1 |
efrain |
1 |
@tool @tool_usertours
2 |
Feature: Steps can be navigated within a tour
3 |
In order to use a tour effectively
4 |
As a user
5 |
I can navigate its steps
6 |
7 |
8 |
Scenario: Clicking on items in the page should not end the tour
9 |
Given I log in as "admin"
10 |
And I add a new user tour with:
11 |
| Name | Calendar tour |
12 |
| Description | Calendar tour |
13 |
| Apply to URL match | /my/% |
14 |
| Tour is enabled | 1 |
15 |
And I add steps to the "Calendar tour" tour:
16 |
| targettype | Block | Title | id_content | Content type |
17 |
| Block | Calendar | Calendar events | This is the calendar block | Manual |
18 |
And I change window size to "large"
19 |
And I follow "Dashboard"
20 |
And I wait until the page is ready
21 |
And I should see "This is the calendar block"
22 |
When I click on ".block_calendar_month .calendar-controls .next" "css_element"
23 |
And I wait until the page is ready
24 |
Then I should see "Calendar events"
25 |
26 |
27 |
Scenario: End tour button text for one step tours
28 |
Given I log in as "admin"
29 |
And I add a new user tour with:
30 |
| Name | Calendar tour |
31 |
| Description | Calendar tour |
32 |
| Apply to URL match | /my/% |
33 |
| Tour is enabled | 1 |
34 |
And I add steps to the "Calendar tour" tour:
35 |
| targettype | Block | Title | id_content | Content type |
36 |
| Block | Calendar | Calendar events | This is the calendar block | Manual |
37 |
And I change window size to "large"
38 |
And I follow "Dashboard"
39 |
And I wait until the page is ready
40 |
And I should see "This is the calendar block"
41 |
Then I should see "Got it"
42 |
43 |
44 |
Scenario: End tour button text for multiple step tours
45 |
Given I log in as "admin"
46 |
And I add a new user tour with:
47 |
| Name | First tour |
48 |
| Description | My first tour |
49 |
| Apply to URL match | /my/% |
50 |
| Tour is enabled | 1 |
51 |
And I add steps to the "First tour" tour:
52 |
| targettype | Title | id_content | Content type |
53 |
| Display in middle of page | Welcome | Welcome to your personal learning space. We'd like to give you a quick tour to show you some of the areas you may find helpful | Manual |
54 |
And I add steps to the "First tour" tour:
55 |
| targettype | targetvalue_block | Title | id_content | Content type |
56 |
| Block | Timeline | Timeline | This is the Timeline. All of your upcoming activities can be found here | Manual |
57 |
| Block | Calendar | Calendar | This is the Calendar. All of your assignments and due dates can be found here | Manual |
58 |
When I am on homepage
59 |
Then I should see "Skip tour"
60 |
And I should see "Next (1/3)"
61 |
And I click on "Next (1/3)" "button" in the "Welcome" "dialogue"
62 |
And I should see "Skip tour"
63 |
And I click on "Next (2/3)" "button" in the "Timeline" "dialogue"
64 |
And I should see "End tour"
65 |
66 |
67 |
Scenario: Customised 'end tour' button text for one step tours
68 |
Given I log in as "admin"
69 |
And I add a new user tour with:
70 |
| Name | Calendar tour |
71 |
| Description | Calendar tour |
72 |
| Apply to URL match | /my/% |
73 |
| Tour is enabled | 1 |
74 |
| End tour button's label | CustomText |
75 |
And I add steps to the "Calendar tour" tour:
76 |
| targettype | Block | Title | id_content | Content type |
77 |
| Block | Calendar | Calendar events | This is the calendar block | Manual |
78 |
And I change window size to "large"
79 |
And I follow "Dashboard"
80 |
And I wait until the page is ready
81 |
And I should see "This is the calendar block"
82 |
Then I should see "CustomText"
83 |
84 |
85 |
Scenario: Customised 'end tour' button text for one step tours can be translatable
86 |
Given I log in as "admin"
87 |
And I add a new user tour with:
88 |
| Name | Calendar tour |
89 |
| Description | Calendar tour |
90 |
| Apply to URL match | /my/% |
91 |
| Tour is enabled | 1 |
92 |
| End tour button's label | exporttour,tool_usertours |
93 |
And I add steps to the "Calendar tour" tour:
94 |
| targettype | Block | Title | id_content | Content type |
95 |
| Block | Calendar | Calendar events | This is the calendar block | Manual |
96 |
And I change window size to "large"
97 |
And I follow "Dashboard"
98 |
And I wait until the page is ready
99 |
And I should see "This is the calendar block"
100 |
Then I should see "Export tour"