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efrain |
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@tool @tool_oauth2 @external @javascript
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Feature: OAuth2 email verification
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In order to make sure administrators understand the ramifications of email verification
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As an administrator
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I should see email verifications notifications when configuring an Oauth2 provider.
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Given I log in as "admin"
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And I change window size to "large"
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And I navigate to "Server > OAuth 2 services" in site administration
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Scenario: Create, edit and delete standard service for Google toggling email verification.
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Given I press "Google"
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And I should see "Create new service: Google"
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And I set the following fields to these values:
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| Name | Testing service |
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| Client ID | thisistheclientid |
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| Client secret | supersecret |
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Then I should not see "I understand that disabling email verification can be a security issue."
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And I click on "Require email verification" "checkbox"
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And I should see "I understand that disabling email verification can be a security issue."
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And I click on "I understand that disabling email verification can be a security issue." "checkbox"
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And I press "Save changes"
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And I should see "Changes saved"
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And I click on "Edit" "link" in the "Testing service" "table_row"
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And I press "Save changes"
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And I should see "Required"
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And I click on "Require email verification" "checkbox"
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And I press "Save changes"
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And I should see "Changes saved"