1 |
efrain |
1 |
@tool @tool_mfa @factor_sms
2 |
Feature: Login user with sms authentication factor
3 |
In order to login using SMS factor authentication
4 |
As an user
5 |
I need to be able to login
6 |
7 |
8 |
Given I log in as "admin"
9 |
And the following config values are set as admin:
10 |
| enabled | 1 | tool_mfa |
11 |
| lockout | 3 | tool_mfa |
12 |
And the following config values are set as admin:
13 |
| enabled | 1 | factor_sms |
14 |
# Set up user SMS factor in user preferences.
15 |
When I follow "Preferences" in the user menu
16 |
And I click on "Multi-factor authentication preferences" "link"
17 |
And I click on "Set up" "button"
18 |
And I set the field "Mobile number" to "+34649709233"
19 |
And I press "Send code"
20 |
And I set the field "Enter code" with valid code
21 |
Then I press "Save"
22 |
23 |
Scenario: Login user successfully with sms verification
24 |
Given I log out
25 |
And I log in as "admin"
26 |
And I should see "2-step verification"
27 |
And I should see "Enter code"
28 |
When I set the field "Enter code" with valid code
29 |
And I click on "Continue" "button"
30 |
Then I am logged in as "admin"
31 |
32 |
Scenario: Wrong code number end of possible attempts
33 |
Given I log out
34 |
And I log in as "admin"
35 |
And I should see "2-step verification"
36 |
And I should see "Enter code"
37 |
When I set the field "Enter code" to "555556"
38 |
And I click on "Continue" "button"
39 |
And I should see "Wrong code."
40 |
And I should see "You have 2 attempts left."
41 |
And I set the field "Enter code" to "555553"
42 |
And I click on "Continue" "button"
43 |
And I should see "Wrong code."
44 |
And I should see "1 attempts left."
45 |
And I set the field "Enter code" to "555553"
46 |
And I click on "Continue" "button"
47 |
Then I should see "Unable to authenticate"