession="true" >
56 |
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Also see:
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https://wiki.shibboleth.net/confluence/display/SHIB2/NativeSPRequestMapper and
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2. As Moodle admin, go to the 'Administrations >> Users >> Authentication' and
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click on the the 'Shibboleth' settings.
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3. Fill in the fields of the form. The fields 'Username', 'First name',
71 |
'Surname', etc. should contain the name of the environment variables of the
72 |
Shibboleth attributes that you want to map onto the corresponding Moodle
73 |
variable (e.g. 'Shib-Person-surname' for the person's last name, refer
74 |
the Shibboleth documentation or the documentation of your Shibboleth
75 |
federation for information on which attributes are available).
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Especially the 'Username' field is of great importance because
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this attribute is used for the Moodle authentication of Shibboleth users.
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Shibboleth Attributes needed by Moodle:
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For Moodle to work properly Shibboleth should at least provide the attribute
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that is used as username in Moodle. It has to be unique for all Shibboleth
83 |
Be aware that Moodle converts the username to lowercase. So, the overall
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behaviour of the username will be case-insensitive.
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All attributes used for moodle must obey a certain length, otherwise Moodle
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cuts off the ends. Consult the Moodle documentation for further information
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on the maximum lengths for each field in the user profile.
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4.a If you want Shibboleth as your only authentication method with an external
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Where Are You From (WAYF) Service , set the 'Alternate Login URL' in the
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'Common settings' in 'Administrations >> Users >> Authentication Options'
93 |
to the the URL of the file 'moodle/auth/shibboleth/index.php'.
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This will enforce Shibboleth login.
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4.b If you want to use the Moodle integrated WAYF service, you have to activate it
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in the Moodle Shibboleth authentication settings by checking the
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'Moodle WAYF Service' checkbox and providing a list of entity IDs in the
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'Identity Providers' textarea together with a name and an optional
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SessionInitiator URL, which usually is an absolute or relative URL pointing
101 |
to the same host. If no SessionInitiator URL is given, the default one
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'/Shibboleth.sso' (only works for Shibboleth 1.3.x) will be used. For
103 |
Shibboleth 2.x you have to add '/Shibboleth.sso/DS' as a SessionInitiator.
104 |
Also see https://wiki.shibboleth.net/confluence/display/SHIB/SessionInitiator
105 |
and https://wiki.shibboleth.net/confluence/display/SHIB2/NativeSPSessionInitiator
106 |
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Important Note: If you upgraded from a previous version of Moodle and now
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want to use the integrated WAYF, you have to make sure that
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in step 1 only the index.php script in
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moodle/auth/shibboleth/ is protected but *not* the other
111 |
scripts and especially not the login.php script.
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113 |
If you were using the integrated WAYF alread with Shibboleth 1.3, it could
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be that the integrated WAYF is not working anymore after you updated Moodle.
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The reason is that the implicitly set default SessionInitiator changed in
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Moodle as well as in Shibboleth. For Shibboleth 1.3 one therefore has to
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add /Shibboleth.sso as third parameter whereas this is /Shibboleth.sso/DS
118 |
for Shibboleth 2.x.
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5. Save the changes for the 'Shibboleth settings'.
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Important Note: If you went for 4.b (integrated WAYF service), saving the
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settings will overwrite the Moodle Alternate Login URL
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using the Moodle web root URL.
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6. If you want to use Shibboleth in addition to another authentication method
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not using the integrated WAYF service from 4.b, change the 'Instructions' in
129 |
'Administrations >> Users >> Manage authentication' to contain a link to the
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moodle/auth/shibboleth/index.php file which is protected by
131 |
Shibboleth (see step 1.) and causes the Shibboleth login procedure to start.
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You can also use HTML code in that field, e.g. to include an image as a
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Shibboleth login button.
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Note: As of now you cannot use dual login together with the integrated
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WAYF service provided by Moodle (4.b).
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7. Save the authentication changes.
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How the Shibboleth authentication works
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To get Shibboleth authenticated in Moodle a user basically must access the
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Shibboleth-protected page /auth/shibboleth/index.php. If Shibboleth is the only
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authentication method (see 4.a), this happens automatically when a user selects
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his home organization in the Moodle WAYF service or if the alternate login URL
146 |
is configured to be the protected /auth/shibboleth/index.php
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Otherwise, the user has to click on the link on the dual login page you
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provided in step 5.b.
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Moodle basically checks whether the Shibboleth attribute that you mapped
151 |
as the username is present. This attribute should only be present if a user is
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Shibboleth authenticated.
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If the user's Moodle account has not existed yet, it gets automatically created.
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To prevent that every Shibboleth user can access your Moodle site you have to
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adapt the 'require valid-user' line in your webserver's config (see step 1) to
158 |
allow only specific users. If you defined some authorization rules in step 1,
159 |
these are checked by Shibboleth itself. Only users who met these rules
160 |
actually can access /auth/shibboleth/index.php and get logged in.
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You can use Shibboleth AND another authentication method (it was tested with
163 |
manual login). So, if there are a few users that don't have a Shibboleth
164 |
login, you could create manual accounts for them and they could use the manual
165 |
login. For other authentication methods you first have to configure them and
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then set Shibboleth as your authentication method. Users can log in only via one
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authentication method unless they have two accounts in Moodle.
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Shibboleth dual login with custom login page
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You can create a dual login page that better fits your needs. For this
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to work, you have to set up the two authentication methods (e.g. 'Manual
173 |
Accounts' and 'Shibboleth') and specify an alternate login link to your own dual
174 |
login page. On that page you basically need a link to the Shibboleth-protected
175 |
page ('/auth/shibboleth/index.php') for the Shibboleth login and a
176 |
form that sends 'username' and 'password' to moodle/login/index.php. Set this
177 |
web page then als alternate login page.
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Consult the Moodle documentation for further instructions and requirements.
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How to customize the way the Shibboleth user data is used in Moodle
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Among the Shibboleth settings in Moodle there is a field that should contain a
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path to a php file that can be used as data manipulation hook.
184 |
You can use this if you want to further process the way your Shibboleth
185 |
attributes are used in Moodle. Due to security reasons this file cannot be
186 |
located within the current site data directory ($CFG->dataroot).
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Example 1: Your Shibboleth federation uses an attribute that specifies the
189 |
user's preferred language, but the content of this attribute is not
190 |
compatible with the Moodle data representation, e.g. the Shibboleth
191 |
attribute contains 'German' but Moodle needs a two letter value like
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Example 2: The country, city and street are provided in one Shibboleth attribute
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and you want these values to be used in the Moodle user profile. So
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You have to parse the corresponding attribute to fill the user fields.
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If you want to use this hook you have to be a skilled PHP programmer. It is
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strongly recommended that you take a look at the file
199 |
moodle/auth/shibboleth/auth.php, especially the function 'get_userinfo'
200 |
where this file is included.
201 |
The context of the file is the same as within this login function. So you
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can directly edit the object $result.
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Example file:
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// Set the zip code and the adress
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if ($_SERVER[$this->config->field_map_address] != '')
211 |
212 |
// $address contains something like 'SWITCH$Limmatquai 138$CH-8021 Zurich'
213 |
// We want to split this up to get:
214 |
// institution, street, zipcode, city and country
215 |
$address = $_SERVER[$this->config->field_map_address];
216 |
list($institution, $street, $zip_city) = explode('$', $address);
217 |
preg_match('/ (.+)/', $zip_city, $regs);
218 |
$city = $regs[1];
219 |
220 |
preg_match('/(.+)-/',$zip_city, $regs);
221 |
$country = $regs[1];
222 |
223 |
$result["address"] = $street;
224 |
$result["city"] = $city;
225 |
$result["country"] = $country;
226 |
$result["department"] = $institution;
227 |
$result["description"] = "I am a Shibboleth user";
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How to upgrade your Service Provider to 2.x
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In case your upgrade your Service Provider 1.3.x to 2.x, be aware of the fact
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that in version 2.0 the default behaviour regarding attribute propagation
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While the Service Provider 1.3.x published the Shibboleth attributes to the
241 |
web server environment as HTTP Request headers, the Service Provider 2.x
242 |
publishes attributes as environment variables, which increases the security for
243 |
some platforms.
244 |
However, this change has the effect that the attribute names change.
245 |
E.g. while the surname attribute was published as 'HTTP_SHIB_PERSON_SURNAME'
246 |
with 1.3.x, this attribute will be available in $_SERVER['Shib-Person-surname']
247 |
or depending on your /etc/shibboleth/attribute-map.xml file just as
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Because Moodle needs to know what Shibboleth attributes it shall map onto which
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Moodle user profile field, one has to make sure the mapping is updated as well
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after the Service Provider upgrade.
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Because you risk locking yourself out of Moodle it is strongly
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recommended to use the following approach when upgrading the Service Provider:
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1. Enable manual authentication before the upgrade.
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2. Make sure that you have at least one manual account with administration
258 |
privileges working before upgrading your Service Provider to 2.x.
259 |
3. After the SP upgrade, use this account to log into Moodle and adapt the
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attribute mapping in 'Site Administration -> Users -> Shibboleth' to reflect
261 |
the changed attribute names.
262 |
You find the attribute names in the file /etc/shibboleth/attribute-map.xml
263 |
listed as the 'id' value of an attribute definition.
264 |
4. If you are using the integrated WAYF, you may have to set the third parameter
265 |
of each entry to '/Shibboleth.sso/DS'
266 |
5. Test the login with a Shibboleth account
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6. If all is working, disable manual authentication again
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How to add logout support
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In order make Moodle support Shibboleth logout, one has to make the Shibboleth
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Service Provider (SP) aware of the Moodle logout capability. Only then the SP
274 |
can trigger Moodle's front or back channel logout handler.
275 |
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To make the SP aware of the Moodle logout, you have to add the following to the
277 |
Shibboleth main configuration file shibboleth2.xml (usually in /etc/shibboleth/)
278 |
just before the <MetadataProvider> element.
279 |
280 |
281 |
282 |
283 |
Location="https://#YOUR_MOODLE_HOSTNAME#/moodle/auth/shibboleth/logout.php" />
284 |
285 |
286 |
Then restart the Shibboleth daemon and check the log file for errors. If there
287 |
were no errors, you can test the logout feature by accessing Moodle,
288 |
authenticating via Shibboleth and the access the URL:
289 |
#YOUR_MOODLE_HOSTNAME#/Shibboleth.sso/Logout (assuming you have a standard
290 |
Shibboleth installation). If everything worked well, you should see a Shibboleth
291 |
page saying that you were successfully logged out and if you go back to Moodle
292 |
you also should be logged out from Moodle.
293 |
294 |
295 |
- PHP needs the Soap Extension, which maybe must installed manually:
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More information is available here http://ch.php.net/soap
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- Logout only works with Shibboleth Service Provider 2.1 or higher
298 |
- /moodle/auth/shibboleth/logout.php *must not* be protected by Shibboleth!
299 |
In case all of Moodle is protected with Shibboleth, you have to add something
300 |
like this to your Apache configuration after all the other require rules
301 |
302 |
303 |
<Directory /path/to/moodle/auth/shibboleth/logout.php>
304 |
AuthType shibboleth
305 |
ShibRequireSession Off
306 |
require shibboleth
307 |
308 |
309 |
When using IIS, the same can be achieved by something like:
310 |
311 |
<Path name="auth/shibboleth/logout.php" requireSession="false" >
312 |
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in the shibboleth2.xml RequestMap.
314 |
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Single Logout is only supported when SAML2 is used at the SP and the IdP.
318 |
As of October 2009, the Shibboleth Identity Provider 2.1.4 does not yet support
319 |
Single Logout (SLO). Therefore, the single logout feature cannot be used yet
320 |
in a Shibboleth only setup but there may be other SAML2 products that could
321 |
be used as Identity Provider, e.g. SimpleSAML PHP.
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One of the reasons why SLO isn't supported yet is because there aren't many
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applications yet that were adapted to support front and back channel
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logout. Hopefully, the Moodle logout helps to motivate the developers to
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implement SLO. On the other hand, the easiest and safest way to log out
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still is to tell users to quit their web browsers :)
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Also see https://wiki.shibboleth.net/confluence/display/SHIB2/SLOIssues and
329 |
https://wiki.shibboleth.net/confluence/display/SHIB2/NativeSPLogoutInitiator for some
330 |
background information on this topic.
331 |
332 |
333 |
In case of problems and questions with Shibboleth authentication, contact
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Lukas Haemmerle <lukas.haemmerle@switch.ch> or Markus Hagman <hagman@hytti.uku.fi>