1 |
efrain |
1 |
@tool @tool_admin_presets @_file_upload @javascript
2 |
Feature: I can upload a preset file
3 |
4 |
Background: Go to the Import settings page
5 |
Given I log in as "admin"
6 |
And I navigate to "Site admin presets" in site administration
7 |
And I click on "Import preset" "link_or_button"
8 |
9 |
Scenario: Import settings and plugins from a valid XML file
10 |
Given I should see "Import site admin preset"
11 |
And I click on "Import" "button"
12 |
And I should see "You must supply a value here"
13 |
And I upload "admin/presets/tests/fixtures/import_settings_plugins.xml" file to "Select file" filemanager
14 |
And I click on "Import" "button"
15 |
And I should see "Setting changes"
16 |
And I should see "Imported preset"
17 |
And I should see "Enable portfolios" in the "core" "table_row"
18 |
And I should see "900" in the "mod_lesson" "table_row"
19 |
When I click on "Apply" "button"
20 |
And I should see "Setting changes"
21 |
And I should see "Unchanged settings"
22 |
And I click on "Continue" "button"
23 |
Then I should see "Imported preset" in the "Site admin presets table" "table"
24 |
And I navigate to "Advanced features" in site administration
25 |
And the following fields match these values:
26 |
| Enable portfolios | 1 |
27 |
And I navigate to "Plugins > Activity modules > Lesson" in site administration
28 |
And the following fields match these values:
29 |
| Popup window width | 900 |
30 |
31 |
Scenario: Rename imported settings
32 |
Given I should see "Import site admin preset"
33 |
And I set the field "Name" to "Renamed preset"
34 |
And I upload "admin/presets/tests/fixtures/import_settings_plugins.xml" file to "Select file" filemanager
35 |
And I click on "Import" "button"
36 |
And I should not see "Imported preset"
37 |
And I should see "Renamed preset"
38 |
When I click on "Apply" "button"
39 |
And I click on "Continue" "button"
40 |
Then I should not see "Imported preset" in the "Site admin presets table" "table"
41 |
And I should see "Renamed preset" in the "Site admin presets table" "table"
42 |
43 |
Scenario: Import settings from an invalid XML file
44 |
Given I set the field "Name" to "Renamed preset"
45 |
And I upload "admin/presets/tests/fixtures/invalid_xml_file.xml" file to "Select file" filemanager
46 |
When I click on "Import" "button"
47 |
Then I should see "Wrong file"
48 |
And I should not see "Setting changes"
49 |
And I navigate to "Site admin presets" in site administration
50 |
And I should not see "Renamed preset"
51 |
52 |
Scenario: Import unexisting settings category
53 |
Given I set the field "Name" to "Renamed preset"
54 |
And I upload "admin/presets/tests/fixtures/unexisting_category.xml" file to "Select file" filemanager
55 |
When I click on "Import" "button"
56 |
Then I should see "No valid settings"
57 |
And I should not see "Setting changes"
58 |
And I navigate to "Site admin presets" in site administration
59 |
And I should not see "Renamed preset"
60 |
61 |
Scenario: Import one unexisting setting
62 |
Given the following config values are set as admin:
63 |
| debug | 0 |
64 |
| debugdisplay | 0 |
65 |
And I set the field "Name" to "Renamed preset"
66 |
And I upload "admin/presets/tests/fixtures/import_settings_with_unexisting_setting.xml" file to "Select file" filemanager
67 |
When I click on "Import" "button"
68 |
And I should see "Setting changes"
69 |
And I should see "Enable portfolios" in the "core" "table_row"
70 |
And I should not see "No valid settings"
71 |
And I click on "Apply" "button"
72 |
And I should see "Setting changes"
73 |
And I click on "Continue" "button"
74 |
Then I should see "Renamed preset" in the "Site admin presets table" "table"
75 |
And I navigate to "Advanced features" in site administration
76 |
And the following fields match these values:
77 |
| Enable portfolios | 1 |